Make WordPress Themes

#140936 closed theme (closed-newer-version-uploaded)

THEME: Greenshift – 0.9.7

Reported by: wpsoul's profile wpsoul Owned by: acosmin's profile acosmin
Priority: theme update Keywords: theme-greenshift full-site-editing
Cc: fleeke@…


Greenshift - 0.9.7

GreenShift is theme for FSE with maximum perfomance and flexibility. The best companion theme for Greenshift plugin, page and animation builder. It has more than 12 query loop templates, a lot of predefined Post and Page layouts, support for dark mode, header and footer patterns, style switcher, library of block styles and section patterns, dark color scheme, font selector. Theme doesn’t use jquery dependencies and has conditional assets to get 100 web vitals score even without cache plugins. GreenShift can be used also to make super fast and clean Woocommerce shops. It has improved style loading for Woocommerce, better inputs, very clean design for shop pages and improved layouts for woocommerce blocks.

Theme URL -
Author URL -

Trac Browser - -


Diff with previous version: [192149]


Ticket Summary Status Resolution Owner
#131802 THEME: Greenshift – 0.2 closed live acosmin
#132405 THEME: Greenshift – 0.3 closed live themetracbot
#132463 THEME: Greenshift – 0.4 closed live themetracbot
#132470 THEME: Greenshift – 0.4.1 closed live themetracbot
#132663 THEME: Greenshift – 0.4.4 closed live themetracbot
#132775 THEME: Greenshift – 0.5 closed live themetracbot
#132999 THEME: Greenshift – 0.6 closed live themetracbot
#136646 THEME: Greenshift – 0.7 closed live themetracbot
#139839 THEME: Greenshift – 0.9.2 closed live themetracbot
#140362 THEME: Greenshift – 0.9.3 closed live themetracbot
#140417 THEME: Greenshift – 0.9.4 closed live themetracbot
#140772 THEME: Greenshift – 0.9.6 closed live themetracbot
#140936 THEME: Greenshift – 0.9.7 closed closed-newer-version-uploaded acosmin

(this ticket)

#141429 THEME: Greenshift – 0.9.8 closed live themetracbot
#141495 THEME: Greenshift – 0.9.9 closed live themetracbot
#143127 THEME: Greenshift – 1.0 closed live themetracbot
#143546 THEME: Greenshift – 1.1 closed live themetracbot
#144906 THEME: Greenshift – 1.2 closed live themetracbot
#147736 THEME: Greenshift – 1.3 closed live themetracbot
#147738 THEME: Greenshift – 1.3.1 closed live themetracbot
#147814 THEME: Greenshift – 1.3.3 closed live themetracbot
#147977 THEME: Greenshift – 1.3.4 closed live themetracbot
#148074 THEME: Greenshift – 1.3.5 closed live themetracbot
#148187 THEME: Greenshift – 1.3.6 closed live themetracbot
#148188 THEME: Greenshift – 1.3.7 closed live themetracbot
#152100 THEME: Greenshift – 1.4 closed live themetracbot
#152623 THEME: Greenshift – 1.4.1 closed live themetracbot
#156066 THEME: Greenshift – 1.4.2 closed live themetracbot
#162477 THEME: Greenshift – 1.4.4 closed live themetracbot
#163498 THEME: Greenshift – 1.5 closed live themetracbot
#164458 THEME: Greenshift – 1.5.1 closed live themetracbot
#168446 THEME: Greenshift – 2.0 closed live themetracbot
#168448 THEME: Greenshift – 2.0.1 closed live themetracbot
#168449 THEME: Greenshift – 2.0.2 closed live themetracbot
#168662 THEME: Greenshift – 2.0.3 closed live themetracbot
#169187 THEME: Greenshift – 2.0.4 closed live themetracbot
#170012 THEME: Greenshift – 2.0.5 closed live themetracbot
#170799 THEME: Greenshift – 2.1 closed live themetracbot
#172437 THEME: Greenshift – 2.2.1 closed live themetracbot
#173865 THEME: Greenshift – 2.2.2 closed live themetracbot
#174772 THEME: Greenshift – 2.2.3 closed live themetracbot
#174781 THEME: Greenshift – 2.2.4 closed live themetracbot
#175207 THEME: Greenshift – 2.2.5 closed live themetracbot
#177386 THEME: Greenshift – 2.2.6 closed live themetracbot
#179869 THEME: Greenshift – 2.2.7 closed live themetracbot
#182422 THEME: Greenshift – 2.2.8 closed live themetracbot

Change History (15)

#1 @themetracbot
14 months ago

  • Owner set to themetracbot
  • Resolution set to live
  • Status changed from new to closed

Theme Update for existing Live theme - automatically approved

#2 @acosmin
14 months ago

  • Resolution live deleted
  • Status changed from closed to reopened

#3 @acosmin
14 months ago

  • Owner changed from themetracbot to acosmin
  • Status changed from reopened to reviewing

@wpsoul please remove the Theme Options page, you are not allowed to have such a page that saves options/data. It can only be used to describe your theme.

