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Sony Gamescom Conference

It's all over! Read through our live report.

It's all over! There was no new PS3 hardware, and certainly nothing on PS4, but Sony announced a bunch of new games including several for PS3 (Until Dawn, Rain and Puppeteer) and others for Vita (Media Molecule's lovely new game Tearaway), while there were also various service announcements for PlayStation Plus and PlayStation Mobile, and more news on things like Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified. Read through the live report below to get a sense of how it unfolded...

Our live coverage of this event has finished.

Quick bit of housekeeping: we are *told* that the thing we have embedded on this page will show the conference. We're not sure about it though as it's a bit non-standard. If not, try

Tom Bramwell

Oh hello! We're inside Cologne's spartan Staatenhaus. This is really, really, real!

Martin Robinson

I love the buzz that's humming around on a day like today. Plenty of rumours doing the rounds of what will be shown here.

Martin Robinson

So, that Half-Life thing turned out to be a bit of hot air. I was hoping that EA would announce it as an Origin exclusive at its conference earlier on.

Martin Robinson

Favourite rumour so far: Agent's going to re-emerge as a Vita game tonight.

Martin Robinson

Nonsense, but loveable nonsense.

Martin Robinson

Our friends at Sony tell us there are plenty of surprises in store tonight - we already know there are a couple of new game announcements inbound.

Martin Robinson

What's super-amazing is that none of it has leaked.

Martin Robinson

Couple of theories from me: Killzone on Vita will turn up again, and we'll also get to learn what Guerrilla's been up to.

Martin Robinson

Er, that's Guerrilla, of course. Typing without a safety net here. THE THRILL OF THE LIVEBLOG.

Martin Robinson

Tom P's predictions: 'They've cloned Mario Kart already, and they've cloned Super Smash Bros. What else can they steal from Nintendo?'

Martin Robinson

Wes points out that now's a good a time as any to learn what Media Molecule's been up to.

Martin Robinson

Also, just spotted Media Molecule's Alex Evans mooching around, so that's a pretty good shout.

Martin Robinson

Any takers for a Gran Turismo appearance? I'd hit the roof if that happened, but Kaz is over in Asia for the GT Academy right now so it's unlikely.

Martin Robinson

Alex Evans is one of the guys on the post-conference Q&A panel, along with Shu Yoshida, Kellee Santiago (Journey) and Ian Dallas (Unfinished Swan). That starts at 7.45pm BST / 8.45pm CET, suggesting the conference itself will be around 90 minutes max.

Tom Bramwell

Just under four minutes to go. If this is the only games industry conference in history to start on time, anyway.

Tom Bramwell

Tom B's asked me to write something about meat. I can't believe I've actually gone 20 minutes into a Gamescom liveblog and haven't mentioned meat.

Martin Robinson

So, here's a thing: I ate a half metre sausage last night. For breakfast, our hotel serves ALL THE MEATS.

Martin Robinson

I reckon we'll see Sony Cambridge, but I'm becoming increasingly convinced it's going to be Killzone Vita. Would love to be wrong, though, and there's definitely some new IP that's going to break cover tonight.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Couple of minutes to go. Excitement level rising. About to tear off own top and start hollering.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Showreel time, with Last of Us, GOW4, PlayStation Super Smash Brawl Melee Champions and plenty, plenty others.

Martin Robinson

Move! Don't forget about Move, 'cos that's going to play a big part tonight. Even if you really don't want it to.

Martin Robinson

Reel ends up with a shot of the Cologne skyline, and Jim 'The Hunk' Ryan steps up to the plate.

Martin Robinson

We've gone straight for the lifestyle photography - used here to highlight the scope of PlayStation's player base.

Martin Robinson

We're starting with the Vita, which is smart.

Martin Robinson

LittleBigPlanet on Vita's the first to get a runthrough. Let's hope we see some of that Wii U baiting crossplay in there.

