Make WordPress Themes

Opened 3 months ago

Closed 3 months ago

Last modified 3 months ago

#174044 closed theme (live)

THEME: Diet Shop – 1.3.0

Reported by: athemeart's profile athemeart Owned by: themetracbot's profile themetracbot
Priority: theme update Keywords: theme-diet-shop


Diet Shop - 1.3.0

Diet-shop is a modern and feature-rich e-commerce theme that is crafted using Bootstrap and Elementor Page Builder. An ideal choice for businesses and professionals in the weight loss industry, such as weight loss programs, health supplements shops, diet specialists, personal fitness and weight loss trainers, and wellness blogs. Showcase gym equipment, health club gear, yoga teacher supplies, keto diet products, fitness wear, nutrition supplements and more wellness items on your shop page with ease. Some unique features of this theme provide an unparalleled shopping experience, including smart photo attributes, swatch filtering, advanced product search, and a Modal Fly Cart. Works seamlessly with popular plugins like Smart Slider 3, Gutenberg, WooCommerce, WP Super Cache, Automatic, Contact Form 7, Yoast SEO, SiteOrigin, and many more. Whether you’re creating a fitness store or gym shop, this Diet Shop lets you do it all in minutes, without the need for any coding skills. Get your site up and running in no time.

Theme URL -
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Diff with previous version: [226671]


Ticket Summary Status Resolution Owner
#81024 THEME: Diet Shop – 1.0.6 closed live acosmin
#84320 THEME: Diet Shop – 1.0.7 closed live themetracbot
#87310 THEME: Diet Shop – 1.0.8 closed live themetracbot
#88738 THEME: Diet Shop – 1.0.9 closed live themetracbot
#90518 THEME: Diet Shop – 1.1.0 closed live themetracbot
#91335 THEME: Diet Shop – 1.1.1 closed live themetracbot
#91758 THEME: Diet Shop – 1.1.2 closed live themetracbot
#93618 THEME: Diet Shop – 1.1.3 closed live themetracbot
#94397 THEME: Diet Shop – 1.1.4 closed live themetracbot
#96933 THEME: Diet Shop – 1.1.5 closed live themetracbot
#99528 THEME: Diet Shop – 1.1.6 closed live themetracbot
#101597 THEME: Diet Shop – 1.1.7 closed live themetracbot
#104280 THEME: Diet Shop – 1.1.8 closed live themetracbot
#110197 THEME: Diet Shop – 1.1.9 closed live themetracbot
#121676 THEME: Diet Shop – 1.2.0 closed live themetracbot
#124353 THEME: Diet Shop – 1.2.1 closed live themetracbot
#126006 THEME: Diet Shop – 1.2.2 closed live themetracbot
#128482 THEME: Diet Shop – 1.2.3 closed live themetracbot
#134108 THEME: Diet Shop – 1.2.4 closed live themetracbot
#137620 THEME: Diet Shop – 1.2.5 closed live themetracbot
#142366 THEME: Diet Shop – 1.2.6 closed live themetracbot
#147585 THEME: Diet Shop – 1.2.7 closed live themetracbot
#157632 THEME: Diet Shop – 1.2.8 closed live themetracbot
#162946 THEME: Diet Shop – 1.2.9 closed live themetracbot
#174044 THEME: Diet Shop – 1.3.0 closed live themetracbot

(this ticket)

#179887 THEME: Diet Shop – 1.3.1 closed live themetracbot
Theme Check Results:

  • RECOMMENDED: No reference to register_block_pattern was found in the theme. Theme authors are encouraged to implement custom block patterns as a transition to block themes.
  • RECOMMENDED: No reference to register_block_style was found in the theme. Theme authors are encouraged to implement new block styles as a transition to block themes.
  • WARNING: Could not find a copyright notice for the theme. A copyright notice is needed if your theme is licenced as GPL. <a href="" target="_blank">Learn how to add a copyright notice (opens in a new window).</a>
  • WARNING: screenshot.png is 932.1 KB in size. Large file sizes have a negative impact on website performance and loading time. Compress images before using them.
  • RECOMMENDED: No reference to add_theme_support( "responsive-embeds" ) was found in the theme. It is recommended that the theme implement this functionality.
  • RECOMMENDED: No reference to add_theme_support( "align-wide" ) was found in the theme. It is recommended that the theme implement this functionality.
  • RECOMMENDED: No reference to add_theme_support( "wp-block-styles" ) was found in the theme. It is recommended that the theme implement this functionality.
  • RECOMMENDED: Tested up to is recommended to have major versions only (e.g. 5.8). Patch version is not needed (e.g. 5.8.1).

Change History (2)

#1 @themetracbot
3 months ago

  • Owner set to themetracbot
  • Resolution set to live
  • Status changed from new to closed

Theme Update for existing Live theme - automatically approved

#2 @themetracbot
3 months ago

The following has been generated by Theme Review Action, this is for informational purposes only.

Theme developers: the Meta team is testing a new tool to help you to discover and fix problems that might otherwise delay approval of your theme. Please give feedback on any errors and omissions in the test results here:

"/?post_format=gallery" (via: archive.php) contains PHP errors: Warning: Undefined array key "ids" in wp-content/themes/diet-shop/inc/class/class-posts-thumbnail.php on line 81

Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.