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EA E3 2016 conference live report

Mass Effect! Star Wars! FIFA! Andrew Wilson! Live from 9pm BST.

E3 kicks off, as is fast becoming tradition, before the show properly starts, with EA opting out of the convention centre this year and having its own events in Los Angeles and London. We'll be at both venues, and live reporting on the conference which kicks off at 9pm BST.

Our live coverage of this event has finished.

Happy E3 eve.... eve? I think this is like December 23rd where everyone's rushing around to get everything in place for the big day or something.

Martin Robinson

Fittingly I'm in a shopping mall in Hammersmith right now, biding my time for the doors to open at EA's London event at the Apollo.

Martin Robinson

Meanwhile, in just as overcast LA, our US team is getting itself in place for the day's activities.

Martin Robinson

I'll be honest, all I care about right now is getting to play Battlefield One, which is going to be happening very soon.

Martin Robinson

Elsewhere, Titanfall 2 has already leaked - it'll feature a single-player campaign and is out the end of October.

Martin Robinson

With all the leaks, as well as Nintendo and Sony declining to show the new hardware we know exists, it's a wonder we have anything left to discuss at E3 this week.

Martin Robinson

Which is quite nice, really - with the games and hardware out the way, we'll be able to focus on what really matters.

Martin Robinson

The obscure celebrity cameos, the occasional on-stage blundering and a parade of high fashion from gaming's greatest execs.

Martin Robinson

Will Pele return? Can anyone outdo the business jacket and cargo pants combo spotted on Ubisoft's stage a couple of years ago?

Martin Robinson

The real questions of E3 2016 are still hanging in the air, and where be here with you all the way as they're all answered.

Martin Robinson

That's the spirit! I'm heading down to the Brighton offices just after EA's conference to be in place for Bethesda at 3am (!), but I've already got a hipflask full of fine bourbon to make the journey that little bit more bearable. Just don't let Oli know.

Martin Robinson

We're now inside the Hammersmith Apollo. Waiting... Last time I was here was to see My Bloody Valentine with Metabomb hero John Bedford. I think it was slightly more squiffy.

Martin Robinson

We're embargoed until later on everything that's being shown at this event.

Martin Robinson

What I can say, though, is that EA has done a wonderful job scrubbing up the toilets at the Apollo.

Martin Robinson

Last time I was in there the floor was soaked to the point I think I got piss between my toes.

Martin Robinson

Would have been quite apt if they'd kept them that way for today. Real-time trench foot to go with Battlefield 1!

Martin Robinson

Appreciate the more sanitary conditions though. If that freshness is any indicator for what we're going to get later we're in for a treat!

Martin Robinson

Good evening! I'm in the Brighton office with team UK. Heads up: FIFA 17 has A STORY MODE.

Robert Purchese

Hello from Los Angeles, where Wes and I are attending EA's big press conference! Just a plain cloth wristband this year, no fancy light-up shenanigans.

Tom Phillips

We're half an hour away from the press conference starting! In a queue with a 60 second loop of canned hype music. Bad-dum-dum-dum. Bad-dum-dum.

Tom Phillips

One of the security guards is dancing. Bad-dum-dum. Dum-dum-dum.

Tom Phillips

Everywhere smells of fried chicken. Bad-dum-dum. Dum-dum-dum.

Tom Phillips

Well hello. Just finished playing some games I couldn't possibly talk about (for another couple of hours at least) and am sat three rows from the front at EA's London event.

Martin Robinson

We're all sat in Hammersmith's Apollo - a not inconsiderable venue - to watch a livestream.

Martin Robinson

Which is quite an odd prospect. But!

Martin Robinson

We do have Peter Moore here, who's already been onstage to gee up the crowd.

Martin Robinson

The Peter Moore Live at The Apollo DVD will be available from all good service stations this Christmas.

Martin Robinson

We're 15 minutes from GO GO GO. Although, to be honest, I'm not really sure there's left to reveal.

Martin Robinson

The LA team is still in the queue to get in the venue.

Martin Robinson

So, er, don't expect this one to start on time.

