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Bethesda E3 2018 conference live report

Elder Scrolls 6? ELDER SCROLLS 6! (Elder Scrolls 6). Everything as it happened.

We. Are. Done. And Bethesda brought the big ones - we got Rage 2, a new Doom, some more details on Fallout 76. Oh, and Elder Scrolls 6. So there's that. Here's it all as it happened.

Our live coverage of this event has finished.

Only *stares at watch* two and a half hours to go!

Martin Robinson

Oh lord.

Martin Robinson

Seriously though do stick around I've already had a few beers and am planning on more and there's a very high chance you'll get to witness me losing my job, live and in real time here on you're a gamer dot com.

Martin Robinson

jswhitfield8: Could you imagine if Huw Edwards tweeted out "Just had a few beers. Time to do the 10 o'clock news. Tune in, I am steaming."?

Wouldn't happen, but there was that time he did the 6 o'clock news off his tits on ket. Was a good watch, that.

Martin Robinson

pelican_: Hello...anyone still here? :p


Martin Robinson

pelican_: Martin. Another year and you get the late shift covering e3 conferences ;p.

It's honestly a highlight of my year.

Martin Robinson

Kami: Heads up; seems the video URL has been "removed" by the user.

Ta, have swapped it out with the Twitch stream.

Martin Robinson

45 minutes to go. We can do this.

Martin Robinson

There's a certain amount of cabin fever creeping into the office.

Martin Robinson

There's a Virtual Boy in the corner, screaming out incessant beeps.

Martin Robinson

Now everyone who's left in the office is just beeping the same song.

Martin Robinson

I've moved from beers to gin and tonic. My eyes hurt.

Martin Robinson

But it's okay. We can do this.

Martin Robinson

Martin Robinson

Right, hi, hello, I'm here.

Martin Robinson

I have a banging headache and I can't see out of one eye.

Martin Robinson

I really don't know what to expect from this.

Martin Robinson

We know about Fallout 76 and I'm guessing we'll get a lot more detail.

Martin Robinson

Confirmation, perhaps, that it's an online survival game.

Martin Robinson

We'll see some Rage 2 gameplay, I'm sure.

Martin Robinson

The Prey DLC that's been on the cards for a while, maybe some Wolfenstein DLC too.

Martin Robinson

And... Starfield?

Martin Robinson

Beyond that I don't really have the foggiest.

Martin Robinson

Kami: I mean, it's late and Martin is "slightly" drunk but pretty sure that happened.

Yup, they did say that (and I'm not that drunk!) The rumours have pointed to that being the case, though, and both those things mentioned earlier don't count it out!

Martin Robinson

Would be lovely to get some more Switch announces tonight.

Martin Robinson

I honestly would be up for Rogue Warrior on the go.

Martin Robinson

There's an awful lot of Andrew WK in these Rage 2 trailers they're recapping and I'll be honest it's really not helping things right now.

Martin Robinson

misterdoctor: Rocksteady is making a Superman game. Not related, but it's late and nothing is related anymore.

If that happens I would die with happiness on the spot.

Martin Robinson

That's quite enough of the pre-show, let's get this thing up and running.

Martin Robinson

Also thanks to everyone who's stuck around for this tonight. You're all legends.

Martin Robinson

Thanks Martin

Paul Watson

That kind of felt like a life insurance advert but it was a nice message nevertheless. Bethesda is a company staffed by humans.

Martin Robinson

Pete Heinz is going to be our frontman for the night.

Martin Robinson

Having awful thoughts about Hines Salad Cream now and I knew that drinking before this was a mistake.

Martin Robinson

This year's theme, by the way, is 'Create'.

Martin Robinson

The screamers are out in force.

Martin Robinson

It's not quite an enthusiastic scream, though.

Martin Robinson

The high pitch has an edge of terror to it.

Martin Robinson

Rage 2 now tho.

Martin Robinson

Oh no.

Martin Robinson

This isn't Rage 2.

Martin Robinson

It's Andrew WK.

Martin Robinson

Oh no.

Martin Robinson

Oh no.