Martin Robinson

This already has a release date, of course - it's coming out September 19th.

Martin Robinson

Which we're reminded with as the trailer ends. There's also a Vita bundle coming out - the wi-fi model's being packaged in for 249.99 EUR.

Martin Robinson

Oh hi. It's the character runthrough for Super Sony Smash Brawl All Stars.

Martin Robinson

And now a runthrough of the crossplay features for PS3 and Vita.

Martin Robinson

PlayStation All Stars will be the first game to make the most of Cross Buy

Martin Robinson

Buy the Vita or PS3 version and you'll get the other format for free.

Martin Robinson

We've seen this before with MotorStorm, but that doesn't stop it being really impressive when it comes to full-priced games.

Martin Robinson

Ratchet & Clank and Sly will also utilise this feature.

Martin Robinson

And now a look at AC3 Liberation. Some in-game stuff shows that it looks like a full-blooded Assassin's experience on the handheld.

Martin Robinson

There are touch controls, of course, but they don't look too obtrusive - used in combat in one instance, and then to steer a boat.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

This'll be our first real look at Declassified. Its appearance was strangely muted at E3.

Martin Robinson

Deathmatch and Kill Confirmed both in for the Vita version.

Martin Robinson

As, predictably, are touch controls for various gadgets.

Martin Robinson

I would like to see the game please!

Martin Robinson

There's a bundle coming out for CoD too - this really could be give the Vita the boost it needs.

Martin Robinson

FULL DISCLOSURE: I'm a big fan of the Vita. But you can't deny that its Christmas line-up is pretty healthy.

Martin Robinson

PSOne Classics coming to the Vita on August 28th!

Martin Robinson

Handheld FF7! MGS! Vagrant Story!

Martin Robinson

And now it's Media Molecule's new IP. Well called, Wes.

Martin Robinson

Alex Evans is taking to the stage.

Martin Robinson

Quick sidenote - we'll be seeing CoD tomorrow, and will give you impressions during the day.

Martin Robinson

It's a Vita game! Well, there's a Vita on stage.

Martin Robinson

"It's in paper that we've taken our inspiration" says Evans.

Martin Robinson

The game will make the most of the Vita's tactile elements.

Martin Robinson

And it's called Tearaway.

Martin Robinson

Iota's the star character. He's a little envelope.

Martin Robinson

"The world is just an important character as Iota himself"

Martin Robinson

Wow, this does look lovely. A DIY papercraft look.

Martin Robinson

Now that's how you use the rear touch panel - Rex is poking up through the world, his finger breaking through the paper land.

Martin Robinson

I don't think it's the kind of thing that's going to sell a load of Vitas, but it certainly makes me happy to have one.

Martin Robinson

Trailer runs through the various features. As you'd expect, it uses ALL of the Vita's capabilities.

Martin Robinson

Some of the fingers-through-the-back-of-the-paper-world stuff is ingenious. In the trailer now you can see Rex not just bumping Iota up on vibrating drum-heads, but tearing through three or four fingers and dragging them back and forth, creating ruptures in the scenery.

Tom Bramwell

Guerilla are up now.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

No you didn't :-(

Tom Bramwell

It's on the Vita. And it's called Killzone Mercenary.

Martin Robinson

A completely new game, and a first person shooter.

Martin Robinson

A brief showing, sadly, but it's good to know that it's still alive and kicking.

Martin Robinson

Well, after all that it's time for PlayStation Mobile. It's all about making your content mobile.

Martin Robinson

A seamless experience that's anchored to your PSN ID. I was excited by NFS's Crosscompete earlier on, and I'm excited for this.

Martin Robinson

And now let's have a look at the PlayStation Mobile games.

Martin Robinson

They're coming to the Vita, which is more good news for the handheld.

Martin Robinson

A maze game, a colourful 2D shooter - they look like mobile games, but that, of course, isn't a bad thing.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Again, it's got the Cross Buy philosophy.

