Make WordPress Themes

Opened 4 weeks ago

Closed 3 weeks ago

#180986 closed theme (live)

THEME: Training Institute Academy – 1.0.0

Reported by: omegathemes's profile omegathemes Owned by: kafleg's profile kafleg
Priority: new theme Keywords: theme-training-institute-academy
Cc: themesomega@…


Training Institute Academy - 1.0.0

Training Institute Academy is a powerful and versatile WordPress theme designed for educational institutions, tutoring centers, and private tutors. It caters to a wide range of tutoring services including online tutors, math tutors, English tutors, science tutors, language tutors, and specialized tutors. This theme is ideal for any educational professional looking to establish a strong online presence, whether they offer one-on-one tutoring, group tutoring, or virtual tutoring. The theme is designed with the user in mind, offering a clean, user-friendly interface that is fully responsive, ensuring that your site looks great on any device. It features a professional and elegant layout that is both modern and sophisticated, making it easy to showcase your services, courses, and tutoring expertise. The customizable design allows you to personalize the theme to match your brand, with options to adjust colors, fonts, and layouts. Key visual elements of the Training Institute Academy WordPress Theme include a stunning homepage banner, customizable call-to-action buttons, and a testimonial section to highlight the success stories of your students. The theme also supports integration with social media platforms, enabling you to connect with your audience and share updates effortlessly. SEO-friendly and optimized for fast page load times, this theme ensures that your site ranks well on search engines and provides a smooth user experience.

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Theme Check Results:

  • RECOMMENDED: No reference to register_block_pattern was found in the theme. Theme authors are encouraged to implement custom block patterns as a transition to block themes.
  • RECOMMENDED: No reference to register_block_style was found in the theme. Theme authors are encouraged to implement new block styles as a transition to block themes.
  • RECOMMENDED: No reference to add_editor_style() was found in the theme. It is recommended that the theme implement editor styling, so as to make the editor content match the resulting post output in the theme, for a better user experience.

Change History (2)

#1 @kafleg
3 weeks ago

  • Owner set to kafleg
  • Status changed from new to reviewing

#2 @kafleg
3 weeks ago

  • Resolution set to live
  • Status changed from reviewing to closed

Setting Live.

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