Discussion on Kolor Mobile

Discussion on Kolor Mobile

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44 comments found.

I have a menu with a submenu that i want to change from dark to light. All other elements on the page change except the submenu. How do i get it to change. Thanks

Hey there, and thank you for your purchase! You can add the element you want to have light mode inside a div and apply the class theme-light to it. This should work like a charm. If you’re facing issues however, please send us a message via our contact form (link) and we’ll gladly assist further. Cheers! :)

Hi, I want to integrate php form in the webview component of kolor mobile app . Is it possible to do this? Is there any other alternative to include php form in kolor

Hey there, and thank you for your interest. As Kolor is a Bootstrap 5 and Vanilla JS template, of course, it is possible. Could you please send us a message via our contact form (link) so we can discuss this in further detail? We can share the documentation so you can have a better understanding of how Kolor works. Looking forward to your message. Cheers! :)


Is it possible that I activate the “dark” mode by default? Actually Light is by default. I can’t find a solution in the custom.js.

Same thing for the theme color, I would like the default to be “dark” which is selected.

Wishing you a good day,

Hey there, and thank you for your purchase! Of course! Just set the class ‘theme-dark’ to the body class. That’s the easiest way to do it! Send us a message via our contact form (link) if you have any issues and we’ll gladly assist. Cheers! :)

Oooh! Perfect, easy and working solution, very thank you!

Awesome! Very happy to have helped! Cheers! :)

I need add to one page in this theme like add video in view(one page one video with share, like icon in right side), also change video swap/move to up and down like Instagram, Facebook

Example like – https://play-lh.googleusercontent.com/nxq3Om6fK77_-4FCddvyaQualg3o2u6RnwIKn268Ep1zUC78n4FM7rJL9tPQjqspUQ=w2560-h1440-rw

if is it possible with this theme please contact me

Thank you

Hey there, and thank you for your interest. It is possible on some pages. Please send us a message via our contact form (link) and we can discuss this in further detail so we can confirm exactly. Looking forward to your message. Cheers! :)

With the latest Kolor update to Bootstrap 5, is there anything that needs to be changed if running the previous Bootstrap v4.5 version other then replacing the bootstrap css file? I couldn’t find any direction in the latest documentation.

Hey there mate, and thank you for your purchase. Updating from Bootstrap 4.x to Bootstrap 5.x is not a copy and paste update. Bootstrap 5 is a major version update, and they changed the JavaScript structure and also the HTML Markup. The best method to update from Bootstrap 4.x to Bootstrap 5.x is to recreate your HTML pages with the new elements from the Bootstrap 5.x version. Please send us a message via our contact form (link) and we’ll gladly share a few tips and tricks to make your update much smoother. Looking forward to your message. Cheers! :)

Hello .. I would like to have version 2.1.1. If I buy this latest version could you send me version 2.1.1 too?

Hey there, if we understand correctly, you’re interested in the version before the Bootstrap framework? We can send you the previous version as well, no worries, but please drop us a message via our contact form (link) so we can discuss more in regards to this. Looking forward to your message. Cheers! :)

Hi I wanted to ask after the purchase of a license and it is possible to insert the name of our agency in the fouter

Hey there, and thank you for your question! Of course, you can remove all instances of the word Kolor and set your branding throughout the file! The names are used just for demo purposes. If you’d like to see the documentation or find out more, please send us a message via our contact form (link) and we’ll gladly explain in detail. Looking forward to your message. Cheers! :)

Hi there! I really like this as it acts exactly as an app, I have a question though, is it easily customizable? for example…if I want to make an INSTANT blog using this template. What is required?

P.S: I don’t want to convert it to WordPress as it will decrease the speed. I just want to post like one blog post a week or so, and since this doesn’t have a cPanel, I would guess that I need to post content inside the .html code regularly, right? If so, is there any alternative to this as this will be time-consuming. Cheers,

Hey there, and thank you for your question! We always listen to our customer feedback so we made the code super easy to edit. You can send us a message via our contact form (link) and we’ll gladly explain what connecting this to a blog requires, and also, we can share the documentation so you can see the code in more details. Looking forward to your message! Cheers! :)

this works with angular?

