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Watch the PlayStation Showcase with us tonight, right here, from 9pm

What's on the Horizon?

It's sort of summertime which means it's sort of press conference time which means Sony's doing a PlayStation Showcase tonight, and you can watch it right here with us from 9pm UK time. That's 10pm CEST or 1pm PDT / 4pm EDT.

The show will be an hour long, apparently, and I'll be live reporting everything going on while chatting with you in the comments, because I have four hands.

So what can we expect? Well, Final Fantasy 16 will no doubt feature highly, what with it being a timed exclusive for PlaySation 5 and all, and with it being due next month. Will we get a demo date, perhaps? I'd also expect a solid look at Insomniac's new Spider-Man 2 game, due this autumn, which we still haven't seen a great deal of.

Speaking of solid: could the Metal Gear Solid 3 remake have some kind of exclusivity on PlayStation 5? Maybe we'll find out more tonight. And while we're at it, might Kojima be in the wings ready to tell us more about Death Stranding 2? When isn't he at a press conference - am I right?

We're hoping Sony might take the opportunity to tell us more about The Last of Us multiplayer project and the co-operative Horizon online project, meanwhile. And Ian specifically is holding out - and has long been holding out - for Half Life: Alyx on PS VR2. Is he dreaming?

Sony has said PS VR2 will be a part of the line-up tonight, though, and early sales of the virtual reality headset have been promising - at least, they have been compared to PS VR1.

So! Let the excitement bubble up and join us for a chat while Sony shows us what it has in store.

Our live coverage of this event has finished.

Good afternoon! Full coverage won't begin until around 8.30pm, so consider this the official period of speculation. What are you expecting?

Also, do you have any particularly drinks earmarked for the occasion?

Robert Purchese

Bertie says: Hi Bertie! I can't wait for tonight's show. Great to be here!

Now that's the kind of enthusiasm I'm looking for!

Robert Purchese

HipstersTears says: I'm calling a Bloodborne remake by Bluepoint. Also Death Stranding 2. Otherwise I'm hoping to see at least one strong VR title...

Ooh, a Bluepoint remake. That would be snazzy!

Robert Purchese

MisterHC says: LOL. So erm.... Just starting a liiiitle before the show huh haha. Definitely excited to see what psvr 2 stuff shows up. Am thinking they would do really well to push the idea of hybrid games. For non vr.... The dream for me would be Ghost of Tsushima 2. The original was one of the best not Assassin's Creed game in ages 🤭

Well, the early bird catches the worm and all that! I won't be here the entire time, though. I have to make a delicious dinner of *scrolls Hideo Komjima's Twitter feed* whatever he's having.

Robert Purchese

WithLove&Squalor says: Will copy my wishlist of announcements from another article below - also hoping for some Spiderman 2 gameplay (Good luck beating the OG Tobey Spiderman 2 game for the mantle of 'Best game called Spiderman 2') and maybe a Wolverine tease while we're in that ballpark... Would, like the entirety of the collective internet, lose my mind (topical) if a Bloodborne PC/PS5 port was announced - even better if it's Steam Deck ready. Even BETTER if it precedes a Bloodborne 2 tease. (It's the hope that kills you, every time) Besides that, the usual laundry list of E3/Game Awards announcement wishlist stuff from the past 10 years or so - MGS1/2/3 Fox Engine remake, new Motorstorm (PLEASE), Jak & Daxter?? Sly Cooper?? MEDIEVIL?? (I joke but I'd take a remake of 2 in a f*cking heartbeat)

Another shout for a Bloodborne PC port! I think a few are hoping for this. Matt Wales has threatened to riot and he's supposed to be writing news.

Danzig85 says: We're going to get some sort of Bloorborne update, I can feel it in my waters. Elden DLC info would be a nice surprise as well.

Ooh Elden Ring DLC would be a nice surprise. Maybe it'll be a From Software one-two punch.

Robert Purchese


Commenters, assemble!

Robert Purchese

H1ppyDave says: Finishing an ep of SW visions before bathing in the blue light/techno trance sounds of the holding screen. Big love to everyone, I’m actually really excited. Lots of epic VR stuff please! (Don’t mention The Valve Game Please…)

Was just finishing an episode of Glow Up, personally. Actually love that show. Ding dong. Anyone else?

Robert Purchese

Crane says: Alan Wake Remastered has just been heavily discounted, so I'm betting we'll get a release date announcement for 2, given what we heard from the voice actor recently.

Ooh - good shout.

Robert Purchese

Porkface says: Just finished necking some cheap red wine in the company bar and am now rushing back for some even cheaper red wine at home so I can watch from the comfort of my sofa. It’s a weird feeling seeing it from this side! (And before you ask I’ve next to no idea and none of it is my fault unless you like it in which case it was definitely all my own doing).


