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EA gamescom 2017 live show report

There was a dog.

EA did a show. There was a dog.

Our live coverage of this event has finished.

Well hello, and don't *you* look just lovely this afternoon.

Martin Robinson

Commendably, someone at EA is a bit fuzzy on how time zones work, and so while the start time of this is advertised as 6.30pm CET - which is 6.30pm BST - we believe they actually mean 6.30pm CEST, which translates as 5.30pm over here.

Martin Robinson

I mean, it's not as if such details are that important, right?

Martin Robinson

The mind boggles at the incompetency on display.

Martin Robinson

Anyway, EA! In the spirit of last year's gamescom show - and indeed last night's Microsoft show - let's go into this one expecting absolutely nothing.

Martin Robinson

The bar has been set low, and it's now up to EA to limbo under it.

Martin Robinson

GamesConnoisseur: I think EA going to be shown in a far better light after last night anti-climatic of a show! Still went and preordered Xbox One X though!

Ha, that's the spirit! If I had the money I'd have done the same too.

Martin Robinson

Peter is no Moore, of course, so I'm expecting a healthy helping of Patrick Söderlund.

Martin Robinson

We are due a look at Battlefront 2's space battles, which does excite me (and yes, it has leaked a little already), plus maybe something on the new Need for Speed, which excites me a little less.

Martin Robinson

I'm going downstairs to the shop below the Brighton office in a tick. Are those new cookie dough KitKats alright with you?

Martin Robinson

Martin Robinson

Good lord that looks incredible. I don't even mind if they just show that again a bit later on.

Martin Robinson

Kami: I'm here and I brought caramel bars for everyone.

Bless you.

Martin Robinson

Baritone: Alright Martimoomoo. What's the big breaking news coming out of gamescom right now?

The breaking news is that I'm broken and it's only Monday. And I'm not even in Germany.

Martin Robinson

spongebob: How likely is it that we get new game announcements?

Let's just say not very likely at all, and if anything happens we can all be pleasantly surprised.

Martin Robinson

ihnm_aims: Martin, did the wine last night break you?

I only had like a glass! Or two. What broke me was not being able to sleep from all the excitement of it all, then having to get up at 5.15am to come down to Brighton.

Martin Robinson

34 minutes to go! In the meantime Blizzard is having a little stream of its own, for what we believe will be a new Overwatch map. Think of it as an aperitif.

Martin Robinson

'Aperitif? What do I want those for? I've already got a pair of teeth' etc etc.

Martin Robinson

Oooooh, look everyone! An auditorium, with chairs all facing a stage!

Martin Robinson

Probably, I steal most of my stuff off him. All of which reminds me of this, for some reason.

Martin Robinson

It already looks more like a conference than last year's event. Though it's definitely not a conference. Stop calling it a conference!

Martin Robinson

spamdangled: Martin, are you on the wine again? I'm trying to decide between pear cider and and a glass of merlot.

I'm in the office, so I'm on the tap water. It's probably more intoxicating, to be honest.

Martin Robinson

This countdown confirms that the published times were out of whack.

Martin Robinson

Which makes me curiously furious. Ooooooh, I'm going to write one hell of a hot take on this.

Martin Robinson

If you're wondering what you're missing out on with the Blizzard stream, all the Blizzard nerds in the office are watching with headphones on and giving disapproving looks and tutting at their screens.

Martin Robinson

And we're about to get the Overwatch tease - Junkertown, a new map, has been confirmed.

Martin Robinson

Sorry to hijack the EA report. Just keeping you informed, innit.

Martin Robinson

Under 15 minutes!

Martin Robinson

Malek86: Well, this can't be worse than the MS conference. However, if they also go with reheated E3 trailers, it can still be on par. Which is what I'm expecting, for the most part.

Let's set the bar a little lower. I'm expecting trailers from last year's E3. All being streamed at 240p.

Martin Robinson

Malek86: You know, maybe the problem doesn't lie with the companies, but with the number of trade shows. Within three months you have E3, Gamescom and TGS. There's only so many new games you can develop and announce within that time. And if you dare miss one of the shows, everyone will be like "wtf, why did they not partecipate? Do they have no confidence in their lineup?"

I also think these events are becoming largely irrelevant and it's an increasingly old-fashioned model that shouldn't really exist anymore.

Martin Robinson

But I really like a bit of corporate theatre so a part of me never wants them to die.

Martin Robinson

DSporacht: Should we expect major announcements here? I'm guessing some Sims stuff and some Battlefront stuff, but not much in the way of big news.

I think your expectations are set about right.

Martin Robinson

Three minutes! And already I can hear TIE Fighters.

Martin Robinson

Oooooh, I was trying not to get excited.

