Optimize Onboarding

Greet new customers with seamless, personalized welcome flows

  • Mercari
  • Intuit
  • Etsy
  • The Guardian
  • HBO
  • Delivery Hero

Break the ice using the power of cross-channel messaging

Product Feature

Mobile Push Notifications

Hinge combined creative campaign ideas and data-focused experimentation to discover which actions encouraged users to form real connections—like going on first dates!��and used those insights in Braze-powered campaigns that saw their click-through rates soar by 200%.
See Hinge's Story
Hinge logo and push notification prompts

Personalized first impressions matter most

Product Feature


Mobile Push Notifications

HBO Max leaned on segmentation, triggered cross-channel messages, and effective customer journey management to power a rich, individually customized onboarding flow. The result? A 3,000% higher subscription rate than a one-size-fits-all onboarding approach.
See HBO Max's Story
HBO Max logo and onboarding rich push notification

“We're really just trying to connect as much to behavior as we are to the actual content that viewers are watching and find out where the two shall meet. And then we have to power everything through Braze to keep it all under the same roof, which just gives us much better visibility.”

Christine Miller
Director of Campaign Management at HBO Max

Personalize onboarding journeys to boost engagement and drive action

Product Feature


In-App Messages

Liquid Personalization

Mobile Push Notifications

Hosco used Braze Canvas to create personalized, multi-path customer journeys to smooth the onboarding flow and nudge users to complete important first steps, like finishing their profiles. Their efforts resulted in a 54% jump in click-to-open rates and 10,000 new job applications from users.
See Hosco's Story
Hosco logo and screenshot of onboarding email

Create onboarding journeys that drive revenue

Use Cases


Braze Alloys


Product Feature

Content Cards

Canvas Flow

Through unifying their customer engagement tools, adding new channels, and better leveraging user data, U.S. Soccer was able to deploy an onboarding journey that increased paid subscriptions by 43%.
See U.S. Soccer's Story

Why customer engagement matters for optimizing onboarding


Longer customer retention when they receive messages from your brand

Sending your users welcome messaging can be the difference between building a strong relationship and watching them walk out the door


Of brands execute campaigns across multiple customer engagement channels

As consumers jump from one platform to the next, effective brands know the impact of engaging users from web to mobile and beyond


Higher customer lifetime value when brands engage users across multiple channels

For truly top-flight onboarding outcomes, there’s no substitute for seamless messaging across channels