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Starfield Outpost Tips and Tricks

From cargo links to assigning crew, this is everything you need to know about building Outposts in Starfield.

starfield raised outpost building
Image credit: Bethesda

Outposts in Starfield can be built on the planets that you visit. If you just want somewhere to rest your head, then there's a Module for that. If you want a research station, crafting station, or to harvest resources from the planet then there are options for that too. How your Outpost runs and looks is completely up to you.

There are so many things to think about when building an Outpost on your chosen planet in Starfield, and you'll need to spend time collecting resources to be able to build everything. Though, the fact it won't cost you any Credits is a nice touch.

Here's everything you need to know about Outposts in Starfield, plus a few handy tips and tricks to make building one a lot easier.

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Everything you need to know about building an Outpost in Starfield

An Outpost in Starfield is essentially your base camp on any planet of your choice, weather and atmosphere dependant. The idea of being able to create your own base is definitely enticing, but the multiple options on offer and things you have to think about can get a bit daunting.

However, there's no need to worry or get so irritated with building your first outpost that the mortgage from your dream home starts looking good, as we've made guides covering everything there is to know about making one.

One of the most important things to remember is that there is a limit on how many Outposts you can build. At the moment, in our experience, it looks like you can only build eight Outposts at a time across all of the systems.

starfield outpost random pet that won't leave
We're not sure how they got in or why they won't leave, but this is now our Outpost mascot Scuttle. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Bethesda

Tips and tricks for building an Outpost in Starfield

Here our top tips and tricks for building an Outpost in Starfield. We've spend almost half of our time in the game messing around with this feature, figuring out how to get around certain obstacles and learning the hard way that we should have collected our resources instead of selling them for Credits so that you don't have to!

  • Get the Planetary Habitation skill - This skill allows you to build Outposts on planets that have extreme environments, expanding the potential places you can build your base.
  • Horde Resources - You have unlimited storage in your Safe in your room in the Lodge in New Atlantis, so use it! Each module and item you can put into your Outpost will cost multiple resources. Instead of selling or dumping resources to give yourself some more room, horde everything you collect - you'll be grateful you did when you decide to build your own Outpost.
  • Choose a resource rich planet - Choosing the best planet for your outpost is key. Hving a base on a rich planet can make it easier for you if you need to go out and find specific resources. Who needs to Grav Jump when there's Uranium on your doorstep?
  • Assign Crew - At first, we didn't bother doing this and we regret it. Assigning crew or companions to your Outpost will help make sure that things run as smoothly as possible without you being there.
  • starfield outpost crew lin and heller
    We've got Heller and Lin at one of our Outposts. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Bethesda
  • Build extractors - We highly recommend building at least one of each type of extractor (solid, liquid, gas) in your Outpost. Once powered, they will work automatically in the background and harvest resources for you - you don't even need to be there!
  • Add beds - This may sound a bit obvious, but doing this has saved our medical supplies quite a few times. Adding a bed, or several, to your Outpost will give you a place to recover your health simply by sleeping. (We may have walked through a gas vent near our first Outpost and needed one...)
  • Add crafting stations - If your base is somewhere you see yourself spending a lot of time when you're in that system or portion of space, kitting it out with all of the available crafting stations will make sure almost anything you need will be available.
  • Don't be afraid to delete things - Creating an Outpost is really trial and error, so if something isn't working for you don't be afraid to delete it. Deleting items from your Outpost, or the entire Outpost itself, will give you a full refund of any materials used to build it. You're never out of pocket for changing your mind.
  • Spread out your Outposts - There are quite a few systems to visit across the galaxy, so we recommend spreading out your Outposts between them. That way, if they're spread out, you'll never be too far from a base when you need one.
starfield outpost cargo link platform
Image credit: Eurogamer/Bethesda

If you're on the hunt for more Starfield content, check out our romancing guides for Sarah Morgan and Andreja. Also, take a look at our guides on stealing ships, selling ships, and joining the Crimson Fleet.

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