Martin Robinson

Because I know how it always ends. First with the anticipation, then the disappointment and the snark and finally that horrible empty feeling.

Martin Robinson

Not today.

Martin Robinson

Watching this timer run down is both intoxicating and a little bit *too* exciting. My heart is genuinely racing.

Martin Robinson

Phew, it's gone.

Martin Robinson

And we have the sizzzzle. Star Wars, FIFA, Need for Speed, NBA and Madden - all the usual suspects.

Martin Robinson

We're go, straight into a FIFA trailer.

Martin Robinson

It's no PES, but yeah it does look alright.

Martin Robinson

Don't see Usain Bolt in this, do you?

Martin Robinson

That's a very upbeat trailer. And now, Patrick Söderlund.

Martin Robinson

It's a 60 minute show, clock watchers.

Martin Robinson

They put the teleprompter a bit too high, I think. He's not a short lad, this Patrick, but he's having to crane his neck and gaze upwards to catch his lines.

Martin Robinson

Bet whoever placed it was the same person who made the CET/CEST poo-poo.

Martin Robinson

Here's Battlefront 2 though!

Martin Robinson

This is the trailer we saw already - a mucky version leaked ahead of time, so EA pushed the proper one live early.

Martin Robinson

I'm perfectly happy to watch it again, mind.

Martin Robinson

And we've a shoutcaster, along with a producer from Criterion - those Burnout chaps who now do the vehicles in Star Wars games.

Martin Robinson

We're about to see some proper gameplay. It won't be brief, so settle in.

Martin Robinson

This is pre-recorded, by the way. We start on an A-Wing, then see a TIE Bomber. This is more objective based than what we saw in vanilla Battlefront.

Martin Robinson

I had a real soft spot for Fighter Squadron in the original Battlefront. It was the simplest part of an already pretty straightforward game, but the spectacle was something else.

Martin Robinson

Also, unless we're going to get one hell of a reveal at the end of this, it looks like the air-to-ground combat that everyone was hoping for from this sequel - a mainstay of the originals, of course - isn't going to feature.

Martin Robinson

I mean, never say never. But yeah.

Martin Robinson

We're onto the next phase of the fight, with the rebels having to penetrate the base.

Martin Robinson

There are more defined hero ships - Poe Dameron's X-Wing, Darth Maul's invisible fighter and Boba Fett's Slave One, all fighting together.

Martin Robinson

spamdangled: Love me a bit of rebel penetration.

Oi oi!

Martin Robinson

With Phase 2 done and the shield protectors down, the rebels now have to take down power couplings to expose the core.

Martin Robinson

I'm a Star Wars idiot so I was always going to be partial to this, but... This looks splendid.

Martin Robinson

AI corvettes are part of the show too, moving slowly through the map to assist the Rebels.

Martin Robinson

And with the Star Destroyer done, that's victory for the Rebels.

Martin Robinson

And that's quite a fine looking video game.

Martin Robinson

spamdangled: Just imagine if they had 64 (or 128) player battles fought simultaneously on the ground and in space. What a glorious thing that would be.

Madness. It could never happen.

Martin Robinson

That was Battlefront 2. And now an advert for... BMW?

Martin Robinson

Oh, it's DTM driver Bruno Spengler!

Martin Robinson

No relation to Egon, of course.

Martin Robinson

This is awkward.

Martin Robinson

Do they know that none of us watching this can actually afford a car - let alone a new shiny one like this?

Martin Robinson

I'm pretty convinced I'm the only person watching this who knew who Bruno Spengler was before this.

Martin Robinson

And even I'm not that impressed.

Martin Robinson

Need for Speed everyone! They've only gone and locked up a BMW.

Martin Robinson

It's okay, it's free now and is driving around the auditorium.

Martin Robinson

This is some old school press conference awkwardness.

Martin Robinson

This is what I live for. This is what I wake up in the morning and pray for.

Martin Robinson

A DTM driver looking really awkward on stage next to a BMW he just drove really slowly some 4 metres.

Martin Robinson

I dream of moments like this.

Martin Robinson

And when I dream them, Bruno says exactly what he just said there.

Martin Robinson

Bruno clearly wants to be elsewhere. If only he knew how happy he's just made me.

Martin Robinson

That was wonderfully naff. Not quite Pele, but baby steps - we're getting back to that level of artful inanity.

Martin Robinson

Good job EA.

Martin Robinson

I was so lost in the moment I forgot there's a game they're talking about. Need for Speed Payback, the next part in EA's continuing quest to attempt to channel some of the cash-printing magic that is the Fast & Furious film franchise.

