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PlayStation Paris Games Week 2015 conference live report

And we're done. Gran Turismo Sport! Detroit: Become Human! All the news as it happened.

That, then, is a wrap. Sony brought its big guns to Paris for its conference, with Polyphony announcing a new Gran Turismo, Quantic Dream introducing Detroit: Become Human and plenty more. Oh, and there was a big spread of meat. See how it all unfolded below.

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Our live coverage of this event has finished.

Hello from sunny Paris, where I'm just catching lunch with GI's Dan Pearson before we head to the conference.

Martin Robinson

And I'm just starting to get excited. Pretty sure we're in for some major announcements.

Martin Robinson

Locked in, pretty much, is Dreams. We can expect more on Uncharted 4. And I'm pretty certain we'll see Wild too.

Martin Robinson

Exciting as that all is, it's the stuff I'm not so sure on that's where it's at. Quantic Dreams new joint, and hey why not a glimpse of Gran Turismo on PS4 too.

Martin Robinson

All that would send me home a very happy boy.

Martin Robinson

Exciting update, with just under two hours to go. We're in the holding pen, which is bathed in blue light. There's loads of cured meat on offer - carcinogens be damned, I'm getting involved in some saussicon sec.

Martin Robinson

Bratters has told me to try and not offend any French people. You just try and stop me.

Martin Robinson

I've actually been very amicable, thank you very much, and tipped generously for my salad nicoise earlier on.

Martin Robinson

If you've got 13 minutes to kill before the show kicks off itself, would like some idle chat about what we're expecting from the show and are also curious about what the place I'm staying in Paris looks like, you could watch this brief video Chris Bratt put together last night.

Martin Robinson

Famous people I have seen while sitting in the meat pen! Namco Bandai's Katsuhiro Harada! vg247's Pat Garratt! OK, I haven't seen that many famous people. I'm going back to the meat table, will let you know if I spot anyone else between here and the pork.

Martin Robinson

Famous people update #2! Saw Media Molecule's Alex Evans. And Sony's lovely PR chap Hugo Bus-stops, who's obviously being tight-lipped about what we're going to see tonight. He said it'd be exciting. But he would say that, wouldn't he?

Martin Robinson

Exciting battery update! My laptop is at 95 per cent, which doesn't seem that exciting right now, but who knows? Maybe that'll plummet later in the show, and this is the start of an amazing, dramatic thread of events.

Martin Robinson

All the writers/bloggers are sitting around exchanging quite awkward conversation while they wait. It's at times like this running a live report works wonders in helping me sidestep small-talk. This kind of thing could work wonders at family events in the future.

Martin Robinson

Martin Robinson

I don't know what I'd do if they announced that tonight. I do know you probably wouldn't want to be sitting next to me when it happens though.

Martin Robinson

Martin Robinson

ant72: VG247 for meat table pix!

Right, this is war. We will not be outdone.

Martin Robinson

Anyway, that's the meat spread. Right there. Enjoy it - breathe in all that pork.

Martin Robinson

Fifty five minutes to go. 55. Five Five.

Martin Robinson

I think I got here too early.

Martin Robinson

Who's drinking what for this one? I'm keeping it strictly to the Perrier for the conference itself, sadly, as I'm due to see a fair handful of the games directly afterwards.

Martin Robinson

ant72: I was thinking G&T in 20mins?

Get started now. Treat yourself. It's Tuesday.

Martin Robinson

Sammoore: What studios do we not know the current projects of? Other than quantic dream.

Studio Liverpool! No, wait...

Martin Robinson

I don't think we know what Sony Bend's working on, but I don't think we'll find out tonight.

Martin Robinson

New_guy: Will Pele be making an appearance ?


Martin Robinson

qball: Sean from Hello Games tweeted that he won't be at this. I wouldn't hold my breath for a No Mans Sky release date unless it's announced by Sony rather than Hello Games which would be rather odd /sorryifitsoldnews

That's new news! Thanks!

Martin Robinson

But aren't Insomniac just making Ratchet and Clank, which is basically just for American children?

Martin Robinson

The other news we're expecting - well, that's broken already - is PlayStation Plus League, which is an eSports service for PS4. More details on the site shortly.

Martin Robinson

Retro_: As for new games, I'd like Kojima to walk on stage and Announce a brand new Horror game called P.S. or something (see what I did there?)

Wow, wouldn't that be something.

Martin Robinson

Bratterz: [i]But aren't Insomniac just making Ratchet and Clank, which is basically just for American children?[/i] Martin, nobody thinks you sound cool when you talk like that.

Let's not bicker in public! You'll just make me cry again.

