Make WordPress Themes

Opened 3 weeks ago

Closed 3 weeks ago

#181637 closed theme (live)

THEME: Startup Blog – 1.41

Reported by: bensibley's profile BenSibley Owned by: themetracbot's profile themetracbot
Priority: theme update Keywords: theme-startup-blog
Cc: ben@…


Startup Blog - 1.41

Startup Blog is a modern and minimalist theme for blogging. Use it for your company’s business blog or a personal journal website. It’s fully responsive (mobile-friendly), so it looks great on all devices. The simple and clean aesthetic of this free theme emphasizes your content and helps it perform well across all screens. Startup Blog comes with numerous features including a responsive slider, header image, custom colors, two layouts, display options, and over 50+ social media icons. With complete WooCommerce integration, you can even launch an eCommerce store on your site. Startup Blog’s slick design is best-suited for professional and corporate blogs, but can work well for resumes, magazines, and even modern newspaper sites. Startup Blog is also fully compatible with the new Gutenberg post editor. View the fast and interactive demo on any device now to see if Startup Blog is right for your site:

Theme URL -
Author URL -

Trac Browser - -

Live preview –…

Diff with previous version: [234577]


Ticket Summary Status Resolution Owner
#44022 THEME: Startup Blog – 1.09 closed live sakinshrestha
#45559 THEME: Startup Blog – 1.10 closed live themetracbot
#45567 THEME: Startup Blog – 1.11 closed live themetracbot
#46410 THEME: Startup Blog – 1.12 closed live themetracbot
#47097 THEME: Startup Blog – 1.13 closed live themetracbot
#47514 THEME: Startup Blog – 1.14 closed live themetracbot
#48519 THEME: Startup Blog – 1.15 closed live themetracbot
#49196 THEME: Startup Blog – 1.16 closed live themetracbot
#49992 THEME: Startup Blog – 1.17 closed live themetracbot
#50497 THEME: Startup Blog – 1.18 closed live themetracbot
#50814 THEME: Startup Blog – 1.19 closed live themetracbot
#51006 THEME: Startup Blog – 1.20 closed live themetracbot
#51220 THEME: Startup Blog – 1.21 closed live themetracbot
#52192 THEME: Startup Blog – 1.22 closed live themetracbot
#53560 THEME: Startup Blog – 1.23 closed live themetracbot
#55319 THEME: Startup Blog – 1.24 closed live themetracbot
#61607 THEME: Startup Blog – 1.25 closed live themetracbot
#61723 THEME: Startup Blog – 1.26 closed live themetracbot
#61891 THEME: Startup Blog – 1.27 closed live themetracbot
#62465 THEME: Startup Blog – 1.28 closed live themetracbot
#62968 THEME: Startup Blog – 1.29 closed live themetracbot
#65917 THEME: Startup Blog – 1.30 closed closed-newer-version-uploaded rabmalin
#65918 THEME: Startup Blog – 1.31 closed live themetracbot
#77144 THEME: Startup Blog – 1.32 closed live themetracbot
#80894 THEME: Startup Blog – 1.33 closed live themetracbot
#84440 THEME: Startup Blog – 1.34 closed live themetracbot
#88412 THEME: Startup Blog – 1.35 closed live themetracbot
#93319 THEME: Startup Blog – 1.36 closed live themetracbot
#97115 THEME: Startup Blog – 1.37 closed live themetracbot
#121316 THEME: Startup Blog – 1.38 closed live themetracbot
#162821 THEME: Startup Blog – 1.39 closed live themetracbot
#166293 THEME: Startup Blog – 1.40 closed live themetracbot
#181637 THEME: Startup Blog – 1.41 closed live themetracbot

(this ticket)
Theme Check Results:

  • RECOMMENDED: No reference to register_block_pattern was found in the theme. Theme authors are encouraged to implement custom block patterns as a transition to block themes.
  • RECOMMENDED: No reference to register_block_style was found in the theme. Theme authors are encouraged to implement new block styles as a transition to block themes.
  • RECOMMENDED: No reference to add_theme_support( "custom-background", $args ) was found in the theme. If the theme uses background images or solid colors for the background, then it is recommended that the theme implement this functionality.
  • RECOMMENDED: No reference to add_theme_support( "responsive-embeds" ) was found in the theme. It is recommended that the theme implement this functionality.
  • RECOMMENDED: No reference to add_theme_support( "align-wide" ) was found in the theme. It is recommended that the theme implement this functionality.
  • RECOMMENDED: No reference to add_theme_support( "wp-block-styles" ) was found in the theme. It is recommended that the theme implement this functionality.

Change History (1)

#1 @themetracbot
3 weeks ago

  • Owner set to themetracbot
  • Resolution set to live
  • Status changed from new to closed

Theme Update for existing Live theme - automatically approved

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