Duo - PWA Mobile Kit

Duo - PWA Mobile Kit

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Duo Mobile PWA Site Template

The best selling dual sidebar template on ThemeForest and for good reason! Elegant color scheme, retina elements, fast loading, and filled with useful elements! Get it today! DuoDrawer is a Mobile Template and is offering all mobile compatibility.

PWA Mobile – Progressive Web Application Ready

Add DuoDrawer to your homepage and enjoy it as a native application using the full power of Progressive Web Applications (PWA)

Light or Dark Mode. Color Highlights. DuoDrawer will remember

DuoDrawer knows which color you selected and if you chose dark mode it will remember on your next visit.

Copy & Paste Mobile Components – Reusable and Powerful

Components are the backbone of DuoDrawer allowing you to easily copy and paste create new pages.
  • Ad Boxes
  • Ad Show on Scroll
  • Add to Home Banners and Badges
  • Accordions with Multiple Styles
  • Action Sheets & Action Modals
  • Auto Dark Mode and Color Highlight Retention
  • Buttons & Icons with tons of Styles
  • Back to Home Badge and Icon
  • Charts & Graphs powered by charts.js
  • Chips with Light and Dark Styles
  • Cookie Boxes and Consent Boxes
  • Cards with Gradients, Solid Colors or Background Images
  • Color Packs with Examples
  • Contact Form – Functional with AJAX
  • Collapse / Dropdown Elements
  • Dividers with Multiple Styles and Icons
  • Disqus Comments Integration
  • Emoji with Unicode
  • File Upload – Web API integrated
  • Facebook Comments Integration
  • Geolocation – Web API Integrated
  • Google Fonts – 600 to choose from
  • Header Styles with Badges and Multiple Layouts
  • Footer Bar Styles with Badges and Multiple Layouts
  • Gorgeous and Awesome Header & Footer Shapes
  • Image Effects on Tap – Scale, Grayscale, Blur
  • Images Preloaded & CSS Backgrounds Preloaded
  • Images with Infinite Background Effect
  • Link Lists with Badge and iOS/Android Switch Support
  • List Groups with Icons and Multiple Styles
  • Notifications Styled like iOS, Android and Bootstrap
  • Notification Alerts Large or Small with or without Icons
  • OS Detection – show content based on iOS or Android
  • Online & Offline Detection and Banners
  • Quotes and Review Elements
  • QR Code Generator or pre-generate for your existing page
  • Pagination styles enhanced from Bootstrap
  • Preloaders with multiple styles and colors
  • Pricing Tables with multiple styles insertable in Carousel/Slider
  • Reading Time Calculator – estimated time to read page
  • Snackbars & Toasts, with multiple styles and designs
  • Sliders and Carousels, powered by enhanced OwlCarousel
  • Social Sharing with automatic link adding from the page you share
  • Search System, functional with any element finding options
  • Tabs designed like iOS and Android pills
  • Tooltips for hovering to get extra info
  • User Lists & Groups with multiple styles
  • Working Hours – fully functional
  • Vibrate API integration for Android vibrate on tap

Mobile Media – Tap your images, feel your projects

DuoDrawer is powered by incredibly powerful gallery and portfolio pages to suit your requirements
  • 3 Gorgeous Widescreen Galleries with Captions and Different Styles
  • Collection Views – Album Styled thumbnails that can link to other pages
  • Filterable Gallery – Select the category you want to see in the gallery
  • Thumbnails – with captions, borders or polaroid effect
  • 6 Elegant Portfolio in One or Two Column Styles with captions, buttons, icons and different styles
  • Instant Articles – Similar to Facebook’s or Google’s Instant Articles on Mobile

Mobile Pages

DuoDrawer is packed with all the essential pages you need
  • About Us
  • Account Edit / Admin
  • Careers / Jobs
  • Calendars & Schedule Box
  • Cover Page
  • Contact Page – Fully Functional
  • Coming Soon
  • 404 Page – Classic Screen
  • 404 Page – Background Screen
  • Sign In / Login – Classic Screen
  • Sign In / Login – Background Screen
  • Sign Up / Register – Classic Screen
  • Sign Up / Register – Background Screen
  • Forgot / Reset Password – Classic Screen
  • Forgot / Reset Password – Background Screen
  • Maintenance Mode
  • Timeline – Center Items
  • Timeline – Left Icon Style
  • Profile Classic
  • Profile Instagram Style
  • Profile Edit/Admin View
  • System Status
  • Settings Page – iOS Styled
  • Settings Page – Android Styled
  • Todo Lists
  • Task Lists
  • Task Progress
  • Under Construction
  • Terms of Service

PWA Starters – Begin with a Bang!

Sticky starts off with a gorgeous walkthrough that provides a small tutorial or welcome for yor users. We’ve included 6 unique styles for you to enjoy.

Changelog & Updates

Thinking about new and awesome features you’d like us to add? Let us know! We’re always listening to your suggestions -> https://www.enableds.com/features-request/

Version 3.2.4 – 14th May 2024
We’ve now restructured the Menu -> Pages view to support upcoming packs! First releases will be Content and Shop packs. Coming soon!

- Added - Chat, System, Site Pages are now in their own separate category
- Improvement - index-pages.html now has new category selector
- Bugfix - Resolved an issue where the share sheet would sometimes not trigger.

