Discussion on GTBuilder - Construction & Building WordPress Theme

Discussion on GTBuilder - Construction & Building WordPress Theme

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62 comments found.

hello, how can i upload font to this theme?

Bw Vivant , this one , or you can tell me how to upload it. please

or you can tell me where to add it ?

You need to customize code call the font in css file then add see https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-themes/how-to-add-custom-fonts-in-wordpress/



My client purchased this template in 2017 and never updated the website. Now I want to update it and modify it and I updated the template. It says I have to introduce the purchase code to update the other mandatory plugins and I did it but it doesn’t recognise it. I get this error: “Sorry!!! Purchase code does not match”. How can it be? I purchased it, it is the right code, I updated the template with the envato plugin. Please help me. :)

Thank you! Andreea


Please create ticket here we will check license issue https://www.radiustheme.com/ticket-support/


The plugin GTbuilder Core is giving me a fatal error when trying to activate it and its affecting my website. how do I proceed? I deleted it and now can’t find where to get it back. excelbuildersoftn.com


Please check your server PHP version make sure PHP version 7.4.x

If still issue create ticket with access https://www.radiustheme.com/ticket-support/


Can you tell me if this theme is still being updated? I see that the last update was March 24, 2020.

We will update today or tomorrow

How can i change the favicon? a-pluswandafwerking.nl

I’d like my mobile menu to have a phone number next to the hamburder icon menu, not in the dorpdown menu. Is this achievable within the theme? If not, please direct me to where the mobile nav bar is located in the files so I can add my own phone number link. I understand that altering core files can be risky so no need to forewarn me. Thanks.

Hello, You want in mobile menu phono no visible? Better send me admin and FTP access I will add this for you support@radiustheme.com


Hello, styles for mobile with revolution slider are not working when I turn them on. Please take a look at my site at themoolddrs.com. How can I correct this? Thank you.

Hi, I can visit please make sure domain name is correct.


hello, i had an error while installing:

Maximum execution time of 29 seconds exeeded in /web/htdocs/www.namesite.ext/home/wp-includes/class-wp-image-editor-imagick.php on line 502

i reloaded it twice, with same result (same error, different line), tried to change some parameters on the server, with the same result… but it seemed that it wasn’t a problem, just a matter of demo images not loaded, so i just ignored it

but now that i’m modifiying the home, i don’t understand how it works/how to modify the “gtbuilder: projects” section and i’m afraid that the error above has something to do with that!

can you please confirm that the error was just a matter of demo images not loaded?

and if it is true, how can i modify the “gtbuilder: projects” section? (and i have the same problem with the “gtbuilder: testimonial” section)

thank you in advance


It is server execution time related issue. Increase server execution time then try.

Projects & Testimonial are post type see admin end menu bar. Add edit content there it will work.


thanks; i have some trouble with the date:

1. i don’t want the “by…” being displayed, but there’s nothing i can use to hide it via css (no span tag, for example)

2. i also want to change the format of the date, but if i change the settings, nothing changes in the posts

how can i solve? especially hiding the author: that’s the worst problem, to me

thank you

These changes can be done by editing template files. Please provide us the Admin+FTP access of your website in our support email support@radiustheme.com and we’ll do these changes in your website for free.

I have just purchased this theme and I am disappointed it does not any features including the visual composer.

May I please have my refund!!

How can re-arrange the Services using the GTBuilder: Service Grid so that they are displayed evenly on the page?

Sorry I don’t understand your question? You want to change order? Please send me detail with screenshot.

I have emailed you details and screenshot

Hi, Hi, how to change background color of header “header-bottom-area stick” when I scroll mouse?


Need to write custom CSS. Your support expire please re-new support then send me admin & FTP access I will do. support@radiustheme.com


Hi, When i install “Flickr Badges Widget” plugin, the error message show “Something went wrong with the plugin API” Pls help me resolve. Thanks


Are you using Flickr Widget if use make sure enter API key correctly if don’t use delete the widget.


Hi, I like this theme, it’s excellent. Before I buy it just I want to know: I’m looking online preview and on Shop page I see “Categories”, but these categories are related to posts, not to shop items. Is there a possibility to add categories for Shop items?


Thanks for interest right now show sidebar post category widget call http://radiustheme.com/demo/wordpress/gtbuilder/shop/

If use Woocommerce category widget then it will display Woocommerce category same look as shop page.


Does this theme support latest version of wordpress?

Yes support

Hello, Thanks great theme.

qeustion: How do i edit the text in the blog section “If you have any Construction problem … We are available”

CANT find it!


Please follow this screenshot: http://prntscr.com/mgvv7c


Hi, How to change the icon on Title browser?

Yes, thanks you so much.

Thanks too !


Nice theme. I want to change the Project info field names in Project items to add new items or amend the names of existing items such as Completed date.

Please advise how I can do this?

Many thanks



Thanks for purchasing our Theme. Is your site in English Language or different? Please send me screenshot to support@radiustheme.com which fields title want to change?


I’m wanting to change the header bar color on the “light” version from something other than white. Can’t seem to find out how.

Also, my footer body text, ie address, phone, email is always a default gray color, it won’t change to the color I choose.

Thanks is advance for your help.


Can you please send or mail me site url which header bar you are using? support@radiustheme.com


I can not import demo data, show error message “Failed to create tmp table _fwbk_wp_wc_download_log. Can’t create table `demo_builder`.`_fwbk_wp_wc_download_log` (errno: 121 “Duplicate key on write or update”) “

Please use Last version of Theme and plugins.

Hi, how to change background color of header “header-bottom-area stick” when I scroll mouse?

hello .. does this theme have translation .pot?

Yes sir all of our Themes included .pot files.


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