Do this in the following two days to avoid delisting or suspension.

My bad for assuming that you removed it, you actually said that in the review ticket.

Thank you!

#4 @wpsoul
14 months ago

Please, explain me how all popular wordpress themes have Settings pages if it's not allowed

Astra has even separate panel



Currently, I don't know any modern theme without options. If Block themes have no customizer, how we can add global options?

#5 @acosmin
14 months ago

@wpsoul None of the themes you mentioned saves any data to the database through those pages.

You have options for custom CSS/js... and so on.

If you want to add these types of options, you can do so in your companion plugin.

#6 @wpsoul
14 months ago

All of these themes save data to database, because there are no other ways to save theme options.

All of them use Customizer with set_theme_mod which is a wrapper for update_option.


and they use update_option directly (which is better, IMHO)

But Block themes have no Customizer, so we added the same function in Appearance options (this was reviewed early, previously reviewer asked us to remove a separate settings panel in Admin area, but it was ok to move it under the Appearance submenu).

Currently, I removed fields from Appearance and added options in the Site Editor.

#7 @acosmin
14 months ago


Hi again,

I'm not going to argue with you on this, the theme is delisted until you remove all those options fields from the Theme Options page.

There are a few good reasons why we don't allow these types of options in the admin area, you can read more about this here ->

Ping me in this ticket when you upload a new version.

Thank you!

#8 @acosmin
14 months ago

  • Owner changed from acosmin to themetracbot

@wpsoul now I notice that you updated the theme, it looks ok.

Just one notice, where you use current_user_can(), it needs to use the edit_theme_options capability.

The theme is now relisted.

#9 @acosmin
14 months ago

  • Resolution set to live
  • Status changed from reviewing to closed

#10 @uxl
14 months ago


The theme now has an embedded iframe youtube video in the admin at Appearance > Theme Options.
Previously this was not allowed. Are themes now allowed to do this?

There is still code in the theme that prints user added custom code directly in the header and footer including custom Javascript with no security checks.
It looks like these options have been moved from the admin to the site editor, but I cannot test it fully as it removes the core Settings and Styles icon buttons and completely breaks the site editor when clicking on the theme's added Greenshift Theme Settings button.

#11 @acosmin
14 months ago

  • Resolution live deleted
  • Status changed from closed to reopened

@uxl The youtube video on the about/options page is ok.

Also, could you please provide some files/lines where you see unescaped data?

@wpsoul Please fix this error that occurs while clicking on the "Greenshift Theme settings" button

ReferenceError: greenShift_params is not defined
    at l (settings.js?ver=379c4c32276158ace674e842335b261a:1:378)

#12 @acosmin
14 months ago

  • Owner changed from themetracbot to acosmin
  • Status changed from reopened to reviewing

#13 @uxl
14 months ago

In version 0.9.8 /inc/admin_menu/settings.php L26

echo '<style>' . wp_unslash($global_settings['custom_css']) . '</style>';


echo '<style>body{' . $primary . $secondary . $tertiary . '}</style>';


echo '<script>' . wp_unslash($global_settings['custom_js']) . '</script>';

Regardless of whether it is unescaped or not, this adding of custom code is plugin territory.

Core now has Custom CSS in the editor, and I don't understand why the theme has global options to change the font when this already exists in the editor.

Regarding the youtube video, I remember asking this specific question as I wanted to include a youtube instructional video just the same as this theme is now doing and was told under no circumstances would this be allowed. No embedded videos, no iframe of any kind would ever be allowed was the answers I received when I asked about this.

#14 @wpsoul
14 months ago

All isssues are fixed

  1. Removed all custom code areas
  2. Replaced edit_theme_options
  3. Iframe video was replaced by image with link on youtube
  4. Fixed bug with js fatal error if Greenshift plugin is not installed

#15 @acosmin
10 months ago

  • Resolution set to closed-newer-version-uploaded
  • Status changed from reviewing to closed
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