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4 votes
1 answer

citation at the end of minipage rather than at the end of frame

I have been going through various help pages to solve the problems that I am encountering using beamer presentation but unsuccessful so far. I'm using minipage to insert a figure and some texts in ...
2 votes
1 answer

Why BibLatex \footcite distorts Beamer columns?

As shown in the following code, a few references are cited in a Beamer presentation with BibLatex \footcite command. The content except the citations is the same across three Beamer pages. It is ...
19 votes
2 answers

Undesired Placement of Footnotes in Blocks

Depending on the theme of a beamer-document, footnotes will either be placed inside or outside of a block-environment. It would like to do combine a style, which places the footnotes inside a block-...
0 votes
0 answers

How can I modify this command - which automates making a text + table + image template - to imitate the style of this pdf?

I am using latex to create pdfs in the same style as the official material for a TTRPG. For this, I found a template made by that game's community. This particular command, \LancerFrame, automates ...
0 votes
1 answer

BibLatex citation numbers in footnotes of Beamer frames are wrong. How to correct?

In this SE post, there is code from lockstep showing how to put in BibLatex citations in footnotes in Beamer pages with columns. It seems to work well if there is only one citation in one Beamer Page....
16 votes
4 answers

How can I stop \footcite from hijacking my beamer columns?

I have prepared a beamer presentation for a seminar. I already have presented, but in trying to change traditionally-cited references (with a number superscript and the reference typesetted at the end ...
1 vote
1 answer

Personalised ```\footcitetext``` in a ```column``` environment in beamer

I have a personalised \footcite that I would like to use in a columnenvironment in beamer. As mentionned in How can I stop \footcite from hijacking my beamer columns? , I use \footnotemark along with \...
1 vote
1 answer

How can I get the result of this forest?

In this code, \documentclass{article} \usepackage{forest} \usepackage{siunitx} \usepackage{amsmath} \usetikzlibrary{shadows,arrows.meta} \newcommand\engnum[1]{\ifcase#1 %zero \or %one \or %two \or %...
1 vote
2 answers

Include folder with TikZ plots in the preamble

I'm writing my PhD thesis and I have just discovered the matlab2tikz script for MATLAB so I wanted to convert my plots and put them in the document using pgfplots. My thesis is already very big and ...
0 votes
0 answers

Package pgfplots Warning: Axis range for axis y is approximately empty

I'm trying to plot these following data: 0.000000000000E+0 1.973601225684E+0 1.000000000000E+0 1.973601176100E+0 2.000000000000E+0 1.973601185980E+0 3.000000000000E+0 1.973601205420E+0 4.000000000000E+...
2 votes
1 answer

Create DevOps cycle in TikZ

My goal is to create a DevOps cycle in Tikz with the established infinity layout, like this one or the one on this page. I started by using the wheelchart package, but I can't get the formular for ...
3 votes
1 answer

How to send option to package from class option OR order of option processing with \PassOptionsToPackage?

I’m developing a combination of classes and packages, where the package is used to define a color set (that should be usable in different classes) and has an option color-mode=cmyk|rgb|gray to device ...
0 votes
1 answer

Text warp with box

How can I wrap text in a frame like this using LaTeX/KaTeX?
0 votes
0 answers

Editing a bst file for an incollection (book chapter) reference style, error in order

I am editing a bst file and I need to produce the following reference of a book chapter: Surname, IN (Year). 'Title of chapter', in Editor Surname, IN (ed.), Name of Book, Place:Publisher, pp. 1-10. ...

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