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République: Episode 3 is due this week

The stealth series is finally coming to Android.

République: Episode 3: Ones & Zeroes is due this Thursday, 23rd October, on iOS and Android.

Additionally, its its first two episodes will finally launch on Android via Google Play and the Amazon App Store courtesy of Darkwind Media.

"Ones & Zeroes is the longest episode yet, clocking in at over three hours for most players," said director Ryan Payton, who previously produced Metal Gear Solid 4 and Halo 4. "Not only is EP3 our most content heavy episode to date, I'm really proud how our new features retroactively enhance previous episodes."

This latest chapter will introduce all new gadgets and powers like the Sleepyhead crowd control mine and OMNI ability to visualise enemies on the map and delay guard patrols.

République: Episode 3 will cost £2.99 / €4.49 / $4.99 as an in-app purchase. To celebrate the series' launch on Android and its third-episode coming out, République will be on sale for £1.99 / €2.69 / $2.99 across all platform for a week beginning on the 23rd.

Or you could just by the Season Pass for £10.49 / €13.99 / $14.99.

République is due for PC and Mac ports later this year. Its first episode launched December last year and Eurogamer contributor Dan Whitehead was very fond of it and its follow-up chapter.

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