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Surprise Fez update adds speedrun mode

Gotta Gomez fast!

We haven't heard a peep out of Fez, the incredible puzzle platform game from the mind of Phil Fish, in quite a while. Yesterday, it got a huge update.

Developer Renaud Bédard, who worked with Fish on Fez while at Polytron, released update 1.12 yesterday to the PC, Mac and Linux versions of the game.

There's a list of major and minor features as well as bug fixes on Steam. Of note: the update adds a speedrun mode. As Bédard says: "Gotta Gomez fast".

This is the last Fez update, Bédard signalled. It's primarily designed to address problems people have with the game. That, you imagine, is that for Fez.

Last time we heard from Phil Fish was back in 2013, when he said he'd cancelled work on Fez 2.

Fez is brilliant, and you should all read Oli's wonderful Fez review, if you haven't already.

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