Martin Robinson

Interesting to see how this fits in with Minis, or if it replaces them completely.

Martin Robinson

Asus and Wikipad will be two partners at launch.

Martin Robinson

30 minutes in, and we're on to PS3.

Martin Robinson

The line-up this Christmas includes Dust, LBP Karting and others. And plenty, plenty more from third parties.

Martin Robinson

One of those is AC3

Martin Robinson

PS3 Essentials - a new value brand that offers classics for 19.99 Euros. You'll get some ugly box art with those too.

Martin Robinson

Cross controller for LBP 2, that allows you to play across PS3 and Vita.

Martin Robinson

That's due for this year, and Pete Smith of Sony's out here to show it off.

Martin Robinson

mumblyjoe: Wanna see more of Dust 514!

If you want to see more of Dust, come back to EG on August 22nd when we'll be bringing you beta impressions.

Martin Robinson

With crossplay you can bring down the action to the Vita.

Martin Robinson

This is reminiscent of Nintendoland - using the second screen gives you a unique view of the action.

Martin Robinson

In this example, you use it to identify invisible obstacles in a maze.

Martin Robinson

Using the touch controls on the Vita to move on-screen objects.

Martin Robinson

Poor Pete Smith's jokes are sinking like a stone.

Martin Robinson

I'd say that this is Tom P's prophecy being fulfilled again, but as impressive as this is it doesn't have the scope of Nintendoland.

Martin Robinson

Using the Vita to scan the screen and make out objects.

Martin Robinson

Jumping down a pipe, and now Sackboy's on the Vita.

Martin Robinson

The gyro on the Vita's used to move a sponge and solve a puzzle. It's interesting, and I'd love to see what LBP2's community can make with this.

Martin Robinson

We're moving on to PlayStation Plus.

Martin Robinson

Red Dead Redemption is September's Game of the Month - and that gets a big cheer.

Martin Robinson

'From September, we'll be increasing the cloud storage from 100MB to 1GB'

Martin Robinson

Which should mean that you'll have enough room for all your saves.

Martin Robinson

There's a 25 per cent discount inbound, and it's coming to Vita.

Martin Robinson

FINALLY. Wonderbook's here.

Martin Robinson

And so is Michael Denny to do the honours.

Martin Robinson

"Our biggest new release of this holiday season," says Denny.

Martin Robinson

Book of Spells, Sony's hoping, will be a big pull, diving into the world of Harry Potter.

Martin Robinson

I see this time they've gone for a canned trailer approach rather than a live stage demo as they did at E3, which, er, wasn't the most captivating showmanship of the trade show season, shall we say?

Tom Bramwell

Like most of you, I"m still not completely convinced by Wonderbook. Appreciate it's not for the likes of us, but I can't see many children going nuts for it.

Martin Robinson

Anyway - if anything's going to shift it, Book of Spells will.

Martin Robinson

A new IP for Wonderbook - Diggs Nightcrawler. It's got a pig in it.

Martin Robinson

And an egg.

Martin Robinson

And a caterpillar.

Martin Robinson

Actually, I'd rather not imagine that right now thank you very much.

Martin Robinson

WipEout for Wonderbook!

Martin Robinson

Well, there's an image of a WipEout ship.

Martin Robinson

Walking with Dinosaurs is now part of the Wonderbook experience. It's being developed by Supermassive - them of the slightly underwhelming recent Doctor Who game.

Martin Robinson

Feed a triceratops! Dig up a bone!

Martin Robinson

Disney's onboard too. Well, Sony's certainly putting a lot of effort into this.

Martin Robinson

FIFA 13's Move capabilities now.

Martin Robinson

You can shout at the ref on Kinect - can you prod him with Move?

Martin Robinson

Dave's changed his shirt since the EA conference, fashion watchers. Slipping into some darker evening wear with a crisp black shirt.

