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Conspiracist David Icke rants at Sega and Total War

"And they say that I'm mad?"

Conspiracist David Icke is up in arms because Sega won't let him use a song that belongs to Total War.

David Icke's the bloke who used to play and commentate on football but one day had a spiritual epiphany and now believes a secret reptilian brotherhood controls the world. (He was made a fool of on Terry Wogan's chat show.)

Icke wanted to use the anti-war song, We Are All One, for his nine-hour Remember Who You Are Stage show at Wembley Arena on 27th October (can't make it, sorry - having a birthday party).

See you there?

He claimed a financial agreement to use the song was withdrawn by Sega because, "We did not want our music to be associated with a 'controversial' figure." That's what a Sega brand manager told him, apparently.

I asked Sega about this, but Sega wouldn't comment.

"So it is fine and non-controversial for them to use war as entertainment for the young and others, with all the potential impact on their minds and perceptions about war and violence, but not okay to use a song to which they own the rights to call for people to stop killing each other in crazy wars. That would never do because I am a 'controversial figure'. Tut, tut," tutted Icke on his website (via Rock, Paper, Shotgun).

"Using war as entertainment for the young is normal is it? Not 'controversial' at all?"

David Icke

"Using war as entertainment for the young is normal is it? Not 'controversial' at all? I don't want to be associated with Sega, either, but unfortunately they own the rights to a relevant song and I put the truth and what needs to be done before personal feelings."

Icke concluded: "The world is so crazy that it is considered 'controversial' to call for an end to people killing each other, but not to make money from selling video games about Total War.

"And they say that I'm mad?"

Who did, David - the reptiles? You claimed the Sega brand manager said "controversial".

Nonetheless, the song is Sega's to do as it wishes with. I also find it hard to believe a strategical historical warfare series routinely rated 16 by PEGI will be the most corrupting influence a teenager faces.

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