Martin Robinson

I'm being spared some awful bantz in the main stream though, it seems.

Martin Robinson

Can't say I'm *too* upset.

Martin Robinson

Just switched on the Twitch stream. Just switched it off again. Thanks for sparing us here in Hammersmith, EA!

Martin Robinson

The one leak I'm worried about right now is from myself. Just had a coffee and a beer before this - can I make it through all 90 minutes?

Martin Robinson

Oh wait!

Martin Robinson

Peter Moore is onstage!

Martin Robinson

I'm filming this.

Martin Robinson

Reckon I can sell bootlegs of this routine down Bovingdon Market.

Martin Robinson

This is going on 'til 10pm local time.

Martin Robinson

So the conference is only an hour.

Martin Robinson

We're being promised some great content from Moore.

Martin Robinson

I *love* content. That's what I came here for.

Martin Robinson

rep-: Any idea how long the conference is?

60 minutes, it seems.

Martin Robinson

SpaceMonkey77: Cool lets go. Waited too long. Let's go!

LET'S DO THIS. In about five minutes or so idk.

Martin Robinson

So.... Who's drinking what?

Martin Robinson

In the interests of preventing any more leaks - especially as I'm sat next to the lovely Edwin and I don't want to leak all over him - I'm staying dry for this conference.

Martin Robinson

Silverflash: Aberlour Abunadh, Martin. Only the best to kick off E3.

Fancy dan!

Martin Robinson

I'm so tempted to start on the hipflask that's in my bag, but lord knows what state I'd be in come 3am.

Martin Robinson

Unclebenny: I've got this and the football going at the same time. that's too much content already.

You can never, ever have too much content. Humankind is a bottomless receptacle for content.

Martin Robinson

We're running late but there's still a huge queue here outside. Security is very tight.

Tom Phillips

That music is still looping.

Tom Phillips

The deep house gets deeper, and the wait goes on.

Martin Robinson

rep-: I'm confused are EG in London or LA?

Both! We're an international bunch. I'm in London, Tom P and Wes are in LA.

Martin Robinson

vandal_gab: Thought it started a 9pm BST?

That was the plan, yeah. There's a slight delay in LA so we should be up and running shortly.

Martin Robinson

It's gone quiet here in London.

Martin Robinson

And we have a countdown on screen.

Martin Robinson

People are genuinely losing their shit over this countdown.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

We are live.

Martin Robinson

Andrew Wilson's shiny visage is being streamed in hypervision.

Martin Robinson

He's poured himself into those jeans, and you could cut your fingers off the creases in that shirt.

Martin Robinson

'The content creators here can tell you what they've seen', says Andrew.

Martin Robinson

We're *all* content.

Martin Robinson

My god, it's full of content.

Martin Robinson

Anyway, I'm up on screen. Wave!

Martin Robinson

Cyndi Lauper is playing the Apollo in a couple of weeks time. Tonight, though, it's all Moore's.

Martin Robinson

There's a schism in EA, it seems - Andrew Wilson is tucked, ironed to a crisp.

Martin Robinson

Peter Moore, however, is letting it hang out, all in black.

Martin Robinson

Andrew Wilson talking about play feels like the weirdest TED talk I've ever witnessed.

Martin Robinson

There's a lot of guff to get through, but we can expect looks at Mass Effect, Battlefield, Titanfall and FIFA.

Martin Robinson

And we're kicking off with Titanfall via Vince Zampella, who looks super casual with a cargo jacket.

Martin Robinson

Titanfall 2 will be coming to PS4 as awell as Xbox One and PC.

Martin Robinson

It's got mechs and - this is the big new thing - grappling hooks.

Martin Robinson

I've also got a guy sitting next to me who keeps staring at my screen. Hello sir!

Martin Robinson

This is coming out on October 28th - a week after Battlefield 1.

Martin Robinson

More customisation options, single-player. And mechs. Lots of mechs.

Martin Robinson

And now our look at the single-player.

Martin Robinson

Our second look, that is, after this morning's leak. Kudos to EA for owning it and getting the high quality trailer out straight after the leak.

