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Polytron vows to squish Fez bugs

"Some pretty serious."

Indie developer Polytron has vowed to squish the bugs Fez players have found since the game's launch on Friday.

In an update on the Polytron website, lead programmer Renaud Bédard admitted some of the bugs were big ones.

"Fez had more testing done in the past 24 hours by about TWENTY THOUSAND PEOPLE (!!) than it had in five years. So, as it happens, bugs popped up. Some pretty serious."

Apparently a "small subset" of older Xbox 360 consoles with smaller hard-drives can't run the game at all. Those running the game off of a USB stick have also experienced trouble, with crashes and, in some cases, corrupted save files.

Bédard said Polytron will work with Microsoft to fix these issues. "It makes sense to issue a patch, but we don't currently have an ETA on it," he added.

In the meantime, if you have a game-breaking problem, email "Lots of these problems have simple workarounds, so we can help you out, and email is easier than tweets," said Bédard.

"Sorry, and thanks for understanding!"

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