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  • Valentine (c. 199X)
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what’s the word for post nut clarity but for situations

the word i was looking for was hindsight

Marijuana has been rescheduled, and all federal possession charges pardoned. You got $2000 stimulus. Over $160 billion in student loans forgiven. Talk of Project 2025 has been for a few months, since it was revealed, and the House is in Republicans hands.  Try to keep up. https://t.co/1BPYe4ImG1  — DCPetterson (@dcpetterson) June 16, 2024ALT
To note: marijuana rescheduling could have happened much faster if Republicans in Congress went along with a bill to do so. Instead they had to go through rulemaking, which is why it took so damn long. But they absolutely did it.  — MushuWeasel (@mushuweasel) June 16, 2024ALT
Exactly.  Faux-leftists love to blame Democrats for what Republicans do. pic.twitter.com/uhGr8Kjess  — DCPetterson (@dcpetterson) June 16, 2024ALT

Not saying there aren't some extremely valid criticisms of the Democratic party and the overall structure of the US political system but jfc this is how some of y'all sound. Please stop and think I'm so fucking tired

The trouble is that terminally online leftists assume that because there is a Democrat in the oval office, that means that he can do whatever he wants, and why he is not doing what his constituents want is a subject of much consternation for them. There is only one way to drag the Overton window to the left, and it is by applying nonstop political pressure to elected individuals, who must be VOTED in. The only question worth asking is this: which elected individuals are even possibly able to be dragged to the left? There is an obvious answer.

#just a few hours ago the GOP majority House passed bills to block energy efficiency standards on home appliances#biden didn't pass it. the house did.#and this is the way it works. it's a lot of small sustained pushes from conservatives of like#price hikes to specific OTC medication. 'religious protection' for employers offering health insurance. things nobody thinks about.#until 'suddenly' a case goes to court on whether or not (x) can be denied an abortion#and would you look at that! the precedent set for this extremely conservative judge points to an anti-abortion ruling#but the groundwork being laid by conservatives via gerrymandering and voter disenfranchisement and so on and so forth#that gets ignored. because the democrats who WERE pushing against this and trying to get people engaged etc. 'didn't do enough'#what really gets me though is that like. so many leftists are using recycled conservative/fascist talking points without realizing it.#i grew up in an evangelical conservative community and there is a staggering amount of regurgitation of the same talking points#it's specific things mind you. usually in the vein of the 'ineffective-but-dangerous liberal' talking point#but also SO FUCKING MUCH of treating the actions of the state as intervention of providence vs. human action#those two things in combination with each other spark such a narrative of hopelessness too!#because instead of feeling empowered to overturn that system or change it leftists get stuck on everything being bad#like. there are countless criticisms for the democratic party. i have fought so many liberals in city halls for not doing enough.#but i also recognize that thinking Literally Nobody In The System Is Even Trying is both patently untrue and immensely destructive#if only for your own mental health and thus ability to fucking do something. but it does also make doing things with others much easier.#idk. just... 'milquetoast centrists' that showed up to say they want cops out of schools or to testify in favor of being a sanctuary city?#the neoliberals that exclusively show up to volunteer for needle collection programs or soup kitchens for social cred?#the old democratic county council members that would listen to my criticisms at city halls and bring them up at the next one?#not only are those people alright by me but they're like. a large portion of leftists.#i'm just ranting in the tags at this point but i just...#genuinely feel like people are treating entire political bodies and parties as monoliths rather than a mass of individuals#and that this is part of why discussions are just fucking devolving#politics#united states


Light answers a tough question



I just wondering how it will be look without toughts


Normal conversation (¬∀¬)

if you live in America, regardless of whether or not you are eligible to vote, are you aware of Project 2025?



Not American/See Results


John Oliver clip

tumblr post with sources

post with a video breakdown

via nowthisimpact on Instagram

breakdown post

All In With Chris Hayes clip via MSNBC

*Please add any additional sources you may have and find useful*

I encourage everyone to not only be aware of Project 2025, but educate yourself on exactly what is — a nearly one thousand page document by Conservatives that describes the creation of an authoritarian state and dismantling of major necessary agencies (EPA, Department of Education, etc), as well as including a plan to remove those who hold high government seats and replace them with loyalists who have little to no experience in that field.