Hey there, and thank you for your question! AngularJS is not included by default, but we have had customers integrate AngularJS in our products without running into issues, and even submit apps to the AppStore and PlayStore using AngularJS. If you decide to purchase and run into issues with our code, please let us know via our support forum (link) and we’ll gladly assist. Cheers! :)

Hello, i need your help for faq section. I will have, when the site is loaded, the first faq answer is open. At the moment, all are closes. Can anyone help me.

Hey there and thank you for your purchase! Please open a ticket on our support forum (link) and we’ll gladly assist. Cheers! :)

Hi, how can I make home_splash.html as intro instead index.html ?

Hey there mate, and thank you for your purchase. You can make any page into the homepage by renaming it to index.html. In your case, renaming the home-splash.html to index.html will make that page the homepage. If you need further assistance, please open a support ticket on our support forum (link) and we’ll gladly assist. Cheers! :)

Thanks ! Now I made home-splash.html as index.html. But then when I access the main.html(previous index.html as home), the add-to-home didn’t popup.

No worries! Here to help! You need to copy the add-to-home elements from the bottom of the old index.html and add them to your new page in the same place, right after closing the page-content div. You’ll find them code commented at the bottom of the original index.html page. If you need further assistance, please open a support ticket on our support forum (link). Cheers! :)

Hi need help with this template, how can i using calendar interactive to ur template does it need bootstrap or something else ? does it compatible to android or ios? thanks

Hey there, and thank you for your purchase! The calendar is only an HTML and CSS component. This must be connected to a JavaScript / jQuery plugin or have your own JavaScript code run the functions you require from it. Our items are built for Mobile Devices, so it doesn’t run on Bootstrap. All our items are compatible with Android and iOS. If you require support with our code or run into any issues, please get in touch with us by opening a support ticket on our support forum (link) and we’ll gladly assist. Cheers! :)

Where can I find the change logs and details about updates? Because I used winmerge to find the changes in your previous update and couldn’t find any changed file accept the changes I have done. So please let me know where I can find the changelog

Hey there, and thank you for your purchase. You can check the Support Tab just above the Item Preview Image or following this link to view the changelogs. At the moment there is no major update, we’re working on an update that should arrive in the following weeks. Cheers! :)

Can you point me which Tags and Preview Image Update was done in RELEASE 2.1.1 – 06 SEPTEMBER so I can compare my file from a previous version?

These are the Item Tags and Item Preview Image on for the presentation on ThemeForest. It doesn’t affect the actual file, it is the Item Presentation Image and the Item Tags. These affect the update date so we add them in the changelog so customers don’t think they missed an update or that we’re trying to bump the update rate. We haven’t released a major update yet that will require you to make any changes at the moment. We’ll release one in the following weeks and update the changelogs with full details. Cheers! :)

Hi, I would ask if the layout of this item is compatibility with tablets, as IPAD or ANDROID. Thanks!

Hey there, and thank you for your question. All our products are compatible with all modern Mobile Phones, of course including iOS and Android. However, the new iPads (example iPad, iPad Pro, iPad Air) have display sizes and resolutions that are the same size as Laptops. Our strong recommendation is using our products for Mobile Phones. Cheers! :)

Hi, I just purchased this template. It works perfect on iphone browsers but the top is cut off from all android browser. How can we fix this? This bug happens on all the walkthrough pages

Hey there, and thank you for your purchase. The walkthrough pages adapt to the screen size to keep the content in center view. If you wish to view all content on smaller screen devices, you will have to reduce the amount of content inside the walkthrough slides to view it perfectly. We calibrated our pages for the average display size. If you’re still having issues with this, please feel free to open a support ticket on our support forum (link) and we’ll gladly take a look and assist. Cheers! :)

What’s new in the 5th july 2019 update? Can you please confirm.

