Make WordPress Themes

Opened 3 weeks ago

Closed 3 weeks ago

#181205 closed theme (not-approved)

THEME: Digiwan – 1.0

Reported by: kahfimaarif's profile kahfimaarif Owned by: kafleg's profile kafleg
Priority: new theme Keywords: theme-digiwan accessibility-ready full-site-editing
Cc: maarifkahfi@…


Change History (3)

#1 @kafleg
3 weeks ago

  • Owner set to kafleg
  • Status changed from new to reviewing

#2 @kahfimaarif
3 weeks ago

Hi, This is my first WordPress Block Theme, I need the feedback if this theme not meet the requirements. I will create more block theme for next & uploading to the

#3 @kafleg
3 weeks ago

  • Resolution set to not-approved
  • Status changed from reviewing to closed

Hello @kahfimaarif

I have had a quick look at the theme and at this point, it does not follow the requirements.

The Theme Review Team does not hard reject themes, -we want you to resubmit your theme, but we need you to read the requirements more carefully.

If the requirements are unclear, let us know so that we can continue to improve them.

When a ticket is closed as not approved, it loses its position in the review queue.

When the update is submitted, a new ticket is created at the end of the queue.

Use this plugin to check your theme,

Use this upload form to submit your update:

Example Issue

Theme URI and Author URI

  • Please read the Theme URI and Author URI requirements carefully.
  • Demo content in either theme URI or author URI is not allowed. Theme URI should have information about the theme and author URI should have author information.
  • Theme URI and Author URI are optional. You can remove them if they are not relevant.
  • Theme URI and Author URI are defined in style.css, you can check those links there.


  • All the third party resources( JS Library, CSS Library, Images, Google fonts, Icons, etc ) license should be mentioned in theme readme file. And all those resources should be GPL compatible.
  • Declare image license as below format,
    Image for theme screenshot, Credit Jason Blackeye
    License: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0)
    License URL:

Please check the content of your posts (the_content()), excerpts (the_excerpt()), comments content, text widgets, custom options with large blocks of texts.

Links within content and comments must be underlined
When links appear within a larger body of block-level content, they must be clearly distinguishable from surrounding content (Post content, comment content, text widgets, custom options with large blocks of texts).

Links in navigation-like contexts (e.g., menus, lists of upcoming posts in widgets, grouped post meta data) do not need to be specifically distinguished from surrounding content.

The underline is the only accepted method of indicating links within the content. Bold, italicized, or color-differentiated text is ambiguous and will not pass.

Keyboard Navigation

  • Theme authors must provide visual keyboard focus highlighting in navigation menus and for form fields, submit buttons, and text links.
  • Some resources to help you: Information on the requirement
  • Video help for Modals, Links, Forms, Menus
  • Check TwentyTwenty using tab and shift+tab as an example


You can always ask in the #themereview channel on WordPress slack if you have any confusion regarding the issues mentioned above.

Thank you

Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.