Martin Robinson

I didn't think a Titanfall single-player campaign was something I wanted.

Martin Robinson

But the single-player trailer is beginning to convince me otherwise.

Martin Robinson

Robots really are the greatest things.

Martin Robinson

oldskooldeano: I think you can buy Zampellas cargo jacket in The Division. 350 Bird coins and its yours.

I'd love an Andrew Wilson skin for any MP shooter, really.

Martin Robinson

It's Madden time!

Martin Robinson

Does that mean it's time for me to try and sneak to the toilet?

Martin Robinson

If I'm being honest, Peter Moore's shirt is a little too long to be able to be worn untucked.

Martin Robinson

There. I said it.

Martin Robinson

Take those trousers off and it could double up as an eye-catching mini-skirt.

Martin Robinson

You'd just get a hint of cheek, I think.

Martin Robinson

Donlan in the office, on Moore and Wilson: "This is like Bowie and Jagger at Live Aid." But the question is, who's who?

Oli Welsh

Not enough to offend, but just enough to titillate.

Martin Robinson

I think to pull off the mini-skirt look, Moore would have to pair up that shirt with some high heels.

Martin Robinson

Sorry, I say mini-skirt, I obviously mean a daring A-line or something.

Martin Robinson

Have they stopped with Madden yet?

Martin Robinson

Peter's gone offstage while we watch the VT.

Martin Robinson

I hope he's going to take my advice and ripping off those trousers so that outfit can really shine.

Martin Robinson

They're still talking Madden, right?

Martin Robinson

Peter Moore is back onstage. He's kept his trousers on, for shame.

Martin Robinson

Anyway, there's an eSpats thing in Madden.

Martin Robinson

And now we're on to the meat with BioWare.

Martin Robinson

I haven't played too much Mass Effect so I'm wondering why this guy is advertising the night bus to Northolt on his t-shirt.

Martin Robinson

I mean, I've had some fun on that route home. But I wouldn't go as far as wearing the t-shirt.

Martin Robinson

N47 all the way for me.

Martin Robinson

Here, though, is a look at Mass Effect Andromeda.

Martin Robinson

Which is being made in Frostbite.

Martin Robinson

Everything is at EA these days, it seems.

Martin Robinson

It's offering brief glimpses of gameplay, and a look at some returning races looking all shiny with their new mo-cap.

Martin Robinson

And the return of the Mako. Or at the very least something that looks like it.

Martin Robinson

That was a slim look, unfortunately. Just a dev diary (again) with only small snippets of gameplay.

Martin Robinson

But! Mass Effect Andromeda is certainly a looker.

Martin Robinson

Andrew Wilson is now announcing Play to Give - which combines in-game achievements with charitable donations.

Martin Robinson

A noble cause, so kudos to them.

Martin Robinson

Now onto some video games.

Martin Robinson

FIFA 17 is next, and we're about to see what it looks like on Frostbite engine.

Martin Robinson

Which is being touted as a big evolution for the series - perhaps its biggest since 07.

Martin Robinson

Where, though, is Pele?

Martin Robinson

Oh god we're getting live theatre here at the Apollo.

Martin Robinson

I could've gone to the NFT tonight, but this is where it's at.

Martin Robinson

Suddenly we're all wishing for Pele instead.

Tom Phillips

That was amazing. So pleased to have been here to witness that.

Martin Robinson

So, FIFA has a story mode. Cmoplete, I believe, with BioWare-esque dialogue options. It looks properly, properly nuts.

Martin Robinson

MrTomFTW: I'm enjoying Peter Moore's pokey nipples. Anyone else?

I hadn't even noticed. For shame!

Martin Robinson

I'm a fan of nuttiness in games, so I'm all over this.

Martin Robinson

The story mode is called The Journey.

Martin Robinson

I'm about to look at Moore's nipples now.

Martin Robinson

It's not even cold here. So I don't know what his excuse is.

Martin Robinson

Manager models are in FIFA which means.....

Martin Robinson

Holy hell, I was about to write about a virtual Sam Allardyce.

Martin Robinson

But Jose is here! He is so goddamned handsome.

