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Total War: Rome 2 footage from Rezzed polished up and released

See the new engine in action.

The Total War: Rome 2 gameplay footage shown to the public for the first time at Rezzed this summer has been polished up and released to the masses.

It shows the Rome 2 game engine and the impressive war it can render. Golden sunlight frames a naval assault on a huge city. Troops march, oars row, catapults lob and walls crumble. People shout things in between the action and there's a bit of dying being done.

More than enough for David Icke to steam into, you could say.

Creative Assembly will be giving a Total War: Rome 2 presentation at the Eurogamer Expo 2012 this week. I'll be watching that - as you can, live - and interviewing lead designer James Russell. Whatever happens, you'll hear about it.

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