Make WordPress Themes

Opened 7 weeks ago

Closed 7 weeks ago

Last modified 7 weeks ago

#177721 closed theme (live)

THEME: BC Business Consulting – 1.4.3

Reported by: athemeart's profile athemeart Owned by: themetracbot's profile themetracbot
Priority: theme update Keywords: theme-bc-business-consulting


BC Business Consulting - 1.4.3

BC Business Consulting Multipurpose One page WordPress Theme BC Business Consulting is a clean, super flexible and fully responsive Multipurpose One page WordPress Theme for any project, business, agency , personal or web studio. Its equipped with the latest technologies and designed with user in mind to ensure endless freedom to create and customize your site like a pro and without any coding. This versatile, multi-purpose theme is perfect for beginners, while also feature rich and extendable for developers, freelancers and growing businesses. We built this theme on Visual Composer, a very convenient drag-n-drop PageBuilder for WordPress. It should provide you with the smoothest experience while creating your website with our theme. The colorful widgets will help anyone to customize according to their branding colors. This theme is very well commented and also have proper help documentation too.

Theme URL -
Author URL -

Trac Browser - -

Live preview –…

Diff with previous version: [230500]


Ticket Summary Status Resolution Owner
#48560 THEME: BC Business Consulting – 1.0.8 closed live rabmalin
#51787 THEME: BC Business Consulting – 1.0.9 closed live themetracbot
#51809 THEME: BC Business Consulting – 1.1.0 closed live themetracbot
#52089 THEME: BC Business Consulting – 1.1.1 closed live themetracbot
#54978 THEME: BC Business Consulting – 1.1.2 closed live themetracbot
#67106 THEME: BC Business Consulting – 1.1.3 closed live themetracbot
#67279 THEME: BC Business Consulting – 1.1.4 closed live themetracbot
#67720 THEME: BC Business Consulting – 1.1.5 closed live themetracbot
#69269 THEME: BC Business Consulting – 1.1.6 closed live themetracbot
#70456 THEME: BC Business Consulting – 1.1.7 closed live themetracbot
#71791 THEME: BC Business Consulting – 1.1.8 closed live themetracbot
#73552 THEME: BC Business Consulting – 1.1.9 closed live themetracbot
#74699 THEME: BC Business Consulting – 1.2.0 closed live themetracbot
#77613 THEME: BC Business Consulting – 1.2.1 closed live themetracbot
#82095 THEME: BC Business Consulting – 1.2.2 closed live themetracbot
#86170 THEME: BC Business Consulting – 1.2.3 closed live themetracbot
#86171 THEME: BC Business Consulting – 1.2.6 closed live Otto42
#90568 THEME: BC Business Consulting – 1.2.7 closed live themetracbot
#92093 THEME: BC Business Consulting – 1.2.8 closed live themetracbot
#96735 THEME: BC Business Consulting – 1.2.9 closed live themetracbot
#99180 THEME: BC Business Consulting – 1.3.0 closed live themetracbot
#100344 THEME: BC Business Consulting – 1.3.1 closed live themetracbot
#101600 THEME: BC Business Consulting – 1.3.2 closed live themetracbot
#104112 THEME: BC Business Consulting – 1.3.3 closed live themetracbot
#110195 THEME: BC Business Consulting – 1.3.4 closed live themetracbot
#112352 THEME: BC Business Consulting – 1.3.5 closed live themetracbot
#112355 THEME: BC Business Consulting – 1.3.6 closed live themetracbot
#121570 THEME: BC Business Consulting – 1.3.7 closed live themetracbot
#142101 THEME: BC Business Consulting – 1.3.8 closed live themetracbot
#147380 THEME: BC Business Consulting – 1.3.9 closed live themetracbot
#157587 THEME: BC Business Consulting – 1.4.0 closed live themetracbot
#162574 THEME: BC Business Consulting – 1.4.1 closed live themetracbot
#174031 THEME: BC Business Consulting – 1.4.2 closed live themetracbot
#177721 THEME: BC Business Consulting – 1.4.3 closed live themetracbot

(this ticket)
Theme Check Results:

  • RECOMMENDED: No reference to register_block_pattern was found in the theme. Theme authors are encouraged to implement custom block patterns as a transition to block themes.
  • RECOMMENDED: No reference to register_block_style was found in the theme. Theme authors are encouraged to implement new block styles as a transition to block themes.
  • WARNING: Could not find a copyright notice for the theme. A copyright notice is needed if your theme is licenced as GPL. <a href="" target="_blank">Learn how to add a copyright notice (opens in a new window).</a>
  • RECOMMENDED: No reference to add_theme_support( "responsive-embeds" ) was found in the theme. It is recommended that the theme implement this functionality.
  • RECOMMENDED: No reference to add_theme_support( "align-wide" ) was found in the theme. It is recommended that the theme implement this functionality.
  • RECOMMENDED: No reference to add_theme_support( "wp-block-styles" ) was found in the theme. It is recommended that the theme implement this functionality.
  • RECOMMENDED: Tested up to is recommended to have major versions only (e.g. 5.8). Patch version is not needed (e.g. 5.8.1).

Change History (2)

#1 @themetracbot
7 weeks ago

  • Owner set to themetracbot
  • Resolution set to live
  • Status changed from new to closed

Theme Update for existing Live theme - automatically approved

#2 @themetracbot
7 weeks ago

The following has been generated by Theme Review Action, this is for informational purposes only.

Theme developers: the Meta team is testing a new tool to help you to discover and fix problems that might otherwise delay approval of your theme. Please give feedback on any errors and omissions in the test results here:

"/?post_format=gallery" (via: archive.php) contains PHP errors: Warning: Undefined array key "with_front" in wp-content/themes/bc-business-consulting/vendors/breadcrumbs/breadcrumbs.php on line 545

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