An estimated 41 million Gen Z teens will turn eighteen before this election. Please make sure you are registered to vote by November, and be sure to get to the polls on November 5th.

Gen Z please see this and take it in. You need to know, we all need to know.

such constant barrage of bad news and i feel like i need to be saying something about it to keep at least the handful of people following me from assuming that ukraine is doing alright but i just have nothing to say anymore

you know the funny thing is that in these past 2+ years there has never been a single day when ukrainians felt secure or confident in our quote-unquote "allies". there has never not been an underlying fear that they're gonna get tired/bored of us any day now, they're gonna be too scared to help, they're gonna choose the short-term profits from doing business with russia over the long-term benefit of sticking with us, they're gonna be too enamoured with that high culture ballet intelligentsia chic to listen to some poor mail bride folks, they're gonna get offended that we don't kowtow in gratitude enough, they're gonna get annoyed that they've given us so many bananas but we keep insisting we need apples, etc.

and we were right on every point, and we keep asking for apples because there's literally no one else on planet earth to ask, and we keep cooing about the whole "civilised democracy western values" nonsense (yes, it's cringe to hip lefty people, i know, i am a hip lefty people too) to maybe flatter them into moving their asses, very aware that if they think we're losing they'll dump us because it's a waste to help us but if they think we're winning they'll dump us because there'll be no sense of urgency to help

and all people internalised was this "the west has past tense helped ukraine" narrative, whether they bring it up to pat themselves on the back or to """point out the hypocrisy""" and say that it's time to move on to something else

no the fuck you didn't. you were in the middle of helping, then you changed your mind and dropped your hand, and so far it seems that no amount of bleeding and carnage will shock you into lifting it up again

@starlightomatic re: your tag, and to any kind person who wants to help but is unsure how, here's my two cents:

  1. keep yourself posted. i hate to say "spread awareness" because awareness alone doesn't help anyone, but if you proactively follow ukraine news you'll be more likely to know when a chance to help in a more substantial way does arise. follow the kyiv independent, united24media, euromaidan press, ukraïner, etc. for regular news updates in english. follow ukraine-based journalists and activists such as oz katerji (i heard he's on tumblr too), romeo kokriatski, terrell jermaine starr, check out the many ukrainian journalists they retweet. follow ostap yarysh, a ukrainian journalist in washington covering ukraine aid and such. follow julia davis to know what unhinged genocidal rhetoric the russian state media have been spewing lately. follow vladyslav starodubtsev if you're interested in the ukrainian leftist movement (modern and historical). follow lia ğazı qızı for a crimean tatar perspective. follow alice zhuravel and her project tozhsamist to learn about racial diversity in ukraine. follow afghan-ukrainian columnist mariam naiem. follow academics focusing on ukraine (not the nebulous "eastern bloc", ukraine) such as timothy snyder. there is plenty of credible information in english out there.
  2. speaking of chances to help: right now there's a us house discharge petition going around to bring the ukraine aid bill to a vote despite mike johnson's bullshit. if you're in the us, here is a list of reps to contact. ukraine's needs are as clear as they've been the entire time: weapons and ammo. weapons are saving more ukrainian lives than refugee protections (though those are a good thing too, obviously). if you want to advocate for ukraine, arms deliveries and military aid always could use more advocating.
  3. if you can, donate. come back alive and the prytula foundation accept international donations; so do the ngo ukrainian lgbtiq+ military (self-explanatory), vtrnk (the ngo supporting women in the army), sylni (charity foundation helping SA survivors), and i'm sure some of my ukrainian mutuals can reblog this with more suggestions. if you want to donate to an international org, donate to world central kitchen, they're about the only int org that's actually doing their job here. don't shy away from donating to the army-focused ngos. crowdfunding is about the only thing keeping us afloat right now – yes, on the battlefield, too.

i understand there's a lot happening in the world right now and everybody's only got so much energy to keep track of it all, but don't let ukraine be an afterthought. we're still here, we're not winning, we're not losing, we're hard at work and it could still tip either way. every effort counts.


this is the future that liberals want

A poodle clipped and dyed to resemble a pony.