Martin Robinson

This time out their answer is returning to the dramatics and storytelling of Need for Speed: The Run, as fans have been requesting for years.

Martin Robinson

I'm still going to play the socks off that when it comes out in November. It looks brilliant in parts, awful in others. We wouldn't want it any other way with Need for Speed, really.

Martin Robinson

Now, an announcement for The Sims 4.

Martin Robinson

The Sims 4 is coming to console, and The Sims Mobile is also featuring at Gamescom.

Martin Robinson

Here's the big announcement though - The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs expansion pack.

Martin Robinson

I don't know this dog.

Martin Robinson

This is incredible.

Martin Robinson

It's a celebrity dog.

Martin Robinson

Good lord. This is press conference gold.

Martin Robinson

This is up there with Pele's monologue.

Martin Robinson

Genuinely made up.

Martin Robinson

Jiff Pom.

Martin Robinson

I just got away from googling the dog and turned back to the stream and now the dog is gone.

Martin Robinson

Bring back the dog.

Martin Robinson

Wes tells me that Jiff Pom previously featured in a Katy Perry video.

Martin Robinson

Martin Robinson

I'm sorry Mr. Caffeine, I'm now officially over you. It's Jiff Pom and Jiff Pom only from now on for me.

Martin Robinson

It's time for EA Originals, and we're getting another look at Fe.

Martin Robinson

Isn't that all of them?

Martin Robinson

Here's Fe - which is now also coming to Switch.

Martin Robinson

I'm still thinking about that dog.

Martin Robinson

That was EA's now regular section of its conferences where it finds a dishevelled man from the local coffee shop and gets him to come out on stage and show us all whatever he was working on on his MacBook.

Martin Robinson

Fe is perhaps the most self-aware title for a game with indie aspirations. It's, well, fey.

Martin Robinson

Battlefield 1 expansion now thanks.

Martin Robinson

There's a new mode coming that's tailored towards spectating as much as it is competing - so a play for the ol' esports?

Martin Robinson

Incursions is the name.

Martin Robinson

5v5 battles. It's an ooosppprt.

Martin Robinson

Players get to choose their kits before they head into battle - oooh, it's hard to get a bead on any detail in this really.

Martin Robinson

Beneath the vague buzzwords, it's basically a boiled-down competitive mode for Battlefield that's designed to be more palatable for spectators. It does look rather good.

Martin Robinson

Closed alpha coming in September.

Martin Robinson

That was a surprise - this is something we know a little about, In The Name of The Tsar, the new expansion.

Martin Robinson

We're going to see some gameplay from a new map.

Martin Robinson

And there's a Game of the Year edition called Battlefield Revolution. It includes the base game and all four expansion packs.

Martin Robinson

I really need to go back to Battlefield 1.

Martin Robinson

GavinUK86: DS2 is the best DS

3DS is the best! Oh, wait...

Martin Robinson

Shoutcasters next!

Martin Robinson

We're seeing the new map, and a game of Conquest.

Martin Robinson

I think this stream will see us out of what's been a low key show, but you know what - I've kind of enjoyed it.

Martin Robinson

We've had a proper look at some new games, some detailed updates.

Martin Robinson

And they got a dog out on stage.

Martin Robinson

Not just any dog! Jiff Pom.

Martin Robinson

I think we're about to see a new arms race when it comes to shows like this, and it's going to be all about Pomeranians.

Martin Robinson

dirigiblebill: In case anybody's wondering, the eclipse has better shoutcasters.

I hope you're shoutcasting it yourself.

Martin Robinson

It is rather, isn't it? Battlefield maps have never been the punchiest affairs, and I think they're going to show the whole thing here.

Martin Robinson

Lovely cathedral, though.

Martin Robinson

We're running out of time for any glimpses of Anthem.

Martin Robinson

Battlefield matches can go on a bit too long when you're playing them. When you're just watching them...

Martin Robinson

Well, that was Battlefield 1.

Martin Robinson

A fine game, a great looking expansion. But maybe a bit *too* much gameplay.

Martin Robinson

There's a balance that can be struck, is all I'm saying.

Martin Robinson

Still some nice surprises with the Incursions for Battlefield 1. I'll take that.

Martin Robinson

I think that's a wrap.

Martin Robinson

Do you remember that dog though?

Martin Robinson

Martin Robinson

Look at that little chap go!

Martin Robinson

Martin Robinson

I mean, I could do this all night.

Martin Robinson

Martin Robinson

Actually, it's quite likely I will do this all night. It's me, you and a bottle of cheap red wine tonight, google image search.

Martin Robinson

And with that, I bid you farewell. See you tomorrow for more Gamescom, and have a grand night.

Martin Robinson

Martin Robinson

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