Martin Robinson

People with cameras are being ushered in now. People with just laptops, like myself, will have to wait a little longer to take our seats.

Martin Robinson

I'm fine with that, though. Means there's less competition for the meat table.

Martin Robinson

dogmanstaruk: The question is what do Sony announce tonight and what do they leave for PS Experience. Better be some good announcements.

I reckon No Man's Sky will be held back for then, plus the PlayStation VR date/final price. I'm probably wrong though, innit.

Martin Robinson

Martin Robinson

That's the cake table for you, right there. Don't get that on vg247, do ya?

Martin Robinson

We are in the auditorium. This is happening, right now.

Martin Robinson

I say it's happening. We're looking at a showreel of Shadow of the Beast, while it sounds like someone's doing some heavy breathing into the microphone.

Martin Robinson

Could just be Jim Ryan limbering up.

Martin Robinson

Just got back from a tactical toilet break, and bumped into Kazunori Yamauchi.

Martin Robinson

Promise I didn't do anything weird.

Martin Robinson

Anyway, he was wearing a nice new Gran Turismo t-shirt. If he's just planning on sitting in the audience he's very, very on-brand.

Martin Robinson

Shadow of the Beast is still playing on the bigs creen.

Martin Robinson

I got to play it earlier and it's coming along very nicely. So pretty!

Martin Robinson

Just under ten minutes left to go, and it's feeling pretty electric in here. Either that's the static from one of Jim Ryan's satin shirts, or we're about to see some seriously exciting stuff go down.

Martin Robinson

Lion-heart: Some of the animations from Shadow of the Beast look like they were lifted straight from GOW, the art ditection looks a little like a GOW game too, who's working on this game again?

Heavy Spectrum, a fairly new studio. From the progress I saw on it today, I'd say it's looking at release early next year.

Martin Robinson

ThePissartist: I imagine Martin is walking around with a laptop tied around his neck like the characters in Typing of the Dead

And with a Dreamcast strapped to my back. Yeah, pretty much.

Martin Robinson

This conference is scheduled to last 90 minutes.

Martin Robinson

In 90 minutes, you could watch Kubrick's Path to Glory, The Lion King, Rashomon or This Is Spinal Tap.

Martin Robinson

Or, y'know, you could just stay here and watch all this unfold.

Martin Robinson

X201: Martin expecting a conference to run to time. Aww bless.

Well, I expect they'll be on stage for 90 minutes. As to when they take to the stage...

Martin Robinson

dogmanstaruk: Has a Sony conference every started on time, or run to time?

This could be the day.... Two minutes left to make history, Sony.

Martin Robinson

'The show is about to begin'. There's whooping and hollering. Grown adults weeping in the aisles.

Martin Robinson

Well, people have quietened down a little at least.

Martin Robinson

We're go.

Martin Robinson

Bowel-shaking bass time. Now we'll see who overindulged at the meat table.

Martin Robinson

Did that... Did that conference start on time?

Martin Robinson

Anyway, true to type, it's showreel and obnoxious music time. Battlefront, DriveClub, Street Fighter 5, Last Guardian and... Well, pretty much every game coming to a PlayStation console we know about.

Martin Robinson

Straight in with Jim Ryan, who's left the satin at home.

Martin Robinson

He hasn't left the hench, though.

Martin Robinson

We're celebrating the 20th Anniversary of PlayStation (in the EU at least), and here's all the exclusive games for PS4!

Martin Robinson

Oh, and a lot more third party ones.

Martin Robinson

Some of them do have PS4 exclusive items, though!

Martin Robinson

IronSoldier: Clapping like seals

I don't think it's quite genuine.

Martin Robinson

The price cut, which I'm sure would normally have been announced at a conference like this, is getting a little time onstage.

Martin Robinson

Also there's a PS4 Black Ops 3 bundle and here's Zombies and oh come on show us the money.

Martin Robinson

Black Ops 3's Zombies trailer is currently the bassiest thing we've had so far. Proper brown note stuff.

Martin Robinson

There's a wind-up monkey, bad dogs, zombies, guns.

Martin Robinson

No-one's clapping any more.

Martin Robinson

Ooop, wait, there they go.

Martin Robinson

Star Wars Battlefront - which is Sony's big new hope this Christmas - being paid its dues now.

Martin Robinson

I drunkenly bought a copy of The Phantom Menace on the way back from the pub on Saturday night, then watched it into the small hours. All my enthusiasm for The Force Awakens gone in one drunken night.

Martin Robinson

Jim Ryan takes to the stage in full Jedi garb.

Martin Robinson

Ah, no, he's just got the same suit on. Battlefront's also getting a bundle.

