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The Nameless (銀の人, Gin no Hito, lit. Silver Man), also known as God (神, Kami) is the final boss of Earth Defense Force 5 and Earth Defense Force 6. The "God" of the Primer civilization, the Nameless is a gigantic silver humanoid with a glowing multicolored disc on his back. He possesses multiple stages and a variety of attacks which grow more formidable in each phase.

In EDF 5[]

The Nameless first arrived on Earth thousands of years ago, having originated from the far future. According to ancient legends, he arrived on a golden, egg-shaped ship, he could wield light and dance across the skies. The humans of that time worshiped him and the Primers as deities, until the latter cut off all contact with Earth out of fears that the human race would discover they evolved from Mars and risked their future.

Near the end of the game, the remnants of the EDF decide to find the egg-shaped ship in a last, desperate attempt to stop the Primers from destroying humanity. As it turns out, the egg-shaped ship was the core of the Primers' command mothership. Once the core is exposed, the Nameless descends to the surface and fights Storm Team. His abilities lead to disbelief amongst EDF's command, being compared to magic, leading the EDF to question if the creature is actually a god, omnipotent or immortal. The Nameless lacks weapons or metal of any kind, and yet can fly, manipulate light, distort space to teleport aliens, "control organisms", summon meteors and energy blasts, and create infinite energy at will. It is speculated that his powers are some form of telekinesis, as well as the ability transform thoughts and mind into physical attacks and energy, giving him in theory unlimited power and an inability to become tired, having individually spent tens of thousands of years evolving to gained genuine superpowers, something considered a mere fantasy on Earth. Such an organism would have reached the peak of evolution, and achieved its maximum potential.

After an arduous battle that almost led to the EDF enacting Operation Omega (conscript every last surviving human into the EDF and send them to fight the Nameless) in an attempt to make a last stand, the Nameless was slain by Storm 1, driving the Primers to retreat from Earth, leading to humanity's victory. The battle came at an immense cost, however. Of all of the soldiers deployed against the godlike leader of the Primers, Storm 1 was the only survivor, and the rest of Storm Team was killed in action.

In EDF 6[]

The Nameless' death shook the Primers to the very core, forcing them to flee, leaving alien and monster remnants to continue terrorising the surviving humanity. In order to undo their loss, they deployed a massive time machine known by humans as the Ring, to change the past and win the war. Despite this, Storm 1 and the Professor would go back in time as well to aid the EDF again and again, with mixed results, but despite winning or losing, the Primers still time-travel to refine their invasion to achieve the least amount of casualties. This triggers an unstable time loop in which Storm 1, the Primers' greatest opponent, and the Professor would witness the Ring being used, and then in the next cycle would assault the Ring to keep rewinding time to send his and the Professor's memories to the past and fight the Primers' time-traveling forces at every chance. In most of the loops Storm 1 makes, Humanity either stalemates or is barely surviving, and every loop the aliens make leaves Earth fully conquered and Humanity about to become completely extinct. Eventually, later loops lead to the EDF and humanity itself becoming stronger due to the Professor using his knowledge of future weapon development and Primers strategy to assist as best he can, while Storm 1 helps fight against the Primers' alterations to history.

One of these changes is the Primers moving Mothership 11, and the Nameless, away to hide behind the far side of the Moon, out of reach of humanity. Eventually over numerous loops, the EDF is able to get into a strong enough position to launch numerous assaults across the Earth as a diversion, distracting the Primers long enough for the EDF to launch numerous nuclear missiles at Mothership 11, killing the Nameless again. However, the Primers send such information back in time for the next loop, where they now keep Mothership 11 constantly on the move within Earth's atmosphere, making the EDF unwilling to nuke it like before. They also vacate the Nameless from the Mothership in the event the ship was destroyed anyway, which it eventually was by Storm 1, allowing the Nameless to survive.

At the end of the game, when the Ring is finally destroyed for good, the Primers unleash their next trump card: A dragon-shaped timeship sent from even further in the future with even more advanced technology. When the timeship's main gun is destroyed, a flower-like compartment reveals a horrific sight: The Nameless, reduced to just his head and shoulders, having evolved to a much larger size with a giant third eye and merged with the timeship.

Having realized that for as long as the Primers continued to exist in the future, the war would never end and they would eventually destroy humanity as they saw them as a threat to their very existence, the EDF activated a new version of Operation Omega: The detonation of a missile full of contaminants and polluting agents on Mars, the Primers' homeworld. The pollution would alter the red planet in such a way that the Primers would never evolve on the planet, erasing them from existence forever and ensuring they would never threaten the Earth again. Despite knowing this was effectively genocide, the EDF did this anyway as they knew the Primers would never stop.

