We offer a broad range of products and services to enhance global sustainability disclosures, including supporting the widespread adoption and implementation of IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards and integrated reporting.

Read more about each of our offerings below.


IFRS S1, IFRS S2 and the SASB Standards identify sustainability issues most likely to affect financial performance and enterprise value for 77 industries. Asset managers, asset owners, data and research firms and corporate reporting software providers license IFRS S1, IFRS S2 the SASB Standards and/or the SASB Sustainable Industry Classification System® (SICS®) to focus their processes and products on the sustainability information that matters most to investors. Licensing opportunities help organisations secure the rights to incorporate the SASB Standards’ industry classifications, metrics and/or underlying research into their systems, products or services.

Read more about licensing options.


The IFRS Sustainability Alliance is a diverse global network of members who explore and develop best practices related to sustainability standards and integrated reporting. Organisations and individuals benefit from insights and educational programming related to:

  • environmental, social and governance (ESG) integration and reporting best practices;
  • sustainability standards development;
  • global policy; and
  • academic research. 

Members also receive promotional materials and product discounts.

Read more about the IFRS Sustainability Alliance.


The FSA Credential is designed for professionals who benefit from understanding the link between financially material sustainability information and a company’s ability to drive enterprise value. To earn the credential, candidates must pass two rigorous two-hour exams that assess professional expertise in the materiality of sustainability information for corporate performance and investment analysis.

Read more about the FSA Credential.

The Integrated Reporting Training Programme enables professionals to develop skills and to build capacity for their organisation to implement integrated reporting. The programme—which has two levels, introductory and practitioner—is provided by a variety of approved training partners

Read more about the Integrated Reporting Training Programme.

The IFRS Sustainability Consultant Content Programme keeps corporate sustainability consultants updated on trends regarding the use of IFRS Sustainability resources, including the ISSB Standards and SASB Standards, and where they fit in the broader ESG ecosystem.

Read about the benefits and sign up for the programme.