Martin Robinson

They're keeping the big announcements - that's assuming we'll get any! - back right now.

Martin Robinson

Here's Street Fighter 5, with Dhalsim making an appearance.

Martin Robinson

And the lovely Yoshi Ono is on stage to tell us more.

Martin Robinson

romelpotter: This Ryan bloke has the personality of a kipper! ........ A sleeping Kipper that is in a deep freeze! Thats also Dead

He's one hell of a sexy, ripped kipper.

Martin Robinson

Ah, so it seems all this Street Fighter 5 stuff has leaked already. I was too busy taking pictures of the meat spread to notice.

Martin Robinson

Dhalsim has a beard now.

Martin Robinson

Everyone has a beard now.

Martin Robinson

They're just not special any more.

Martin Robinson

Six new characters will be coming to Street Fighter 5 the year of release.

Martin Robinson

And finally, the release date...

Martin Robinson

Tuesday 16th February 2016 release date.

Martin Robinson

And that's a global date.

Martin Robinson

I remember paying £60 for Super Street Fighter 2 and another £20 for an adaptor for the NTSC version to work on my PAL SNES. We live in enlightened times.

Martin Robinson

Harada is on stage now, just generally being awesome.

Martin Robinson

Why are Harada and his translator wearing shades though?

Martin Robinson

Those other characters, apparently: Alex, Urien, Juri, Guile, Ibuki and Balrog.

Martin Robinson

The internet works fast!

Martin Robinson

Harada takes centre stage now, announcing Tekken 7 is coming to PS4.

Martin Robinson

I thought we knew that... I may have been making assumptions though.

Martin Robinson

Tekken 7 is huge in Japanese arcades now. Although, of course, it's not going up against Street Fighter 5, which isn't coming to arcades.

Martin Robinson

Is now a good time to ask about Tekken x Street Fighter?

Martin Robinson

I bought the original Tekken alongside my PS1. It feels like a proper PlayStation series (though I think this one is also coming to Xbox One).

Martin Robinson

Best eyebrows in game, this Tekken lark.

Martin Robinson

Heihachi is crying. It's al got a bit awkward.

Martin Robinson

And now.... BATTLEBORN!

Martin Robinson

It has guns and colours and it's one of about 247 shooter games right now encroaching on the MOBA space.

Martin Robinson

Jim Ryan looks more and more rugged each time he comes on stage.

Martin Robinson

He'll be topless by the end of this, in torn trousers. Kind of like an executive hot Ryu.

Martin Robinson

This one's new to me - Boundless. Which looks a bit like a moody Minecraft.

Martin Robinson

A moody, smart, and very impressive looking Minecraft, it should be said.

Martin Robinson

What a pleasant surprise that was.

Martin Robinson

Now I'm just confused. There's music and an Amplitude-like game, and a young man with a private jet and a laptop.

Martin Robinson

This is just making me feel old. Anyway, that's Vector.

Martin Robinson

No Man's Sky.

Martin Robinson

Sean Murray has said he's not here - so it might be expecting too much for anything beyond a new trailer.

Martin Robinson

Still, No Man's Sky! It still looks fine. We all still really want to play it.

Martin Robinson

And we've got (something approaching) a release date. June 2016.

Martin Robinson

That's progress!

Martin Robinson

Michael Denny, who's taken the bold decision to unbutton his shirt so you can see the t-shirt beneath it, is on-stage.

Martin Robinson

A new Housemarque game. Is this the Eugene Jarvis joint they're working on?

Martin Robinson

It's got all them voxels we loved so much in Resogun.

Martin Robinson

A reminder that we've an hour to go. Lots of room for some more surprises.

Martin Robinson

That was Matterfall. No mention of Eugene Jarvis.

Martin Robinson

Not much of an idea how it'll play either, sadly.

Martin Robinson

Oh hello Ratchet & Clank. And goodbye. See you next spring!

Martin Robinson

Guerrilla's Horizon, and the sophisticated, handsome, delightful Herman Hulst.

Martin Robinson

The game's looking almost as handsome as Herman. Almost.

Martin Robinson

system11: if i recall, this is more 30fps trash.

Tom Morgan of DF is sitting next to me, counting every frame of the conference so we can keep score. I think there's been 749,849 frames so far.

Martin Robinson

Oh man I think Tom just missed a frame and is now going to have to start from the beginning again.

Martin Robinson

Onwards to Horizon. It has robo-dinosaurs. What's not to like?

Martin Robinson

Dino down.

Martin Robinson

Bloodborne, which has a very, very strong claim to being game of the year, is going to take to the stage to show off its new expansion.