Robert Purchese

themightyant says: @Porkface. I’ve gone premium… sort of. I found a dusty bottle of red that was hiding behind the freezer when I defrosted it. That’s one way to age it. A 2005 Shiraz it is. I’ll let you know if it’s corked 😂

Oh my god. Be careful!

Robert Purchese

The most helpful YouTube advice I can give you tonight is: hide chat.


Robert Purchese

What a little flutter my heart did. I wonder if someone at Sony designs this bit especially.

"Let's do that thing just before the show where we make people think it's about to start, but it isn't," says Jim Ryan, chest hair protruding.

Robert Purchese

Actually, does he have chest hair? I can't remember.

Robert Purchese

Miyamotosan says: Sony have so many studios who could be ready to present. Too early for Housemarque?

I think so. I imagine it'll be a little while before we see the new game the studio is working on.

You know, I once met a few of the people from Housemarque in a jacuzzi in Croatia. They were naked, too. I couldn't see anything because of the bubbles. It was one of the most surreal experiences of my life.

Robert Purchese

H1ppyDave says: This is like the bit where the rollercoaster is going up the ramp before the first big drop.

That's a great analogy! Up we goooooo...

Robert Purchese

MisterHC says: Hope it starts a few mins late so I can get my prayers done lol. What timing!

Come on, chop chop!

Robert Purchese

Hurry those prayers up - we're off!

Robert Purchese

Trendy violins, rumbling bass. It's games are cool time!

Robert Purchese

First up, something from Haven. Fairgames.

It looked like Creative Assembly's Hyenas to me - awkward similarity.

Robert Purchese

Can anyone see any chest hair there?

Robert Purchese

Is there a little bit of Sean Bean about him?

Robert Purchese

Super Earth! Our home. It is our home! But oh no someone has been eaten by an ant. Is that the guy from Umbrella Academy - Luther?

Robert Purchese

Helldivers! It's got strong Starship Troopers vibes this.

More co-op shooting vibes. But if it's like Starship Troopers, it could be fun - if it's over the top that is.

Robert Purchese

Helldivers 2, that is. Coming this year to PC and PS5.

What did you all think?

Robert Purchese

Ascendent Studios and EA Originals now.

Handsome guy with funky arm magic.

It's a shooter but a fantasy shooter. I like the arm animations. I wonder how he scratches himself with that thing on. Or wipes his bum. Too much information? This is a serious game, Bertie.

Looks quite energetic.

Immortals of Aveum. What a forgettable name.

Robert Purchese

Ascendent Studios and EA Originals now.

Handsome guy with funky arm magic.

It's a shooter but a fantasy shooter. I like the arm animations. I wonder how he scratches himself with that thing on. Or wipes his bum. Too much information? This is a serious game, Bertie.

Looks quite energetic.

Immortals of Aveum. What a forgettable name.

Robert Purchese

One More Level now, and some idiot has just driven their motorbike off the side of a building!

Oh but now there's a magical grappling hook and they're... OH MY GOD! It's Ghostrunner!

Robert Purchese

Ghostrunner 2!

I loved Ghostrunner. It's got a legit banging soundtrack. Excited for this!

Robert Purchese

S-Games now, and something Samurai-ish.

But these are twisted enemies. Demons. Without faces. Why are the heroes always so devoid of personality?

Third-person action, and a lot of it too. It's fast, more Ninja Gaiden than Souls. And it's weird.

Wall-running. It looks completely over the top, in a very dour, taking itself quite serious way.

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But what is it called?

Phantom Blade 0.

And when is it out? "Coming to PS5." Oh, so, like, it's a long way away.

Robert Purchese

From the artist behind Abzu and Journey now, something that looks quite different. A Giant Squid game and someone is surfing on a kind of sword across a giant desert.

There's a half-pipe!

There are dolphins swimming in the sky!

Sword of the Sea, coming to PS5. That looks interesting!

Robert Purchese

Onto another game - coming thick and fast now.

We're in the body of an android exploring some giant pyramidal spaceship. This looks like a world of vast scenery. An alien planet.

Those are some big statues.

The Talos Principle 2, 2023.

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myiagros says: Talos?

A gold star for you!

Robert Purchese

This next one is from the creators of Gris, and has all the visual gorgeousness of that game. Strong Princess Mononoke vibes - there's a giant wolf fighting with a lady wielding a sword.

But black shadows are overcoming them, and the wolf, which has antlers of a kind, seems to be dead.

There's a baby wolf and it is sad too - I feel you, baby wolf! I feel you.