Martin Robinson

This, everyone, is how you have a presence on stage. Never mind Moore's nipples - mine are standing to attention right now.

Martin Robinson

Excuse me. I'm genuinely starstruck.

Martin Robinson

Pretty sure he just winked at me too.

Martin Robinson

There'll be a FIFA preview on the site shortly.

Martin Robinson

That was FIFA. And now this is DICE.

Martin Robinson

I think they're about to announce the new game from the Unravel chap.

Martin Robinson

EA Originals is a new indie initiative.

Martin Robinson

Maybe Wes or Tom P can confirm, but Patrick's shoes look boxfresh, like he bought them especially for today. Got to appreciate the effort.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

We're sat quite far back. But sure, whatever floats your boat.

Tom Phillips

rep-: Did Mr 80s not mention Star Wars earlier?

It will likely be a look at the Bespin DLC. I'd love a look at an all-new Star Wars game - has enough of them in the works - but I'm not 100 per cent sure we'll get one.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Is it part of your EA Originals contract that you always have to look like you're about to start to cry?

Tom Phillips

Excuse the radio silence. It's just that Fe looks a bit, well, fey.

Martin Robinson

I'm sure, however, that it'll be lovely. Getting faint Tearaway vibes from it.

Martin Robinson

To make things a bit more exciting for you all back at home, I think I'm about to leak.

Martin Robinson

It'll be the best E3 leak we've had yet, I promise.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

And Jade Raymond is on-stage, which suggests we'll see something new.

Martin Robinson

Battlefront 2 is being developed by Dice with the help of Motive, and it'll feature content from the new films.

Martin Robinson

And in 2018 we'll be getting the Visceral game. All of this is known.

Martin Robinson

So please let's see some actual footage of these games.

Martin Robinson

Rather than just a dev diary.

Martin Robinson

Oh wait, here's a dev diary.

Martin Robinson

NoTheMama: They aint showing anything are they? Lol

I don't think so, no...

Martin Robinson

2017: Battlefront the game you hoped the first would be 2018: Star Wars Uncharted 2019: Star Wars Titanfall

Tom Phillips

We did see a brief glimpse of Battlefront in VR - it was an X-Wing in space.

Martin Robinson

Bolin: hahaha this is shit.

Pretty succinct, and pretty on-point.

Martin Robinson

But no, we're not going to see anything of Battlefront 2 while there's still Battlefront 1 DLC to sell.

Tom Phillips

A very brief look at Visceral's Star Wars game which gives little away - it's third-person, I imagine it'll be Uncharted-esque.

Martin Robinson

One last game, and it's Battlefield 1.

Martin Robinson

In about three minutes time I can tell you that this is a very good video game.

Martin Robinson

For now, though, here's a brief trailer.

Martin Robinson

Jamie Foxx and Zac Efron are here to show us Battlefield 1. This is the content I live for.

Martin Robinson

Both of them look, super, super awkward.

Martin Robinson

So it's 10pm and I can tell you...

Martin Robinson

Battlefield 1 feels like a return to Battlefield 1942 - it's more slow and considered.

Martin Robinson

It's also really, really good, with dynamic destruction and weather that change the maps as you play them.

Martin Robinson

Also, losing teams get access to a Behemoth - a huge airship that's like a mobile gun platform.

Martin Robinson

It's all an awful lot of fun, it looks gorgeous - and I hope to bring you plenty more on it tomorrow morning.

Martin Robinson

This is our first look at the game properly in action. We played it on a pretty high-end PC, but it looks pretty close.

Martin Robinson

Also, there are now more dynamic transitions as you move into vehicles.

Martin Robinson

And it's out October 21st.

Martin Robinson

Oh, and horses. How could I forget horses!

Martin Robinson

That, I think, was your E3 2016 conference from EA.

Martin Robinson

In summary *shrugs shoulders*.

Martin Robinson

Still, we'll always have Jose and Peter's nipples here in London.

Martin Robinson

Here's hoping for more from Bethesda at 3am. Right, I'm off to leak. Laters!

Martin Robinson

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