Martin Robinson

Back briefly to Horizon - nothing new, but a welcome extended look at it all.

Martin Robinson

Bloodborne's expansion, The Old Hunters, is out November24th.

Martin Robinson

DriveClub bikes, which leaked earlier today, is up now.

Martin Robinson

It's so hard to get bikes right - I still think the best effort on console is Polyphony's Tourist Trophy.

Martin Robinson

Interested to see how Evolution is going to handle them.

Martin Robinson

New tour, multiplayer events and challenges for DriveClub Bikes - and it'll be an expansion, or a standalone.

Martin Robinson

And it's available NOW.

Martin Robinson

Which is annoying, as I left my PS4 at home.

Martin Robinson

Keicho Toyama to show us Gravity Rush 2.

Martin Robinson

This is going to be special.

Martin Robinson

We're going to see the game in action, and see the combat system.

Martin Robinson

Gravity Rush 2 in action. Yes, basically.

Martin Robinson

Tag team battles, big boss fights, all the style in the world. That was Gravity Rush 2.

Martin Robinson

Uncharted is up now. Christophe Ballestre does have a French accent, but I swear he's putting it on a bit here!

Martin Robinson

Will this be the multiplayer reveal?

Martin Robinson

Sidekicks, magic and... Ooh, a release date.

Martin Robinson

March 18th, with beta coming December 4th-18th.

Martin Robinson

It's also playable on the show floor.

Martin Robinson

And after this conference. We'll bring you more details on it later tonight.

Martin Robinson

Things blow up, people shoot each other, and it's kind of hard to tell what else is going on in this pre-rendered trailer.

Martin Robinson

Denny's asking us to clap again.

Martin Robinson

Hasn't there been enough clapping already?

Martin Robinson

Dreams can come true, as Gabrielle once sang.

Martin Robinson

She probably had a better idea of what this game is about than any of us.

Martin Robinson

We're seeing this later today, so I hope to get some clarity!

Martin Robinson

This is a live demo of Dreams.

Martin Robinson

Mark Healy is using the DualShock 4 to move an Imp on-screen - it's what you use to interact with the world.

Martin Robinson

Lots of physics-based items being moved around a small playspace.

Martin Robinson

We've possessed a mental looking bear using the Imp - it's possessed the character, and can now move it around the screen.

Martin Robinson

I think I'm beginning to get this?

Martin Robinson

It's got a lovely, painterly look.

Martin Robinson

Oh I'm so easily won over. I like the look of this.

Martin Robinson

We're through the door of a small building we conjured, and it's transported us into a 'small story'.

Martin Robinson

We're now in charge of a thumping big mouse. It does look wonderful, but now I'm back to thinking it's a bit of a flat adventure game.

Martin Robinson

Well, that was Dreams.

Martin Robinson

We'll be able to tell you more once we've seen it a little later.

Martin Robinson

Shu Yoshida - lovely, lovely Shu - is now on-stage to bring the noise.

Martin Robinson

Some VR noise first off.

Martin Robinson

There's a Eurogamer quote on-stage. I definitely never said that.

Martin Robinson

SpaceMonkey77: Okay I been gone for 15m. What did I miss?

Sony bought Nintendo, killed Mario live onstage.

Martin Robinson

This is Rigs, which is being worked on by Guerrilla's studio in Cambridge.

Martin Robinson

It's a competitive shooter in which players control hovering droids. And walking droids. And boosting droids.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

It's all eSpats innit.

Martin Robinson

Someone did a goal. They're made up over it.

Martin Robinson

SpaceMonkey77: So where's VR Wipeout, then?


Martin Robinson

Until Dawn Rush of Blood has been announced for PlayStation VR.

Martin Robinson

It's a VR exclusive.

Martin Robinson

Until Dawn was surprisingly good, wasn't it?

Martin Robinson

Cevat Yerli of Crytek - remember them? - is on-stage now.

Martin Robinson

20 minutes to go, clock-watchers!

Martin Robinson

Could Sony get a winner at the last moment? Cage and Yamauchi are pacing up and down the sidelines waiting for their numbers to be called.

Martin Robinson

Oh and Crytek just announced a VR game called Robinson: The Journey. Shite name.

Martin Robinson

It's an extension of the dinosaur demo Crytek has been showing for a while.

Martin Robinson

That t-rex has eyebrows like a Kazuya.

Martin Robinson

A quick look at Rebellion's Battle Zone, and now Shu's back onstage.

Martin Robinson

Bobby Zemeckis' recent movie film The Walk had a VR experience, apparently. I did not know this!

Martin Robinson

It was about that chap that walked between the Twin Towers, and as you can imagine the VR experience is quite adept at inducing vertigo.