Neva. 2024. Gawgeous.

Robert Purchese

Cat Quest: Pirates of the Purribean. I wonder if they want a job writing puns here?

That's purrfect.


Robert Purchese

H1ppyDave says: FF7remake pt 2 time!

A gold star for you too!

Robert Purchese

Hang on, false alarm!

Robert Purchese

dfunked09 says: Overwash

Hahahaha! Very, very good.

Robert Purchese

What the hell is this. It's like Splatoon but no one said stop when people kept suggesting game ideas.

Foamstars. By Square Enix.

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If this is Teardown, Teardown is awesome.

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Teardown is already out on PC and I heartily recommend it when it does land - oh this year! On PS5. It really hurt my PC. I wonder what it does to PS5. Quick, call Digital Foundry!

Robert Purchese

This is intriguing.

Lots of nature being nature, but it's all CGI and maybe we'll end up somewhere completely different at the end.

Robert Purchese

Billhickswasright says: Snake eater?


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And here's that song I didn't put in Five of the Best: Songs! I know - you hate me.

"Coming to PS5."

And a 1-2-3 collection coming to PS5.

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This is a curious looking game. Ah, a building game, but third-person, on a weird planet. Oh with crazy dinosaurs and undersea stuff and giant flying creatures.

Towers of Aghast (I think it was).

Robert Purchese

Rogueywon says: And this is FF16. That's the Prelude theme.

We'll see!

Robert Purchese

Billhickswasright says: This a ps3 game?

Hahaha - ouch!

And it did look a bit Assassin's Creed at the beginning, didn't it?

Robert Purchese

yupyup says: Creative Business Unit iii really sounds like a money laundering front


Robert Purchese

That guy with the gravelly voice - what's his name? He's been in loads of things but I remember him being Theon Greyjoy's sort of second in command in Game of Thrones. The guy who helps him out when he goes back to the Iron Islands.

Great voice, anyway.

Robert Purchese

Okay, come on. Bit of a breather. Now something big?

Gruesome start. Alan Wake 2?

Robert Purchese

I don't know how Alan gets any writing done at all, to be honest.

It looks very atmospheric.

Alan Wake 2 on 17th October! Nice. I thought that looked good.

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This is Assassin's Creed: Mirage. I'm surprised we can see it clearly ho ho ho.

12th October.

That lady's voice - she's from Overwatch but I can't quite remember the character!

Robert Purchese

And now, from Finji: A black cat running in a very cute world. It does look like A Night in the Woods, doesn't it? But it's Revenant Hill. No idea what it is but it looks nice.

Robert Purchese

Grranblue Fantasy Relink, 2023 Winter. Ooh, interesting.

Robert Purchese

Street Fighter 6 time. Ryu sounds funny. He's got incredible pectorals in the new game - I've been watching Tom from Digital Foundry play it. Tom doesn't have quite as impressive pecs.

He'll hate me for saying that.

Robert Purchese

Weezy says: Resident Evil 9 starring Ryu???


Robert Purchese

Nemesis says: That lady's voice - she's from Overwatch but I can't quite remember the character! You're thinking Ana; however it's a different VO actress.

I must have dreamt it - I was sure one of the Overwatch cast was in it. Oh well. Silly me!

Robert Purchese

themightyant says: Love the art

Yeah, a kind of psychadaelic fever dream. Ultros. 2024. Curious.

Robert Purchese

Rahmus says: Should I keep holding my breath for PSVR2 titles?

Heh - what Billhicks said!

We are, um, running out of time.

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yupyup says: They said a focus on PS5 and PSVR2. Hoping it runs for more than an hour :|

They did - Jim did!

Robert Purchese

Ooh what's this. That looked the Cateagle from The Last Guardian for a second.

Oh hello - it's Dragon's Dogma 2!

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Dragon's Dogma was a four-player (I think?) co-op fantasy game.

It's got low-fives! Meduas! Harpies! Griffons! Men stroking their beards! Dragons!

Well, that's a turn up!

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Five Nights at Freddy's 2. It'll be massive. Coming late 2023. I think there's a film out then too?

Robert Purchese

It's the virtual reality segment!

It's Resi 4 VR!

Robert Purchese

I can't wait to see Ian play this.

There's no date - it's just "in development for PSVR2".

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Now we're in the Wild West and we've got zombies called... Fred.

There's a strong comedy bent here. It's got all the over the top gore of Dead Island about it.

Robert Purchese

Weezy says: Looks like Half Life Alyx

Haha - nice!

It's Arizona Sunshine 2. It's coming this year.

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pauleyc says: "Not actual gameplay" and "Captured on PC" are best titles so far.

I love those games!

