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Inside Xbox - First Xbox Series X Gameplay live report

Join us from 4pm for our first proper look at the next generation.

We've known the name for a while, we've seen the box, thanks to Digital Foundry we even know what's inside it and we've some idea of what games to expect - so how about we see some games running on Xbox Series X? From 4pm that's exactly what Microsoft is going to show us. Come join us!

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Our live coverage of this event has finished.

*clears throat*

Martin Robinson

*shuffles papers on desk*

Martin Robinson

*tugs at shirt collar*

Martin Robinson

*looks around nervously*

Martin Robinson

Hello! We've less than an hour to go so I might as well start typing nonsense in here.

Martin Robinson

Though it seems some of you have already started in the comments!

Martin Robinson

I'd have thought anything over six myself, but each to their own.

Martin Robinson

Also I want that comment put on a placard and placed on top of all comment threads - incredible work.

Martin Robinson

Anyway, I'm a Stadia fanboy so who's laughing now?

Martin Robinson

Right, on to the show!

Martin Robinson

It's 60 minutes of third-party reveals, and with an obvious focus on gameplay.

Martin Robinson

What to expect? Well, despite my job as a hypeman, I'd say the best thing to expect is not too much.

Martin Robinson

We're not going to get the big reveal of a beloved third-party series, because this simply isn't the time or the place for it. Instead think more along the lines of some low-key but interesting third-party games, all with that Series X polish.

Martin Robinson

And of course the really exciting stuff is going to be at Microsoft's own first-party showcase a few short weeks away. But still!

Martin Robinson

I'm curious to know what the next-gen difference is going to look like.

Martin Robinson

TagRed: Questioning whether windowed mode on a non-4k screen is going to give me the best impression here... 🤔

I'm going to stream in 240p. On my phone.

Martin Robinson

Really though I'm only here for Major Nelson and his next-gen glow-up.

Martin Robinson

I'm sort of expecting that too...

Martin Robinson

Likewise I think that reduced loading times and raytracing will be that next-gen difference. Which doesn't really excite me too much, but it's something!

Martin Robinson

I think the bigger question is whether 4pm on a Thursday is an okay time to start drinking?

Martin Robinson

Kami: During this quarantine, I think the rules of acceptable times to drink have gone out of the window.

This is very true.

Martin Robinson

*uncorks bourbon*

Martin Robinson

Less than thirty minutes to go, and the inane electronica loop has commenced!

Martin Robinson

Who's leaving the stream unmuted until their brain starts trickling from their ears after being subjected to any more of this noise?

Martin Robinson

dadrester: "*uncorks bourbon*" I'm working but I'm VERY tempted to pour myself a nice glass of Japanese single malt and call it an early finish at 4 :)

I mean yeah, I'm *working* too.

Martin Robinson

Mr.Spo: Have they told us how many bits Xbox Series X has? I lost count when we got to 128 bits in 2000.

It's got blast processing, I know that much.

Martin Robinson

Is this the same music they use before every big Xbox show?

Martin Robinson

It's certainly familiar. Maybe Major Nelson picked it himself from his CD collection.

Martin Robinson

This is just third-party games - Microsoft will have its own first-party show a little later in the year.

Martin Robinson

When I say a little later in the year - it's currently down for July, and it's where we'll see plenty more on Halo Infinite which is leading the charge when it comes to first-party games from Microsoft.

Martin Robinson

And obviously there's the small matter of Playground Games' Fable, the rebooted Forza Motorsport from Turn 10 and plenty more besides. July's show is going to be good.

Martin Robinson

I'm not 100 per cent sure today's going to have quite the same bang, but it's still going to be worth a watch.

Martin Robinson

Because, frankly, what else am I going to be doing while locked away in my shed in Lewisham.

Martin Robinson

I'm enjoying all the people in the comments on the YouTube stream crying out for Elden Ring and Cyberpunk.

Martin Robinson

And I look forward to bathing in their salty tears soon.

Martin Robinson

So, Starfield, Elder Scrolls 6, Cyberpunk 2077, Elden Ring, GTA 6.

Martin Robinson

All games that definitely won't be on show here, but if I type them out it might give this page an SEO boost so there's that.

Martin Robinson

MrTomFTW: What the fuck Martin? It isn't late night and there's a live stream report... What's going on?

I had to get out of bed early for this.

Martin Robinson

Tactical toilet break or shall I power through and spend the last ten minutes in agony?

Martin Robinson

Or wet myself live on the internet. That's the other option.

