The Earth Defense Force Wiki

Jakester95 Jakester95 30 December 2023


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Don't you even know someone called Kicker? I saw him always as an ally when I played with my friend.


Class: Tactical (always)

Status: Alive (he is with us every battle)

Affiliations: Humans (the Military)

Species: Human

Enemies: Ravagers

Appears in: Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon

Please reply if you saw him. Idk why he is called Kicker btw.

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Draxxjaeger Draxxjaeger 29 October 2020


there was a page recently about the golden storm DLC that was created recently then deleted a day later. Please don't do this since whoever made might have been getting content to put on the page and by the time you might have seen it, it was blank so you should have waited a month or 2 and if it is still blank do one of two things: put content or delete but don't delete a page that was literally made a day before ok? I hope you understand that.

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SummaryArtist68 SummaryArtist68 31 January 2017

EDF 2025 360

I was wondering if anyone still had EDF 2025 for 360 and see if anyone wanted to join me? My g-tag is SummaryArtist68, message me on xbox and shot me a friend request if you want and we could play whenever.

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Somarinoa Somarinoa 26 July 2016

Join the EDF (on Steam!)

Now that Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair is on Steam, we can all join forces against the Ravagers in a new way! I will be there... will you? You can find me on Steam under my usual callsign - "Somarinoa". If you like, look me up, or you can put down your own user names on here to share with the EDF community! Are you scared?? For the EDF! -- Somarinoa (talk) 22:48, July 26, 2016 (UTC)

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Scorpion Tank 123 Scorpion Tank 123 13 June 2016

EDF 2025 Levels template

As it currently is, the level template is like this:

What I was thinking of doing was condensing this into just about 3 chapters

Levels 1 - 39 chapter 1 or something along the lines of "Ravager Return"

Levels 40 - 69 as chapter 2 or "The Earth Eater Threat" or "The New Threat"

Levels 70 - 85 as chapter 3 or "End Game"

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Somarinoa Somarinoa 8 June 2016

EDF 2 Info Inbound!

I have finally had a chance to save up enough petty cash to purchase a PlayStation Vita. This of course means that we can finally get in some content from Earth Defense Force 2: Invaders From Planet Space! The console is currently charging but I expect to start playing the new port tonight. -- Somarinoa (talk) 22:09, June 8, 2016 (UTC)

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Somarinoa Somarinoa 29 January 2016

New Badge Idea(s)

I was thinking contributors may like some more badges to work towards. Immediately I am thinking of having badges for editing weapon pages - other ideas floating around in my head are for enemies, levels, and vehicles. Thoughts? Are there any categories you'd like to see become a focus? Badges existing for certain article types can definitely help encourage users to work on those areas. -- Somarinoa (talk) 16:00, January 29, 2016 (UTC)

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Somarinoa Somarinoa 30 December 2015

We're Back In Business!

Hey, everybody! I wanted to give notification that I have finally been given bureaucratic control of the wiki. We can now take care of business, delete spam, lock/unlock pages, work to prevent trolling, et cetera! My question to you all then is, what is it that you would like to see updated/changed, if anything? Do you have suggestions? Please, feel free to post about it here! -- Somarinoa (talk) 09:35, December 30, 2015 (UTC)

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Scorpion Tank 123 Scorpion Tank 123 28 March 2015

Things I should add

OK first things first, I am currently updating the template to add 4.1 and the Eruginusu (Name for now).

But first I am asking should I or can I? I mean I'm only going to be adding 1 new enemy and Keeping all the Old ones. Though for that I need to make a page for Eruginusu, I will do that too.

Also I wanted to state that I'm going to Create a page for the 'Greater Wild dragon' as it has a very different appearnce from it's minions and it also has different attacks.

Should I also make separate pages for the Mutants?

I am writing this to make sure Everything I am doing won't make anyone mad and to gain any approval if needed. So Can I?

Another thing I have the Template edited and the Greater Dragon Page created, so I just need the Ok.

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Somarinoa Somarinoa 15 January 2015

Just an interesting factoid

Has anybody else played Syndicate? I thought it was interesting/neat how, while the game takes place in post-2065, the two most important parts of the back story take place in 2017 and 2025. What are the chances and how hasn't there ever been some sort of fanfiction tying these two games together? XD -- Somarinoa (talk) 12:38, January 15, 2015 (UTC)

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Somarinoa Somarinoa 1 January 2015

New Years 2015

Hey folks! Happy new year to you all! Only 2 years now before the Ravagers attack! XD

Anybody do anything special for New Years Eve? Anyone have any resolutions? -- Somarinoa (talk) 07:40, January 1, 2015 (UTC)

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Somarinoa Somarinoa 14 November 2014

Wiki Adoption?

Hey guys.

So, I have noticed that none of the administrators have been coming onto the site; I only know of two off-hand: WhiteLion02 and the founder, MaloVolpe. Checking on their last contributions, WhiteLion was last on here on October 18th, 2013 and MaloVolpe was here July 17th, 2011. As far as I can tell I am the longest-contributing member on the wiki, and this combined with my great love of the EDF series has led to me considering possibly trying to adopt the page.

As stated on my user page, I could be fairly competent in the roll, given my extensive background:

  • 1 Founder
  • 2 Bureaucrat
  • 3 Administrator
  • 4 Moderator and/or Rollback

  • Creativity Wiki
  • Extraterrestrial Fanon Wiki
  • All Species Wiki

  • Alien Species Wiki
  • Super DBZ Fanon

  • Cryptid Wiki
  • Egyptian Fano…

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Scorpion Tank 123 Scorpion Tank 123 4 October 2014

EDF 4.1!!!!

I really want to play this!! Giant monsters just like the Vallack BUT you will also have a giant robot! BIGGER than the Proteus!

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Scorpion Tank 123 Scorpion Tank 123 15 September 2014


Can we make pages for DLC enemies or should we just add the mutants to their original counter-parts? I was wondering this because I have not seen or heard any mention of the DLC enemies of 2025 on this website and wanted to know if we should add any info about these enemies. If so we should add the following:

  • Silver Spiders
  • Golden Ants
  • Red Dragons
  • Yellow Dragons
  • Silver King Spider
  • Golden Queen Ant 
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Somarinoa Somarinoa 24 May 2014

Categories: Armor vs. Classes

I have noticed that we have two very similar categories: Armor and Classes. These two categories have the same articles, with no differences, though Classes has officially been created and Armor has not. My question would be, does anyone out there have any insight on how these two categories might be different? If there isn't any reasons that anybody can think about, should we remove the Armor category and just stick with the already-made Classes one? What is all your guys' opinions? -- Somarinoa (talk) 07:30, May 24, 2014 (UTC)

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Scorpion Tank 123 Scorpion Tank 123 28 March 2014


Can anyone tell me how to change the enemy wasp into hornet ONLY for EDF 2025 because in 2025 wasp do not come out they are Japanese hornets.

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Somarinoa Somarinoa 15 March 2014

Evil Twin

I noticed this morning that I had an email in my inbox offering me a temporary code for having forgotten my wiki password. The thing is, it isn't something I would forget. This means someone, somewhere is apparently attempting to hack into my account. I wanted to inform the community in case I do anything out of the ordinary. At the same time, however, my computer finally kicked the bucket a couple days ago, and this means I will be doing all of my editing either from my phone (which sucks for editing and will likely only be on my user pages) and the work computer (which I can make larger edits but is more risky and will still not allow image uploads of any sort). So if I am somehow making major edits in the next couple days, it ought to b…

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