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This is Smilegate's Crossfire: Sierra Squad.

And... was that it for VR? No! There's more.

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nDreams... Oh I've heard of this one. Synapse - we've written about it before


Robert Purchese

I think that really was it for VR. Beat Saber is legit brilliant - I love how a small team (I think Polish?) made a game that has become the de facto VR game.

Bungie time...

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Shut the front foor! MARATHON!

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Not sure what to make of that Marathon trailer. It looked like Destiny to me.

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Yeah - strange, empty trailers showing logos. It'd be nice to see something solid.

I didn't mean the Gran Turismo film!

Robert Purchese

Jim's back. There's still a final game, and some announcements.

Innovation is their passion apparently. A device that allows you to stream any game from your console. Project Q. 8 inch screen. All of the features of the DualSense Wireless Control.

And the first ever PlayStation ear buds for PS5 and PC, and your smartphones. Nice case.

More details soon.

Robert Purchese

Okay so last game time. We're in the jungle with a burly guy. Macho men wrestling each other like it's the start of Predator.

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MisterHC says: This kraven the hunter from spiderman?

Nice shout!

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Whoa what! Spider-Man Venom?

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I've seen so many superhero films now I can't remember when/if that ever happened.

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So you can switch to Miles Morales for more of a traditional Spider-Man experience, it looks like.

Robert Purchese

Rogueywon says: Gameplay looks the same as the last game, really.

It does look very similar. Maybe put next to each other we'd see the differences but I'm struggling to pick up on them here.

But as others have also said, the first game (first two games?) were great.

Robert Purchese

Nemesis says: Those fish look upscaled.

Haha - brilliant!

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TotesBreakfast says: Looks like the final boss of the new Spiderman game will be Spiderman.

That is a great shout.

Robert Purchese

H1ppyDave says: Am I gonna get it? Yeah. Did this get me more excited? Not really. Was hoping for something a bit new this time round

I think you've probably summed up how a few people feel about this one.

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Mr_Grinch says: You can tell Peter Parker is serious even without seeing the Venom suit. He's all gruff, like Batman.

Haha - he did seem to mean business didn't he? There was no wisecracking this time around.

Robert Purchese

I appreciate the gameplay but as the big ending game? I'm not so sure. It's a bit of a flat finish.

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Spider-Man 2, no release date - still autumn 2023.

And I think that's our lot.

I'm struggling to think what stood out. Dragons Dogma 2 is exciting. I'm pumped for Ghostrunner 2. The new PlayStation hardware is interesting. The new game from the Gris team, and from Giant Squid looked good. There's Snake Eater, there's Helldivers. So there were a few things in there.

Robert Purchese

themightyant says: A mixed bag. Pros - plenty of games I was interested in Cons - Very little gameplay, very little “Wow”. Where were the new first party AAAs?

That's a good summary.

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splayer88 says: Some good games in there but the format leaves little time for anything to breathe. And feels more like an assault to the senses making it all bleed into one. And at that point it felt kind of dull.

Yeah I'd agree with this. I miss the shape of a live presentation, and the kind of crescendo you can feel through it.

Robert Purchese

H1ppyDave says: Assassins creed, Alan Wake 2, Phantom Blade 0, Dragons Dogma 2, the Journey looking game, plus a few towhee. There’s some meat in here but so much missed opportunity too. We can basically write off a new VR astrobot or Alyx at this stage. Sigh.

Yeah I think hopes for Alyx have petered out to nothing. Ian will be so sad. Phantom Blade - that's what it was called.

Alan Wake 2 looked good too.

Robert Purchese

H1ppyDave says: Cheers all - I will say this chat made it far more pleasurable. You all are a bunch of wonderful bastards.

You are! Thank you all for joining us!

Robert Purchese

Miyamotosan says: Just having a closer look at Project Q (streaming device), something about it doesn't look right. Might sound weird, but I think it needs a smaller screen?

Yeah, I can't wait for Digital Foundry to get it on their anvil. I actually wouldn't mind a second screen - my partner hogs the main one. Shh don't tell her I said that.

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erp says: Talos Principle 2 was the clear winner for me. My heart skipped a beat when that came on.


Robert Purchese

MrZappa says: I won't get the time back but I did get my kitchen cleaned while watching this!

Haha - nice! How very productive of you!

Robert Purchese

Right! I'm off to bed to dream of a montage of PlayStation games. I wonder which ones will have stuck by the time I get into the office tomorrow.

There's always something great buried in the noise of these things - something small and unexpected. We shall see!

Thank you everyone for joining in this evening! You made me laugh a lot. Until the next time - until... Microsoft/Bethesda on June 11th I think?

Robert Purchese

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