Every time I see this I go “oh, neat pony” and scroll past while my brain chugs through the caption like the slowest computer on earth and I have to scroll back up to it

@0kkvlt have you seen the bear?


It’s the same poodle

Her name is Bijou and her owner likes turning her into other things


I saw the bear and said “oh, cool bear” out loud to myself, I think I may just actually be very stupid

hi uh i keep seeing this being debated on tiktok and as your resident adult with a history of infertility who knows just.. way too much about pregnancy and hcg tests: if you are capable of getting pregnant, you really REALLY need to understand how drugstore pregnancy tests work. if there is a line, no matter how faint, that test is POSITIVE. I’ve seen people test positive and get a negative or start their period a few days later and be like “it must have been a false positive”. actual false positives are extremely rare. what most likely happened is something called a ‘chemical pregnancy’ which is when an egg is fertilized but does not implant in the uterus so the pregnancy does not continue. that positive test was not faulty or false, it was just an early test.

if you think you might be pregnant, get your hands on a test. you don’t need the fancy digital ones. the ones you can buy at places like the dollar tree work just as well. buy a few and take one every day until your period comes on if you need to. if there is a FAINT line you aren’t sure about (sometimes tests have something called an indent that makes a shadow that can be mistaken as a very very faint line), test again the next day. as a general rule, morning is the best time to test for most people.

in a post-roe america, is it vitally necessary that you know and understand that because if you intend to terminate, your window is incredibly small in most states and by the time you’ve missed a period or begun to suspect you might be pregnant, there’s a decent chance you are past the cutoff. please please please educate yourselves on this because it could mean the difference between you having access to the healthcare that you need.

anyway sound off. at what stage do ppl think Han figured out the Force was real. the boring answer is after seeing Obi-wan vanish but i think he could rationalise that away as his eyes playing tricks on him. what do we think.

Let me demonstrate my answer for you:


That's it. That's my answer. Endor.

Please just take a look at Han's face right after witnessing 3po float. The man just had his entire worldview blown to smithereens.

that's so funny. that means he accepted Vader deflecting a blaster bolt with his hand as just something freaky government cyborgs can do, and stuck by Luke for multiple years as he tried to figure this Force stuff out, and just treated it like your friend getting really really into neopaganism to cope with a loss.

like yeah kid good job with the witching. i'm certain it will be more useful against your enemies than your sharpshooting. no i do not think your witchcraft is supplementing your aim but i'm not gonna argue about it.

yeah Luke was like 'I heard Ben Kenobi's voice in my head telling me how to blow up the Death Star :)' and Han was like 'kind of an unusual coping mechanism but I'm not gonna argue with him'

while you were studying girls i was kissing the blade

who is laios


some of you claim to love fat people when it’s pretty transparent you mean you love people with a tiny bit of belly who carry no weight on their face or neck and retain a conventionally attractive hip to waist ratio

The fakes who only love fat bodies when they’re a very very specific shape 🙄

imagine if you will, a fairly dry survival crafting game in which you live in a bunker and must periodically venture out to scavenge food, set up turrets for attacking monsters, etc

now, your computer inside the bunker has a game-inside-a-game on it which is a charming farming sim of undeniably greater quality and scope than the survival game you're playing. therefore, the object of the game becomes to keep your bunker secure so you can play the farming game more.

now, once you achieve the highest rating in the farming game, a secret shop inside it unlocks, and one of the novelty items you can purchase is a game console, giving you access to games-inside-a-game-inside-a-game. most of the games for it are typical mobile shovelware, but one of them is a highly polished, extremely brutal precision platformer with amazing level design and production values exceeding that of the survival game and farming sim combined.

it is only at this point that the purpose of this entire contrivance becomes clear: to create the most deranged speedrun community the world has ever seen.

Who wins in a battle

Your discord PFP

Your Tumblr PFP

Baldness is for nerds this is a battle to the death. If you have the same character/pfp on both platforms you have to decide which is the superior.

You have to explain your reasoning in the reblogs too

nothing solidifies generational bond more than remembering discontinued candies that you can’t even be sure were real


