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Knowledge Library - Resources, Guidance, and Lessons Learned

This Knowledge Library serves as a compendium of resources, guidance, and lessons learned to improve stakeholder understanding of the recommended practices and methods to drive successful agency use of shared services across common functions.

OMB Memo M-19-16
Foundational policy memo outlining the next steps in a continuously evolving vision for enabling agencies to fully leverage and benefit of shared and centralized services in delivering on their mission-support responsibilities.

Advancing the PMA through Shared Services
A one-page placemat to help agencies, policymakers, and industry stakeholders better understand the role that shared services can play as a lever for advancing the priorities of the President’s Management Agenda.

Concept of Operations
The Federal government supports the stability, welfare, and prosperity of our nation through agency missions and services delivered to the American people. These services encompass important missions, such as the safety of our national food supply, stabilization of capital and consumer markets, support for scientific and medical research, and the integrity of our national infrastructure, law enforcement, and national defense.

Video Center - Learn About Shared Services
Short, 2-minute videos that summarize what shared services are and how the Federal government is organizing around them.

Long-term Designation Criteria
A set of long-term criteria across dimensions of Finance, Organization, Operations, Program Management, and Technology that serve as maturity indicators in any organization that would organize around the delivery of shared services to Federal agencies.

M3 Playbook
Transitions are difficult but agencies can be successful with sufficient planning and follow-through. The Modernization and Migration Management framework will help agencies achieve successful outcomes and reduce risk during administrative system and/or service modernizations and migrations. M3 was developed based on feedback from over 100 Government and industry experts. It reflects best practices and lessons learned from prior migrations and is updated annually.

Funding Playbook for Shared Services - Quality Service Management Offices
A coordinated funding strategy, considerate of long-term goals and priorities, that draws on a well-understood toolbox of available funding mechanisms is a pillar in driving continued progress across the shared services ecosystem. This playbook guidance is intended to establish a baseline understanding of funding tools available to QSMO, but may also serve as a useful reference to agencies considering funding options for their own shared services journey.

Investment Planning Guidance
Key guidance defining the process, roles, and responsibilities related to reviewing an agency’s request for an investment in new or modernized technology / services in functional areas that are pre-designated or formally designated Quality Service Management Office (QSMO) per OMB Memorandum M-19-16, Centralized Mission Support Capabilities for the Federal Government.

Marketplace Capabilities Framework
The Marketplace Capabilities Framework provides a consistent starting point for establishing a marketplace that provides the essential elements needed by agencies to search and discover services that will meet their mission-support needs.

June 2024 Update on Shared Services
An update on progress underway by the Office of Shared Solutions and Performance Improvement and service delivery partners to advance the availability and adoption of commercial and Federal shared services.

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