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Cool Thing of the Day

A poodle clipped and dyed to resemble a pony.

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    @alchemist-who horse
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  24. coolthingoftheday posted this

I run this page because I love that feeling of learning something new, of seeing something that I didn’t know existed, of educating myself on other cultures, of delving into everything this world has to offer - and I want to share that feeling with other people. I want other people to see the things I see that I love so much and go, “Huh, I didn’t know that”, and “Really?! THAT’S SO COOL” and “Oh my God, I need to go there”, and then run to go get their mom or their sister or their boyfriend to show them because they just absolutely HAVE to let somebody know how cool this thing is that they just saw. I want people to experience the pure, unadulterated pleasure that comes with learning new things about the world we live in. I want people to look at the things I post here and feel the way that I feel when I learn something new. Happy.

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