Martin Robinson

Kami: Wet 2 confirmed by Martin right there! XD

Ha and I thought I was being subtle.

Martin Robinson

Oh man I remember being at the press event where they unveiled not only Wet but also Rogue Warrior.

Martin Robinson

What a time to be alive.

Martin Robinson

Centrale1: You don't want to miss the last five minutes of this jam!

Waiting for the drop.

Martin Robinson

Still waiting.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Sheikah: Next gen consoles, do you reckon this year or next?

Microsoft has commited to launch this year.

Martin Robinson

Oh wait.

Martin Robinson

The music has changed.

Martin Robinson

We're now getting a pulsing bassline. Something is happening.

Martin Robinson

CinnoMan: "video not available. this video is set to private" is that normal?

Refresh your page! They changed the location of the vid about an hour ago so we had to swap it out. Sorry for the faff!

Martin Robinson

TheCraigery: Is chip music called “fries music” in the US?

That's a legit question.

Martin Robinson

OOOH This is PEGI 18! We might see some nudes!

Martin Robinson

We'll see Aaron Greenberg's kitchen first - and a neat joke on the Series X form as he's shopped in a Series X-shaped fridge in the background.

Martin Robinson

Microsoft are humans after all! That's actually jokes.

Martin Robinson

Matt Booty, head of Xbox Game Studios up now, with what looks like a healthy collection of magazines.

Martin Robinson

And a nice selection of mini-arcade cabs.

Martin Robinson

This look into the interior decoration of Microsoft execs is more than I expected, and I'm honestly stoked.

Martin Robinson

And also quite honestly disappointed to move onto the games so quickly. I want to see more of people's houses!

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

You can shoot people and also be a bit stealthy and hit them a bit from behind and also shoot them some more.

Martin Robinson

And then you can punch them a bit. But it looks so pretty!

Martin Robinson

Will it always be raining in next gen games?

Martin Robinson

BRIGHT MEMORY! From Playism, and from a single developer in FYQD Studios in China.

Martin Robinson

Which is quite impressive.

Martin Robinson

First mention of ray-tracing - take a sip of your chosen beverage.

Martin Robinson

First mention of faster loading times - take a bump of ketamine.

Martin Robinson

Not sure how long I'm going to last before slipping into a k-hole in my shed.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

And it's got cars in it. I like cars!

Martin Robinson

It's a new Codemasters racer, and it looks more Onrush than Dirt.

Martin Robinson

But it's Dirt 5, which has all the colours and noises and... Yeah, it's not Dirt Rally is it?

Martin Robinson

Here's something a bit darker, with some serious HR Giger vibes.

Martin Robinson

In fact that must be Giger art otherwise his estate best be getting a lawsuit ready.

Martin Robinson

This be Scorn.

Martin Robinson

And yes that was some deep Giger references, which are intentional.

Martin Robinson

Another new game now, with aerial combat - plus raytracing and faster load times, obv.

Martin Robinson

And this'll be Chorus, from Deep Silver and Fish Labs with a 2021 release date.

Martin Robinson

Some Hellblade goes to space vibes from that.

Martin Robinson

We're on to Madden.

Martin Robinson

So maybe pop to the toilet?

Martin Robinson

It's a runthrough of Madden through the ages, and I really hope they include the infamous bullshot that did the rounds just before the Xbox 360 generation.

Martin Robinson

Nah, they didn't. We saw it and it looks like Madden alright.

Martin Robinson

It's crossbuy too - get Madden on Xbox One and you'll also get it on Series X. Which is quite the thing.

Martin Robinson

We're in Sarah Bond's spare room, which looks quite nice and cosy.

Martin Robinson

I don't think those drawers go with that orange... thing. But what do I know about interior decoration? I've just been playing too much Animal Crossing and have ideas above my station.

Martin Robinson

And this is Vampire - The Masquerade Bloodlines 2.

Martin Robinson

It very much looks like a game being played on a decent PC.

Martin Robinson

Well she's not going to say it looks like a sack of shit is she?

Martin Robinson

Onto a very colourful first-person tropical experience.

Martin Robinson

With a dash of Sea of Thieves, and a splash more fantasy.

Martin Robinson

It's Call of the Sea, from Out of the Blue and Raw Fury.

Martin Robinson

It has raytracing and faster loading times! *snorts bourbon and drinks a shot of liquid ketamine*

Martin Robinson

We got a bit of future shiz now and what looks like a trad twin-stick shooter with some next gen gloss.

Martin Robinson

You really can't launch a console without a decent twin-stick shooter.

Martin Robinson

The Ascent!

