Welcome to Jalios Marketplace!

Discover all the modules available to boost your Digital Workplace.

Consent Policy

Reassure your employees about their use of your Digital Workplace with a consent charter!

Are your employees concerned about the use of their personal data? Would you like to make them aware of the framework for using the Digital Workplace? With the consent charter module, you can simply distribute a charter for use of the platform, and collect consent from users when they first log on.

This module lets you easily set up and maintain a consent policy:

  • When a member logs in for the first time, the charter is displayed and the member must accept it in order to continue on the site.
  • When the charter is updated, it is displayed again the first time so that it can be accepted again.
  • If the charter is not accepted, access is blocked.

This consent charter is offered to identified members, internal members and guests. It is not displayed for public pages that do not require authentication.

It is also available on mobile.

A dashboard allows the administrator to track the status of charter acceptance by member and acceptance date, and to export this data in CSV format.

What our customers like

What our customers like

  • Respect for good web practices

It's important for us to respect good web practices for our employees. Even internally, it's important to respect a user charter, whether it's for the treatment of their personal data or compliance with the platform's terms of use. The user charter is easy to update, and thanks to the dashboard, we can keep track of employees for whom the charter may pose a problem.

  • Better support for our employees

Thanks to the implementation of the consent charter, our employees are made aware of the proper use of the site, with respect for their personal data and for other users too.