Hey there mate and thank you for your purchase. This is only a Item Tags Update and Item Title Rename. When we update the Tags or Item Name the Item Update date also gets modified ( I don’t know why Envato doesn’t change this, updating the Item Tags and Item Name should not change the update date of the Item ) – We always post comments on the Item Discussion area (here) when we release an update and we keep an update log in the Item Description at the end of the page. We’ll release a new update in the following weeks and post a comment and add an entry in the update log as well with all new features and changes. Cheers! :)

Thank you :)

Cheers mate! Sorry if this caused any confusion. We’ve already sent a ticket to Envato asking them if it’s possible for the Tags and Title to stop bumping the update date. We’ll see what happens next. Cheers and thanks again! :)

Kolor is the most attractive design for mobile on Envato. Gradients and color choices make it a standout. However, I’m searching for an AMP site template for real estate property listings. Two questions for you:

1) Do you believe the AMP websites really gets an SEO boost versus standard HTML? Or will a fast loading html template like Kolor get equal treatment for mobile phone searches

2) Do you have a recommendation or ideas on how I can create a property listing using Kolor temple that would look similar to this type of listing URL, when it is viewed on mobile device. https://www.point2homes.com/US/Home-For-Sale/FL/Key-Largo/Silver-Lake-Park/118-Poinsetta-Drive/69199553.html

I want a slider for images 420×300 pixels, then price, then icons for Beds, Bath, etc Any ideas appreciated. Beautiful job on this Kolor template!

Hey there! First and foremost, thank you for your absolutely delightful compliments. We’re flattered! :)

In regards to your first question, from our experience ( and at this point in time ) owning an AMP website is still overrated. Indeed, they get cached by Google and load mindblowingly fast. SEO wise, you get the bolt icon in search results, and well, that’s pretty much it. We’ve seen tons of websites that aren’t AMP with proper SEO ranking higher than AMP pages. It all depends on your SEO quality. This is definitely something that is still up to you to decide, as from a benefit standpoint, there really isn’t much to gain or lose by using HTML over AMP at this point time. The same logic applies both to HTML and for AMP. If the end result (page) is poorly optimized with large ressources and poor SEO, the results will be poorer. Optimization is key. Both our AMP and HTML products offer the same quality code and can be optimized for insanely fast loading times.

In regards to your second question, could you please send us a message via this contact form (link) so we can discuss more details regarding your exact requirements? We can make a suggestion on which template would fit your needs but we need a lot more details before we can offer you an accurate recommendation. Chatting via email allows us to share screenshots and ideas without filling the item comment section. Looking forward to your email, and again, thank you for your absolutely beautiful words! Cheers! :)


i am interested in buying this product i have a bootstrap 3 web application it already have the bootstrap3 left menu but i like ur’s one so can i integrate only left menu easily in my header file?

Hey there and thank you for your question. Our products are HTML Site Templates, and they are not built using Bootstrap, they are built using custom CSS, HTML and JavaScript and they are built to run on Mobile devices only. Cheers! :)

Does this template work with Laravel

Hey there and thank you for your question. Our item works with any CMS that supports HTML, CSS and Javascript, If the framework you want to convert to supports these, then it should work without issues. However, we cannot help you with the integration as per Envato Item Support Policy but you can hire a freelancer from Envato Studio to help you convert it to Laravel. Cheers! :)

When I just access any page, say “pageapp-splash-1.html” rendered from my web server in a browser, clicking on an button with any link in the , even a # is taking me to the previous page

Hey there and thank you for your purchase. Please make sure those buttons don’t have the “back-button” class added to them. After removing the back-button class if you still have issues please let us know and we’ll gladly assist.

Ah it worked! Thanks! I’m loving this template :)

Glad to have helped mate, and we’re very happy to hear you love our product. Please don’t forget to rate 5 stars, it really helps us a lot as well! Cheers! :)


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