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Support for fragile porous dust in a gravitationally self-regulated disk around IM Lup


Protoplanetary disks, the birthplace of planets, are expected to be gravitationally unstable in their early phase of evolution. IM Lup, a well-known T-Tauri star, is surrounded by a protoplanetary disk with spiral arms. The disk was probably caused by gravitational instability. The IM Lup disk has been observed using various methods, but developing a unified explanatory model is challenging. Here we present a physical model of the IM Lup disk that offers a comprehensive explanation for diverse observations spanning from near-infrared to millimetre wavelengths. Our findings underscore the importance of dust fragility in retaining the observed millimetre emission and reveal the preference for moderately porous dust to explain the observed millimetre polarization. We also find that the inner disk region is probably heated by gas accretion, which provides a natural explanation for bright millimetre emission within 20 au. The actively heated inner region in the model casts a 100 au-scale shadow that aligns seamlessly with the observation of near-infrared scattered light. The accretion heating also supports the fragile-dust scenario in which accretion efficiently heats the disk midplane. Due to the fragility of the dust, it is unlikely that a potential embedded planet at 100 au formed through pebble accretion in the smooth disk, which suggests that local dust enhancement boosted pebble accretion or that there are alternative pathways, such as outward migration or gravitational fragmentation.

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Fig. 1: Schematic of our model of the IM Lup disk.
Fig. 2: Dust distribution and radial intensity profile obtained from our simulations.
Fig. 3: Comparison of the 1.25 mm intensity profile obtained from our models and the DSHARP observation.
Fig. 4: Polarized intensity along with the polarization vector obtained from the observations and our models.
Fig. 5: H-band (1.6 μm) polarized scattered light multiplied by r2.
Fig. 6: Temperature structure obtained from thermal radiative transfer simulations.

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Data availability

The observational data used in this work are published in refs. 3,7,19,20,54. Due to the large size of the data files, the full physical dataset generated by the simulations presented in this work are available from the corresponding author upon request.

Code availability

The numerical codes are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


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We acknowledge I. Stephens, C. Ginski, A. Sierra, C. Law and T. Paneque-Carreño and the ALMA DSHARP and MAPS programmes for providing the observational data used in this work. T.U. also thanks M. Ueda for creating the schematic illustration shown in Fig. 6. Numerical computations were in part carried out on the Small Parallel Computers at the Center for Computational Astrophysics, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, and on the Smithsonian High Performance Cluster, Smithsonian Institution ( T.U. acknowledges the support of the German Research Foundation (Grant No. 465962023) and an overseas research fellowship from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. R.T. acknowledges funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme (Grant Agreement No. 101053020, project Dust2Planets). M.F. acknowledges funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant Agreement No. 757957). P.S. acknowledges support from the German Research Foundation (Grant No. 495235860). This work is also supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (KAKENHI Grant Nos. JP23H01227, JP23K25923 and JP20H00182).

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The project was initiated through an informal conversation between T.U., R.T. and S.O. T.U. constructed the disk model with advice from M.F. and P.S. T.U. performed all the numerical simulations. Technical advice on the radiative transfer simulations was provided by M.F. and P.S. R.T. and S.O. contributed to the opacity modelling. All authors provided comments used in editing the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Takahiro Ueda.

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Ueda, T., Tazaki, R., Okuzumi, S. et al. Support for fragile porous dust in a gravitationally self-regulated disk around IM Lup. Nat Astron (2024).

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