Martin Robinson

Over 200 developers are working on PlayStation VR. So here's a monet-tage of them all.

Martin Robinson

Well, not all of them, I hope. We've got 15 minutes to go, and I want more announcements.

Martin Robinson

Jim Ryan steps back from the wilderness to take centre stage once more.

Martin Robinson

Tekken 7 is coming to PlayStation VR. How so?

Martin Robinson

Anyway, here we go.

Martin Robinson

Come on.

Martin Robinson

Hold me.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Excuse while I just gawp at this.

Martin Robinson

There was a Porsche in there. Is the Stuttgart marque coming to GT finally?

Martin Robinson

Anyway, Gran Turismo Sport.

Martin Robinson

It's got cars in it!

Martin Robinson

Plus the partnership with the FIA that was announced last year.

Martin Robinson

We're seeing Audi's new GT3 R8, the Mazda Vision car, the R18 from a couple of years back.

Martin Robinson

Not much in the way of details just yet. But here's Kaz.

Martin Robinson

And his amazing translator!

Martin Robinson

Oh god Jim Ryan and Kazunori Yamauchi on-stage at once, I think I might explode.

Martin Robinson

Love Kaz's arrogance. Basically, he wants to save motorsport.

Martin Robinson

Within the game there'll be officially sanctioned FIA championships.

Martin Robinson

IronSoldier: Will Polyphony be recycling assets from the PS2 GT games again?

He told me last year that yes, they are. He says a lot of things though!

Martin Robinson

In the fan cup there'll be the opportunity to represent your favourite marque.

Martin Robinson

The FIA's based just down the road from here in Paris, so it makes sense to make this announce, in this way, here.

Martin Robinson

lowestformofwit: Is this just a GT Prologue type of game?

My money's on that, yeah.

Martin Robinson

This, by the way, is all stuff that Yamauchi spoke about a year ago.

Martin Robinson

You can read more on all that here.

Martin Robinson

Gran Turismo Sport is going into beta testing early next year.

Martin Robinson

Even I'm bored by this...

Martin Robinson

Gran Turismo Sport will, of course, be supporting PlayStation VR.

Martin Robinson

Now here's the final money shot. Michel Ancel with Wild.

Martin Robinson

He just *looks* fun.

Martin Robinson

We're seeing this in a bit more detail after the conference. Can't wait!

Martin Robinson

You're a shaman, and you can control animals.

Martin Robinson

With this, Patrice Desliet's new game and Far Cry Primal we're having a bit of a wave of pre-historic games.

Martin Robinson

Time for Molyneux to come back with BC?

Martin Robinson

The animation in this is just lovely. And you can ride a bear.

Martin Robinson

There aren't enough bears in games.

Martin Robinson

Jim Ryan, with a beard, would make a lovely bear.

Martin Robinson

From a bear to a rabbit. Each one can disrupt/interact with things in their own unique way.

Martin Robinson

We're running out of time for anything from Quantic Dream, for what it's worth - this is going to see out the show, I reckon.

Martin Robinson

The bear is standing up on two legs and this is like Gentle Ben and that's all it takes to make me fall for a game.

Martin Robinson

A bear! On its hind legs!

Martin Robinson

Now there's a lady with snake boobs and I'm just a bit confused.

Martin Robinson

Still, the bear on its hind legs!

Martin Robinson

I'm wrong! Again!

Martin Robinson

David Cage, everyone!

Martin Robinson

This looks like it'll be a continuation of the excellent Kara demo/short film.

Martin Robinson

Time from Cage on stage to him uttering emotions: three seconds.

Martin Robinson

Is that a record?

Martin Robinson

There's a big Dick influence in the original short and its central question, what is human. I expect there to be a lot of Dick in the final game.

Martin Robinson

Quantic Dream's next game is... Detroit: Become Human.

Martin Robinson

And this is that video game.

Martin Robinson

If this plays it straight, it could be something quite special. I loved the Kara demo.

Martin Robinson

This looks like a move away from teh big Hollywood names that were in Beyond, which is probably a good thing.

Martin Robinson

The applause, this time, is genuine.

Martin Robinson

Gran Turismo Sport, Detroit: Become Human and some extended looks at some other hot games of 2016.

Martin Robinson

Not a bad 90 minutes. Probably not as good as The Lion King, but you can't have everything.

Martin Robinson

And we're about to wrap.

Martin Robinson

Well, people are shunting past me as they rush to the after-show, which is the other side of town.

Martin Robinson

We'll have plenty more from the show over the next couple of days. Thanks for joining us at the show! I'm off to see how much of the meat spread is left for the taking.

Martin Robinson

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