Martin Robinson

The cutaway to a bemused audience kind of made it all worthwhile.

Martin Robinson

There's nothing more beautiful than a completely immobile audience staring, frozen in apathy, at a high energy performance like this.

Martin Robinson

Some people are going pretty wild, to be fair, and are literally tapping their feet to this.

Martin Robinson

Just down at the front where the rowdy lot are. mind.

Martin Robinson

Why is Tim Willits kneeling?

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

This is slightly awkward, but bless them, this is beautiful.

Martin Robinson

Onto some gameplay, thankfully.

Martin Robinson

This game is going to be good. Really good. It might take a while for that to come into focus, though.

Martin Robinson

It does look every bit as lovely as the original Rage, but with the added bonus of the freedom that an Avalanche game implies.

Martin Robinson

Kami: So, is anyone going to mention Mad Max? No?

I will! This looks like Mad Max. Mad Max was brilliant.

Martin Robinson

It is Doom 2016 with a bit of Mad Max and a little Bulletstorm and that's going to be just great thanks.

Martin Robinson

They're going strong on the obnoxious stuff though which isn't helping its cause too much.

Martin Robinson

Here's Elder Scrolls: Legends.

Martin Robinson

It's coming to Switch, PS4 and Xbox One, for your i.

Martin Robinson

Kami: There's a Switch game announcement, I guess.

Ha, yup rack it up.

Martin Robinson

And now Elder Scrolls Online.

Martin Robinson

This game has come a long, long way since launch.

Martin Robinson

This, though, seems like a weird victory lap rather than something that should be on during an E3 presser.

Martin Robinson

This is a strange conference so far, but I kind of like it. It's a throwback to 2009-era E3.

Martin Robinson

Tonnes of awkward moments, weird musical guests and pauses for applause.

Martin Robinson

It's all quite warming.

Martin Robinson

BaldGeordie: It'll be the G & T warming Martin

Ah, yeah it probably is that.

Martin Robinson

Was that a trailer for what came out last week?

Martin Robinson

But hey what's this.

Martin Robinson

Could it be.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Hell on Earth.

Martin Robinson

Korlis: Is it just going to be DOOM 2: Hell on Earth?

Yes and I'm okay with that.

Martin Robinson

Or Doom Eternal, call it what you want.

Martin Robinson

It's more Doom and I am so, so up for that.

Martin Robinson

Let's please have a look at it in action.

Martin Robinson

Pretty please.

Martin Robinson

It's a proper sequel.

Martin Robinson

Hold up I just got wind of the time.

Martin Robinson

3am eternal.

Martin Robinson

This whole late night thing was just Bethesda setting up that perfect moment. Thanks pals.

Martin Robinson

Aaaannnnd we're not going to see the game in action - it's being saved for Quakecon in August.

Martin Robinson

That kind of sucks.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

And now onto Quake Champions.

Martin Robinson

That was Quake.

Martin Robinson

This is Prey.

Martin Robinson

I've had East 17's 'Stay Another Day' in my head all day and have been trying to wrangle Prey-relevant lyrics into it.

Martin Robinson

I'll spare you any of my efforts so far, but please do have a crack yourself.

Martin Robinson

This is a stealth drop - the new stuff you've just seen is available naaaaoooowww.

Martin Robinson

And a multiplayer mode which sounds kind of awesome, with players disguising themselves as mimics.

Martin Robinson

Wolfenstein time now - perhaps a DLC announce?

Martin Robinson

Wolfenstein is coming to Switch later this month, as you know.

Martin Robinson

And the next chapter of Wolfenstein, Young Blood, takes up the story of BJ's twin daughters.

Martin Robinson

And it's a co-op game.

Martin Robinson

Sounds more like a smaller spin-off than a standalone. And we're going to get to see it in action.

Martin Robinson

The former, I'd reckon.

Martin Robinson

Oh no we're not going to get to see it in action.

Martin Robinson

That's a trend, it would seem.

Martin Robinson

We're also getting two new VR experiences - one for Wolfenstein and one for Prey.

