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Square Enix E3 2018 conference live report

The Quiet Man, a new PlatinumGames joint and a very quiet conference all in all. All the news as it happened.

Well, at the very least they kept it brief. Square Enix offered a quick 30 minute recap of its offerings over the next few months, dropping in the announcement of a new PlatinumGames joint, Babylon's Fall, as well as the mysterious looking The Quiet Man. And that, pretty much, was that.

Our live coverage of this event has finished.

Pretty livid I didn't go with 'Be there or be Square' for the strap right now.

Martin Robinson

Also hello, welcome to the second day of E3 conferences that kicks off nice and early and takes us through to the early hours of tomorrow morning.

Martin Robinson

After yesterday's incredible shows I'm genuinely thrilled to see what's in store.

Martin Robinson

We can expect a detailed look at Life is Strange 2, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Kingdom Hearts 3 and Just Cause 4.

Martin Robinson

Which is quite a lot to be getting on with already really.

Martin Robinson

But hey we're never satisfied, so give us a look at Crystal Dynamic's Avengers game and Left Alive as well while you're at it.

Martin Robinson

Pretty please.

Martin Robinson

Oh and look, thanks to our lovely tech team we have side by side comments now up with our live reports.

Martin Robinson

So it's all one love-in once again. Thank you, boffins! Thoffins.

Martin Robinson

Kami: Hooray for the Tech Team! Do they get a day off now for good behaviour?

They don't have to work 'til 5am this morning, so...

Martin Robinson

Dream announcements in the next 60 minutes or so - Final Fantasy 12 on Switch, a new Final Fantasy Tactics from Matsuno for the Switch, all Final Fantasy games from now on to be set in Ivalice.

Martin Robinson

And Nomura to be banished from making games ever again as he's demoted to janitor.

Martin Robinson

Whatever they show on FF7 remake it'll be very early doors seeing as the project was seemingly rebooted not so long ago.

Martin Robinson

Justsomedudeontheweb: Just give FF7 remake to someone else and trap Nomura in a dungeon to make KH Games forever until he learns the definition of optimization.

Would also be up for this.

Martin Robinson

Paul Watson

MFW Final Fantasy 7 doesn't show up

Paul Watson

How could I forget? I'm really looking forward to Dragon Quest 11, though I keep forgetting about it as it came out in Japan so long ago.

Martin Robinson

This'll be a pre-recorded video, so if you're hoping for some bizarre celebrity cameos going horribly awry you might be disappointed.

Martin Robinson

It lives.

Martin Robinson

E3 Monday 2018 is go go go.

Martin Robinson

The big man Matsuda takes the stage.

Martin Robinson

Or the video or whatever you want to call it. Anyway he's talking to us. Pay attention will you.

Martin Robinson

Kami: Kicking off with Lara. Is it problematic to say I preferred the old classic Lara?

That is the correct opinion.

Martin Robinson

The third prequel for Tomb Raider, in which Lara might finally become Lara, is kicking off things.

Martin Robinson

Plenty of mild peril in this cutscene intro, as is the norm for this new Tomb Raider.

Martin Robinson

There's more of a survival element to this one, a little bit of Batman detective mode because hey it's 2009 all over again.

Martin Robinson

"Become one with the jungle." So it's Tomb Raider 3: Snake Eater?

Oli Welsh

What happened to her dual wielding? Wasn't that the climax to the first prequel, which was then conveniently forgotten for its sequel.

Martin Robinson

Anyway stealth is fine, and obviously Eidos Montreal know a thing or two about embracing different play-styles coming off the back of Deus Ex.

Martin Robinson

And Thief also though the less said about that the better.

Martin Robinson

Also this is really dark and it's quite bright here in Brighton so I don't know really but they're really doubling down on the shadow part of this Shadow of the Tomb Raider right now.

Martin Robinson

Well that's gone a bit grimmer than the earlier games, which was just what the series was calling out for.

Martin Robinson

I'm sure it's going to be a fun diversion and I'm going to play it, but I'm also looking forward to the deboot of this series.

Martin Robinson

Final Fantasy 14, the absolutely fantastic MMO that's all I've ever wanted from Final Fantasy and yet I can never find the time to actually properly play it, is up next.

Martin Robinson

Whatascoop: "body here looks recent" you were talking to him 10 seconds ago

I want a stealth game where upon finding a body, the guard's like "OH MY GOD THEY KILLED STEVE YOU GUYS"

Paul Watson

And watching this trailer for Stormblood and the imminent patch Under the Moonlight just makes me think I should sack off all other games for a while and just get stuck in.

Martin Robinson

Alright, this Monster Hunter World crossover has pushed me over. Let's take down Rathalos in FF14!

Martin Robinson

The Life is Strange prequel, which we've already glimpsed, is up now - it's a free download later this month and will lead into the full Life is Strange sequel.

Martin Robinson

Dragon Quest 11 now, which is a certified banger.

Martin Robinson

Can't quite believe we're getting a proper single-player Dragon Quest soon over here, and after the slightly disappointing Ni No Kuni 2 I'm very much up for a deep, lengthy traditional JRPG to play.

Martin Robinson

This looks great, but while the trailer was playing all the FF12 diehards at Eurogamer all made a pact to properly make a go of playing Final Fantasy 14.

Martin Robinson

So there goes the rest of my free time the next few months.

Martin Robinson

Still no news on the Switch version of Dragon Quest 11 - or the 3DS version coming west, I don't think.

Martin Robinson

Babylon's Fall, a new game from PlatinumGames.

Martin Robinson

No idea what it's about, but it's out in 2019 and yes I will definitely play it. Wonder if it's what Kamiya is on at the moment?

Martin Robinson

AoifeLockhart: Did you just call me an FF12 diehard?

No. You're not invited, go back to playing Kingdom Hearts.

Martin Robinson

(also please do actually join our group because you're better at games than any of us).

Martin Robinson

Octopath Traveller, which is out so, so soon gets its moment in the spotlight.

Martin Robinson

And now Just Cause 4. It's a fairly rapid run through everything that's on Square Enix's books at the moment.

Martin Robinson

In keeping with every game at this year's E3, it has weather.

Martin Robinson

I just hope it has a bit more of a personality and a reason to exist than Just Cause 3, which was very much inessential.

Martin Robinson

Out in December - which I think we might have known already.

Martin Robinson

Is this... Deus Ex?

Martin Robinson

Or Marvel. Anyway it's a live action trailer for something all-new.

Martin Robinson

The Quiet Man. I have no idea.

Martin Robinson

Has a Remedy vibe to it, though there's a bit more hand-to-hand combat in it. It's PS4 and Steam, and we'll find out more in August - presumably at Gamescom.

Martin Robinson

My mum always said if you've got nothing nice to say, say nothing.

Martin Robinson

So I'll keep quiet during this Kingdom Hearts 3 recap.

Martin Robinson

That might have been it, seeing as we've gone straight into a quickfire recap.

Martin Robinson

Is about the sum of it.

Martin Robinson

Hmmm. At least it was only 30 minutes.

Martin Robinson

Krychek: Well... that was dry.

Dry bowser indeed.

Martin Robinson

Well, things can only get better from here on out. Ubisoft is up next at 9pm BST, and they'll certainly have more to discuss.

Martin Robinson

And I shall see you then.

Martin Robinson

So, The Quiet Man, a mysterious looking live action/fisticuffs thing, and a new PlatinumGames joint.

Martin Robinson

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