Martin Robinson

Is what that was.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

This has quite the pace.

Martin Robinson

It's a pregnant lady getting an ultrasound!

Martin Robinson

I don't trust video games with pregnant ladies but let's see where this goes.

Martin Robinson

This is The Medium, and that was not gameplay.

Martin Robinson

Ah, it's from Bloober Team.

Martin Robinson

Akira Yamoaka of Silent Hill fame is on the score - and it looks very Silent Hill now we can actually see the game in action.

Martin Robinson

That's a very brief gameplay demo though.

Martin Robinson

Now something from Bandai Namco - and it's not Elden Ring or Cyberpunk.

Martin Robinson

It's a game where you fight the monsters from Annihilation?

Martin Robinson

It's well anime, if that's your jam - some mad big-eyed lad who uses telekinesis to mash monsters up.

Martin Robinson

This next gen game looks like it plays like a PS2 game.

Martin Robinson

(That's no bad thing, btw)

Martin Robinson

That be Scarlet Nexus, which looks like a video game alright!

Martin Robinson

Something new from the Avalanche family of studios, which has you shooting the jaws off some dinosaurs.

Martin Robinson

Oh video games.

Martin Robinson

Second Extinction be that.

Martin Robinson

And now! Some Yakuza?

Martin Robinson

Why ever not.

Martin Robinson

This is Yakuza Like a Dragon, which has been out in Japan a while - it's a turn-based RPG, so a slight deviation for the series.

Martin Robinson

And I honestly cannot wait to play it.

Martin Robinson

A look at next-gen Nagoshi!

Martin Robinson

A bit uncanny valley but I'll take it.

Martin Robinson

That was quite the whirlwind tour through some interesting third-party games.

Martin Robinson

And here's the gameplay debut of Assassin's Creed: Valhalla.

Martin Robinson

This will have raytracing and faster loading times *necks half a pint of liquid ketamine, slides into unconsciousness, meets god, wakes up 20 minutes later with a really groggy head*

Martin Robinson

This isn't really gameplay though is it?

Martin Robinson

That's a bit cheap/dumb to trail that as gameplay and then just show cutscenes in-engine.

Martin Robinson

Well, it's a straight up fib is what it is.

Martin Robinson

Silly people.

Martin Robinson

Well, I think that was that.

Martin Robinson

I mean, there's some great new games in there, and some games I'd forgotten about that now look absolutely incredible.

Martin Robinson

But this Assassin's Creed 'gameplay' leaves a bit of a sour taste, and it's not helped by an inane interview afterwards.

Martin Robinson

Oh well! July will be interesting!

Martin Robinson

It's been lovely getting a look into everyone's houses though!

Martin Robinson

ghostmeister: Ridiculous they spent the entire show teasing the assassins creed gameplay reveal, then didn't show any gameplay

Yup. Microsoft has otherwise been doing a great job with the Series X reveals, but that was a serious misstep.

Martin Robinson

I think it's safe to say that's a wrap. I'd say go out and do something nice in the sun, but obviously that's not really an option for many of us.

Martin Robinson

So just find a nice comfy cushion, lie down, take some ket and knock yourself out.

Martin Robinson

Wait a second. Dirt 5 has Troy Baker and Nolan North in it.

Martin Robinson

Oh dear.

Martin Robinson

I hope they're okay at Codies.

Martin Robinson

Hang on, Dirt 5 will have raytracing and fast loading.

Martin Robinson

*pulls belt tight around arm, flicks the end of the needle and injects some sweet sweet heroin*

Martin Robinson

Haha, yes - serious respect. That's a power move.

Martin Robinson

They look like some serious tech manuals on his shelf too. This guy knows his shit.

Martin Robinson

We're back to Aaron and his incredible fridge.

Martin Robinson

It really was the highlight of the stream.

Martin Robinson

A reminder that first-party games will get their airing in July.

Martin Robinson

And that's that.

Martin Robinson

I think I was neither under or overwhelmed by that - just a mild whelming.

Martin Robinson

Some fascinating looking new IPs from some exciting studios, which is more interesting than having the same old being wheeled out again and again.

Martin Robinson

Oh and Dirt 5 has Nolan North and Troy Baker in it.

Martin Robinson

But obviously the big guns will come out in July for Microsoft.

Martin Robinson

Before which I'm sure we'll have heard a bit more from Sony on its own plans, and its own software. It's going to be a fun few months!

Martin Robinson

And that is that. Thanks for joining us, enjoy the long weekend, stay safe and see you all again soon!

Martin Robinson

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