Martin Robinson

I'd kind of forgotten that Fallout 76 was part of this.

Martin Robinson

Here it comes. Take it away Todd Howard.

Martin Robinson

I just went for a whizz and I came back to a weird Jason Manford routine.

Martin Robinson

Is this still the comedy bit?

Martin Robinson

So many parts of this conference have felt like an April Fools or an extended Clickhole riff.

Martin Robinson

ytzulu: the site that puts puns under every article, is getting cranky about a comedy skit

Rumbled (sorry I'm being grumpy because it's very much past my bedtime)

Martin Robinson

This is the same trailer we saw at Microsoft earlier today.

Martin Robinson

Here we are, getting a proper look at Fallout 76 in action.

Martin Robinson

It's a much more detailed world, and it does look *gorgeous*.

Martin Robinson

This looks very much like a bonafide single-player Fallout, so maybe those rumours about it being an online-focussed game was wide of the mark.

Martin Robinson

Oh no they weren't.

Martin Robinson

You'll only be in a world with dozens of people at a time rather than 100s or 1000s.

Martin Robinson

Not sure he can take this routine to an arena, tbh, and I'm certainly not buying the DVD for my mum.

Martin Robinson

This actually looks like a load of fun - forming a band, raiding with friends.

Martin Robinson

And shooting the shit out of massive sloths. I'm in.

Martin Robinson

You can build settlements, and then see them be wrecked by monsters.

Martin Robinson

Also a photo mode.

Martin Robinson

Oh and you can nuke other players.

Martin Robinson

It might sound a bit, well, OP, but you do have to work with other players to get the nuclear code, which seems like a pretty neat mechanic.

Martin Robinson

Getting your buildings wiped out seems less neat, but I'm sure they've got a solution somehow for that.

Martin Robinson

There's a beta - called the 'Break-It-Early-Test-Application'.

Martin Robinson

They've become self aware!

Martin Robinson

We've gone straight from talk of a beta to collector's editions and oh god the apocalypse will be next.

Martin Robinson

So yeah there's a glow in the dark map and a helmet.

Martin Robinson

It's out on 14th November. That's a busy, busy month with Battlefield and Red Dead too.

Martin Robinson

A few little bonuses - Fallout Shelter is coming to PS4 and Switch naaaaoooow.

Martin Robinson

And now onto Starfield.

Martin Robinson

Or The Elder Scrolls Blades, as it's actually called.

Martin Robinson

It's an all-new Elder Scrolls game! But...

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

You can play in portrait! Also I think Todd made a wanking joke and I'm just about ready to go to bed.

Martin Robinson

It's a console game *on a phone*! This really is the most 2009 conference I've seen since, well, 2009.

Martin Robinson

It's a free-to-play game, and it's coming out this autumn.

Martin Robinson

Also you can... pre-order this free-to-play game?

Martin Robinson

Now I'm confused.

Martin Robinson

Oh now here's one last thing which might be interesting.

Martin Robinson

This'll be Starfield, right? It's a next-gen game.

Martin Robinson

Next-gen is really here, right now. I wonder if Sony will 'fess up that half of the games it's showing tomorrow are next-gen too.

Martin Robinson

Also Starfield could be amazing.

Martin Robinson

But also good luck getting Elder Scrolls 6 anytime in the next decade.

Martin Robinson

Oh wait lol.

Martin Robinson

WET 2!

Martin Robinson

Nah here's Elder Scrolls 6 because today's had everything.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

You can't really end a show on a bigger note than that.

Martin Robinson

Elder Scrolls 6.

Martin Robinson

Hope it's more than just an SEO play Todd.

Martin Robinson

A lumpy show, but some amazing moments, and some great-looking games.

Martin Robinson

Also Andrew WK.

Martin Robinson

I really, truly, am done.

Martin Robinson

Thanks so much for joining us. I want to go to bed before the sun rises.

Martin Robinson

See you all tomorrow at 6pm for Square. Not sure how tomorrow can top today given all the big reveals, but let's see it try.

Martin Robinson

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