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Adoring Fan in Starfield explained

How to be worshipped every moment of your existence in Starfield.

third person photo mode view of female captain with first raised at the adoring fan on a ship
Image credit: Eurogamer/Bethesda Softworks

The Adoring Fan makes a creepy return to Starfield with the Hero Worshipped trait, following you across star systems instead of Oblivion's Cyrodiil this time.

You're only allowed to pick three traits in Starfield at the character creator, so knowing exactly what each trait does is essential to creating the best builds, or most interesting stories, for your custom character.

To help you decide whether the Hero Worshipped trait is worth it or not we've got an explainer on its perks and downsides below from what we've played so far, as well as where to find the Adoring Fan, how to remove the Hero Worshipped trait, and how to kill the Adoring Fan if your patience with him has reached its limit.

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Starfield Adoring Fan explained

The Adoring Fan is the consequence of picking the 'Hero Worshipped' trait in Starfield, and is essentially just another companion and crew member you can add to the roster - he just has a slight obsession with you is all.

Like other companions, the Adoring Fan can follow you around and carry stuff in his inventory. With his Rank 2 Weight Lifting Skill, the Adoring Fan does have a slightly higher carrying capacity than most other companions. His other skills are Rank 1 in Scavenging and Concealment. This means there's a chance you get extra credits when searching containers with the Adoring Fan as your companion.

The Adoring Fan will also occasionally give you gifts if you regularly have him as your set companion. This seems to be just the same gift system as other companions though, as we haven't got anything unique from him yet. Make sure to talk to him in between exploring to see if he has any gifts for you.

Eurogamer/Bethesda Softworks
Image credit: Eurogamer/Bethesda Softworks

As a companion, you can also assign the Adoring Fan to outposts if you want, but his skillset doesn't really lend itself to outpost management or resource production. Still, the option is there if you want to send him packing without dismissing him from your crew entirely.

Where to find the Adoring Fan in Starfield

The Adoring Fan is located in New Atlantis on the planet Jemison. He won't appear until you first visit The Lodge as part of the main mission, but once you do, the Adoring Fan should run up to you in amazement during your travels around New Atlantis. We bumped into him at the spaceport area of New Atlantis, near the NAT tram.

Eurogamer/Bethesda Softworks
Image credit: Eurogamer/Bethesda Softworks

If the Adoring Fan isn't spawning on New Atlantis for you, try visiting another planet and then coming back.

There's also a possibility that the Adoring Fan can just appear on your ship, but this didn't happen for us, so we can't confirm whether this is true, or how rare of an occurrence it is.

How to remove Hero Worshipped trait in Starfield

If the Adoring Fan becomes a bit too much to handle for you then you can remove the Hero Worshipped trait by choosing the 'We need to talk about your fandom' speech option, then one of the top three options.

You can now pick the 'Remove Crew Status Permanently' option to part ways with the Adoring Fan still worshipping you, or use the persuade option to convince him that you're a murderer and shatter that pedestal he put you on.

Eurogamer/Bethesda Softworks
Image credit: Eurogamer/Bethesda Softworks

Whatever option you pick, the Adoring Fan will be kicked from your crew list, loses his companion status, and is no longer classed as an essential NPC. Which means...

How to kill the Adoring Fan in Starfield

The Adoring Fan is unkillable until you dismiss him as a companion. We found this out by using 45 shotgun shells on him, so trust us, he's pretty unkillable as a companion. The Adoring Fan dismisses your violence with compliments and apologies for getting in your way if you wanted to see even more creepiness from him before making him killable though.

first person view of shooting the adoring fan with a shotgun
Image credit: Eurogamer/Bethesda Softworks

So, to kill the Adoring Fan in Starfield you have to dismiss him from your crew as a companion first. Pick the 'We need to talk about your fandom' speech option, then either the 'Attack' sentence, persuade him you're a murderer, or 'Remove Crew Status Permanently'.

Whatever option you pick, you'll know you can now kill the Adoring Fan when the popup box tells you that the Adoring Fan is 'no longer essential'.

first person view of looking at the adoring fan's corpse
Image credit: Eurogamer/Bethesda Softworks

However, pick your kill spot carefully, as other companions are very annoyed at your crew-murdering tendencies if they see you killing the Adoring Fan, or are nearby when it happens.

Is the Adoring Fan worth it in Starfield?

The Adoring Fan is essentially just another companion in Starfield, albeit a very annoying one. So whether you should pick 'Hero Worshipped' all comes down to whether you want to use up a trait to get the Adoring Fan or not.

He does have a slightly higher carry capacity than other companions, which comes in handy when exploring, and as he's your number one fan you can't really do anything that he dislikes. This pairs well with the 'Extrovert' trait, as it means you can take him along in any situations and act however you like with no consequences to his approval score, while benefiting from the trait's oxygen bonus.

Adoring Fan in Elder Scrolls Oblivion
starfield hero worshipped adoring fan
Image credit: Bethesda

Another handy bonus comes from the Adoring Fan's Scavenging skill, which means you have the chance to find more credits when searching containers with the Adoring Fan as your companion.

With this in mind, we don't think the Adoring Fan is completely worth it if you don't think the slightly increased carry capacity and chance to get more credits is enough to have him as your companion, but we do think he's worth picking if you want some laughs throughout your travels. So if you're stuck between choosing traits, keep in mind that the Adoring Fan is more of a funny easter egg than someone who helps with your character builds.

For more help picking traits, check out our Dream Home and Kid Stuff explainers.

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