When the missile detonated, it triggered a time paradox. As the Primers had never existed in the new timeline, humanity never tainted Mars, which would've led to the Primers existing again and invading and destroying humanity. The only thing that could correct the paradox was the destruction of either of the two species, with time itself choosing two individuals as the living manifestations of the Primers and Humanity, who were respectively the Nameless and Storm 1. The effects of becoming the living essence and manifestation of the Primers empowered the Nameless, making him manifest a halo around his head and redden the Earth's skies.

Despite this, Storm 1 persevered once more, as the EDF command realise that the paradox has already been manifest in small amounts ever since the Primers first interfered with history, which is what lead to Storm 1's existence and great skills in the first place. With great effort, he dealt a final deathblow to the Nameless. Mortally injured, the Nameless tried to travel through time one last time, but failed, causing geysers of energy to pierce his flesh. With one final explosion and roar, the Nameless was slain and the Primer race was destroyed once and for all, erased from existence. All that remained of them was their technology on Earth.

Enemies in the EDF Series
Monster Attack AntsCrimson AntsQueen AntSaurousDarogaUFOCarriersMothership
Global Defence Force Giant AntCrimson AntsQueen AntFlying AntBauKing SpiderEggAnthillsDragon CentipedeSaurousUFOElite SaucerShield BearerImperial GuardBomberSuper BomberDarogaDeroyGilioMothershipFloating City Adan
Earth Defense Force 2: Invaders From Planet Space Giant AntCrimson AntsQueen AntFlying AntBauKing SpiderEggAnthillsDragon CentipedeSolasUFOElite SaucerShield BearerImperial GuardBomberSuper BomberDarogaDeroyGilioMothershipFloating City Adan
Earth Defense Force 2017 Terror AntsCrimson Terror AntsQueen AntAssault SpidersKing SpiderHolesVallakGunshipHectorCarriersQuadruped FortressMothership
Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon AntsAnthillsSpidersTickersWaspsBomber SpiderGunshipHectorCarriersDaddy Long LegsRobotic Praying MantisMothership
Earth Defense Force 2025 AntsCrimson AntsQueen AntSpidersKing SpiderRetiariusHornetDeath QueenTunnel ExitDragonsGreater Wild DragonMutantsFlying DroneRed DroneFlight VehicleShield BearerTransport ShipLarge Transport ShipHectorDeroyArgoQuadruped FortressMothershipEarth EaterBrain
Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair AntsCrimson AntsQueen AntSpidersKing SpiderRetiariusHornetDeath QueenTunnel ExitDragonsGreater Wild DragonMutantsErginusFlying DroneRed DroneFlight VehicleRed Flight VehicleShield BearerTransport ShipLarge Transport ShipHectorDeroyArgoQuadruped FortressMothershipEarth EaterBrain
Earth Defense Force 5 AntsCrimson AntsQueen AntEggSpidersKing SpiderAraneaRollerHornetQueenHiveTadpoleColonistCosmonautErginusArchelusBattle DroneType 2 DroneBomber DroneLanding ShipTeleportation ShipTeleport AnchorShield BearerDeroyOutpost BaseMothershipNameless
Earth Defense Force:
Iron Rain
Storm AntsStorm Ant ScoutZombie AntsImperial AntsCrazy AntsWinged AntsQueen AntEmpress AntBomb BeetleGreen Bomb BeetleWolf SpidersBaby SpidersDeathstalkerSiderosBeizalRaznidScourgerScourger BeastAttack PodHarvesterGargantHivecraftRaidshipPillar
Earth Defense Force:
World Brothers
AntsSpidersCarriersHornetDarogaGunshipHectorErginusSiderosBeizalSaurousRobotic Praying MantisShield BearerVallakDragon CentipedeQuadruped FortressDark Tyrant
Earth Defense Force 6 AntsCrimson Ants Green, Golden AntsAggressive Alien Species α PlusMother Monster PlusAggressive Alien Species Beta PlusQueen AntSpidersKing PlusAraneaRollersTeleportation ShipsKruul CapsulesTeleportation AnchorsTail AnchorsDeath BlossomsFlying-typesRed Flying-typesDeath Queen Red Death QueenColonistsCosmonautsErginusArchelusSirenScyllaGlaukosKruulElder KruulKrakensDark DemonsRingTime ShipsMothershipGiant AndroidsHigh Mobility AndroidsRed AndroidsAndroid ArtilleristsAndroid GrenadiersSuicide AndroidsBattle DronesType 2 DronesType 3 DroneExcavators