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Republique squeaks past its Kickstarter goal

Metal Gear dev's ambitious stealth title cuts it fine.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Ambitious iOS/PC stealth title République has crawled past its Kickstarter total with just hours to spare.

It successfully raised $500,000 with seven hours left on the clock. That has since risen to $506,733 from 9981 backers.

It's an unlikely success story - four days ago it still had more than $200,000 to go. However, former Kojima Productions man Ryan Payton and his Camouflaj team have somehow managed to rally some serious last-ditch support.

"We did it! We reached our goal! Thank you everyone! This has been surreal. (Trying not to cry like a big baby right now.)" read a Tweet from Payton a short time ago.

As initially pitched, République was to be an "intense action game" for iOS "without a focus on killing" that features "a believable, non-sexualized female lead".

However, as its fund-raising drive progressed, Camouflaj decided to widen its scope, and it now intends to launch the game on Mac and PC too. Expect the finished title some time in 2013.

Bravo, we say. Nice to see a successful Kickstarter fueled by a desire to try something new rather than feeding off nostalgia for days gone by.

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