Martin Robinson

This looks very much like PES on the Wii - you can direct runs and passes with Move.

Martin Robinson

if you've played PES on Wii, you'll know that this could actually be a Very Good Thing.

Martin Robinson

Will be available at launch for FIFA 13 when it's out later this year.

Martin Robinson

Three new games about to be announced. BRACE. BRACE.

Martin Robinson

Until Dawn first up.

Martin Robinson

This sort of leaked earlier - it's a horror game, and you'll play as seven different characters.

Martin Robinson

Looks to have a TV mini-series vibe.

Martin Robinson

And it's Supermassive on development duties. Yup, them of that Doctor Who game again.

Martin Robinson

The Move looks like it's used to direct a torch. There's some sexiness too!

Martin Robinson

There's gunplay, some Move-based puzzles and lots and lots of night.

Martin Robinson

It smacks of schlocky horror, though that could be a good thing. Will this be a PSN game? I'm inclined to think so.

Martin Robinson

On to Japan Studio's new game now. EXCITE LEVEL RISING.

Martin Robinson

First up is Rain - again, the title leaked.

Martin Robinson

Snowflakes Are Dancing playing over a moody trailer.

Martin Robinson

You're an invisible boy - conceptually, this reminds me a little of A Shadow's Tale on Wii.

Martin Robinson

The world and your presence in it is revealed by the rain.

Martin Robinson

Another new title! We're being proper spoilt.

Martin Robinson

Gavin Moore from Japan Studio onstage to introduce Puppeteer.

Martin Robinson

"The world of Puppeteer moves around you" says Moore. It's a fairytale game, with a surreal storyline.

Martin Robinson

You're out to steal some magical scissors - and here's the game.

Martin Robinson

The screen's framed by curtain, and you're moving across a stage that's filled with props.

Martin Robinson

It's a platformer, essentially, but a really characterful one that has you brandishing those magica scissors to move around.

Martin Robinson

Puppeteer looks sweet! A sort of string theatre marionette pantomime adventure. Absolutely beautiful, too. Hurrah for new stuff!

Tom Bramwell

So that's the new IP out the way. Now onto some known quantities with Beyond and The Last of Us.

Martin Robinson

We're going to finish with a look at the Last of Us. I think we've got a slightly more reserved crowd here than at E3, so let's hope for no boorish cheering of brutal kills.

Martin Robinson

Here's something you probably know already: The Last of Us looks incredible.

Martin Robinson

TazerFan: This is the same trailer from E3, correct?

I believe it's new - a montage of fresh gameplay.

Martin Robinson

Jim's here to take us home.

Martin Robinson

Carry me home in those trunk-like arms, Jim.

Martin Robinson

"We envisage a world where everyone can be transfixed with the power of imagination." What a dreamboat.

Martin Robinson

Here's CoD on Vita!

Martin Robinson

And that's why we haven't seen it before! Textures look flat, the frame-rate a little choppy.

Martin Robinson

Still, it's Call of Duty, and it's got 4v4 MP.

Martin Robinson

And with that, the lights are up and the show comes to an end.

Martin Robinson

That's a lot of new IP, and a fair amount of surprises.

Martin Robinson

Tekkirai: No super slim then.

There's always TGS...

Martin Robinson

Tearaway's the clear highlight, and the Vita's looking an awful lot healthier after all that.

Martin Robinson

X201: Martin we can still see the room.. wave at the camera

I'm the guy with his man boobs out who's dancing like a viking.

Martin Robinson

We'll be bringing you updates on those new games over the next few days once the show starts proper tomorrow.

Martin Robinson

And the lovely Johnny Minkley's going to take to the stage in a tick to present a live Q&A with some of Sony's top-brass and brightest creators. Catch it all on the livestream.

Martin Robinson

Me? I think I'm about to slink off and grab a kolsch. Thanks for being here, and happy happy Gamescom to all of you!

Martin Robinson

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