Version 3.2.3 – 18th Nov 2023
More packs coming to Duo soon! Send your feedback and tell us what you would like added to Duo via our contact form (link).

- Maintenance: Tabs now match highlight color.
- Maintenance: Updated Social Share JS for better performance.

Version 3.2.2 – 22nd Jul 2023

- Bugfix: Fixed an issue where the highlight menu would not open from the sidebar in certain situations.

Version 3.2.1 – 8th January 2023

- Maintenance: Updated to Bootstrap 5.2 for better performance and stability.

Version 3.2 – 9th March 2022 Thank you for your feedback! Duo now has chat pages.

- Added - 2 Chat List Styles.
- Added - 2 Chat Bubble Styles.
- Added - Create and Attach Chat Action Sheets

Version 3.1 – 18th February 2022 Thank you for your feedback! Duo now has its own starter / walkthrough page.

- Added - Added a gorgeous Walkthrough / Starter page to Duo.

Version 3.0.1 – 9th February 2022

- Bug Fix - Fixed issue affecting Dark Mode Input Labels

Version 3.0 – 15th November 2021 One of the biggest updated we’ve done to Duo. A complete re-design and rebuilt. Duo is better in every way, a new design, built in Bootstrap 5.x, faster and of course PWA ready

- Global - Bootstrap 5.x Built
- Global - Full RTL Support
- Global - PWA Ready with Offline Support
- Global - New and Modern Design and Features
- Included - Version 2.1.4 is still included as a Retired version. We'll continue providing support for this version for as long as you need it.

Version 2.1.4 – 20th September 2021

- Global - Bootstrap 5.x JS, CSS and SCSS updated to Latest Versions (5.1 Stable)
- Global - FontAwesome Library Updated to latest 5.1.3 Version
- Global - Improvements for new iOS15 Tab Bar Safari interface.

Version 2.1.3 – 14th June 2021

- Global - Bootstrap 5.x JS, CSS and SCSS updated to Latest Versions (5.0.1 Stable)
- Implemented Google API for Google Maps for new Google Standards

Version 2.1.2 – 19th April 2021

- Global - Bootstrap 5.x JS, CSS and SCSS updated to Latest Verisons (5.0 Beta 3)
- Files Updated - scss/bootstrap folder, styles/bootstrap.css, scripts/bootstrap.min.js
- Documentation - Improved Documentation files in Bootstrap 5.x Version

Version 2.1.1 – 20th March, 2021

- Bug Fix - Fixed listing pages where last element didn't have a divider
- Bug Fix - Improved dark mode for input fields

Version 2.1 – 11th March, 2021
Added Bootstrap 5.x with NO jQuery dependency (Duo Version 2.1), written in Vanilla JavaScript. We’ve also included the Bootstrap 4.5 Version with jQuery Dependency (Duo Version 2.0) and we’ll keep providing support for both version for a long time from now!

- Bootstrap 5.x - Vanilla JavaScript, no jQuery Dependency (5.0 Beta 2)
- Bootstrap 4.5 - jQuery Version
- Both versions have the same, identical features for you to enjoy!
- Added - Now Duo Supports Dual Sidebars and a Gorgeous Footer Navigation System

Version 2.0.1 – 16th November, 2020

- Bug Fix - Resolved an issue where the PWA windows wouldn't show. Files affected: style.css or _structure.scss

Version 2.0 – 07th August, 2020
A tone of new and awesome changes, including full Bootstrap support. Duo is now built to run along side modern standards and will get more constant updates.

- Global - Bootstrap 4.5 Integration
- Global - Full PWA with _manifest & service worker ready.
- Global - SCSS structured files included
- Global - RTL and LTR Versions Included
- Added - Remember Color Highlight, Background and Light or Dark
- Added - Unicode Emoji and Tooltip Tap Support
- Added - Link Groups with Switches or Badges
- Added - Header & Footer Badges
- Added - Preloading for CSS Background Images
- Added - Badge & Switches to List Groups
- Added - Programatic Bootstrap Calls for Snackbars, Toasts, Notifications, Sidebars, Modals and Action Sheets
- Added - Store Pages
- Added - News Pages
- Added - Blog Pages
- Added - Gallery Filter with Select and Links
- Added - Gallery Collections
- Added - 16 Unique Homepage Styles
- Added - 4 Walkthrough Screens
- Improvement - All Pages & Components are now Bootstrap Built
- Improvement - All Columns Replaced with Bootstrap & FlexBox
- Improvement - true/false - enable disable PWA & AJAX system
- Improvement - PWA Clears Cache Automatically
- Improvement - iOS Friendly CSS for Notch Support
- Improvement - Completely Revamped Documentation for Better and Much more Detailed Instructions

Version 1.1 – 21st May, 2020

 - Improvement - Better overall PWA compatibility and service worker update.
- Bug Fix - Resolved issue where sometimes pages didn't change to dark mode when going from one page to another

Version 1.0 – 20th December, 2019

 - The biggest update we’ve ever done to a file. Everything has been rebuilt from scratch to serve a completely new product updated for the latest web standards! Check the Item Details Page to view all that’s new in DuoDrawer.

—Previous version released in 2013 has been completely removed. We re-started the changelog at version 1.0

As per Envato Terms of Service, Images are not included in the main download package. If needed, we can provide a list of links for the images used.


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