Make WordPress Themes

Opened 6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

#52275 closed theme (not-approved)

THEME: travelmuch – 1.2

Reported by: blogohblog's profile blogohblog Owned by: rabmalin's profile rabmalin
Priority: previously reviewed Keywords: theme-travelmuch
Cc: bob@…


travelmuch - 1.2

A free WordPress theme suitable for travelogs from <a href="" title="Free WordPress Themes">Blog Oh! Blog</a>

Theme URL -
Author URL -

Trac Browser -


Diff with previous version:


Ticket Summary Status Resolution Owner
#52099 THEME: travelmuch – 1.0 closed not-approved rabmalin
#52275 THEME: travelmuch – 1.2 closed not-approved rabmalin

(this ticket)
Theme Check Results:

  • RECOMMENDED: No reference to add_theme_support( "custom-header", $args ) was found in the theme. It is recommended that the theme implement this functionality if using an image for the header.
  • RECOMMENDED: No reference to add_theme_support( "custom-background", $args ) was found in the theme. If the theme uses background images or solid colors for the background, then it is recommended that the theme implement this functionality.
  • RECOMMENDED: No reference to add_editor_style() was found in the theme. It is recommended that the theme implement editor styling, so as to make the editor content match the resulting post output in the theme, for a better user experience.

Attachments (1) (777.5 KB) - added by blogohblog 6 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (7)

#1 @blogohblog
6 years ago

The theme passed the theme check plugin test. So if you are finding some error, please please let me know. Appreciated.

#2 @wponlinesupport
6 years ago

Hello @blogohblog

Note: This is not a full review.

Your theme will be reviewed when your theme reaches to the top of the Review Queue and review process will follow procedures found in the Theme Handbook Please check it thoroughly and fix your theme accordingly.

In the mean time, please check following issues


  • REQUIRED: Your theme slug and text-domain are different. They are should be same. right now theme slug is travelmuch and text-domain is travelog
  • REQUIRED: The pingback url should be conditional, since it can be turned off. Example from twentysixteen:
    <?php if ( is_singular() && pings_open( get_queried_object() ) ) : ?>
     	<link rel="pingback" href="<?php bloginfo( 'pingback_url' ); ?>">
    <?php endif; ?>
  • REQUIRED: Scripts must be registered/enqueued via wp_enqueue_script Header.php L25
  • REQUIRED: Overriding WordPress globals is prohibited. Function.php L90
  • REQUIRED: All static strings in your theme should be translatable. Please check index.php L21
  • REQUIRED: Data Validation issues have been found in your theme. All dynamic data must be correctly escaped for the context where it is rendered. - All dynamic data must be escaped with esc_attr() before rendered in an html attribute. - Whenever you are rendering a url to the screen its value must be passed through esc_url() first. - If dynamic data is rendered inside an attribute that triggers a JavaScript event, it must be escaped with esc_js(). Eg Header.php L108, 109, 110, 111
  • REQUIRED: Value of get_theme_mod() should be always escaped when displaying. In simple words, there should never be echo get_theme_mod(). Appropriate escaping function should be used.
  • Notice: wp_enqueue_script was called incorrectly. Scripts and styles should not be registered or enqueued until the wp_enqueue_scripts, admin_enqueue_scripts, or login_enqueue_scripts hooks. Please see Debugging in WordPress
  • REQUIRED: Copyright is missing in readme.txt file. eg :
    travelmuch WordPress Theme, Copyright 2017 YOUR BRAND NAME
    travelmuch is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL

6 years ago

#3 @blogohblog
6 years ago

I have attached the theme after doing the changes. Please review.

#4 @wponlinesupport
6 years ago

Hello @blogohblog

Please upload your theme latest version here :

#5 @rabmalin
6 years ago

  • Owner set to rabmalin
  • Status changed from new to reviewing

#6 @rabmalin
6 years ago

  • Resolution set to not-approved
  • Status changed from reviewing to closed

You should always upload theme from
I even checked attached theme and even that version of theme has lots of issues. Please check the guideline very thoroughly and fix accordingly. And try checking your theme in Debug mode enabled.
Closing ticket.

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