[GA4] About roll-up properties

Roll-up properties are available only to Google Analytics 360 accounts that are linked to a Google Marketing Platform organization with an active 360 order. Only Google Analytics 360 properties can be sources to a roll-up property.

Roll-up properties provide a broad view of your business across products, brands, or regions by combining data from multiple source properties into a single roll-up property. For example, if you have separate properties for multiple brands that your company owns, you can roll those up to a single property that provides an aggregate look at how those brands perform.


Roll-up properties are subject to the same feature limits as other 360 properties.

A roll-up property can have a maximum of 200 source properties. 

A roll-up property cannot be a source for another roll-up property.

A roll-up property cannot have both a subproperty and one of its source properties as sources. Either the subproperty or its source property can be a source for the roll-up property, but not both.

You cannot create subproperties from a roll-up property.

A roll-up property can only access data from other source properties. It does not collect data itself.

Settings that you configure in the Admin page for a roll-up property do not affect the configuration of any of the source properties. Likewise, settings that you configure in the Admin page for a source property do not affect the configuration of the roll-up property.

User access to a roll-up property

Roll-up properties do not inherit users from source properties. You add users to a roll-up property and configure their access separately from users in source properties.

Users on a roll-up property are not automatically given permissions for any of the source properties.

Users on source properties are not automatically given any permissions for the roll-up property.

Users on source properties do not inherit any permissions from the roll-up property.

Data in a roll-up property

Currently, roll-up properties do not inherit custom dimensions and metrics from their source properties, but you can recreate them in a roll-up property.

When you create a roll-up property, you choose existing 360 properties as the sources of data for the roll-up. Data from all the source properties is reported as a single data set in the roll-up. For example:

  • The Realtime report displays a total of users in the last 30 minutes from all source properties
  • The Monetization overview report shows total revenue from all source properties
  • The Engagement overview report shows the average engagement time for all active users from all source properties

Roll-up properties start accumulating data from their source properties starting on the date each source property is added to the roll-up property.

A roll-up property cannot have events of its own; all its events must first exist in its source properties. For this reason, you cannot add or delete data streams in a roll-up property, import offline events, or modify and create events via the user interface. You can, however, use audience triggers in a roll-up property because the events generated by audience triggers are processed separately from events that are collected client side.

Once data from a roll-up property becomes available in the roll-up, that copy of the data is subject to the configuration of the roll-up property (e.g., property and data settings, reporting identity, attribution settings).

When you disconnect a source property from a roll-up, historical data from the source property is still available in the roll-up.

If you integrate a roll-up property with another product (e.g., Google Ads), then all applicable data from all source properties is available for export to that linked product. Learn more about product integrations in roll-up properties in the following section.

When you make a data-deletion request for a source property, that same data is also deleted from the roll-up property. When you make a data-deletion request for a roll-up property, that data is deleted only from the rollup property.

Product links in a roll-up property

You can have a maximum of 400 unique links from a roll-up property and its source properties to Google Ads accounts. Unique links include links contributed by each source property and those created within the roll-up property (links to the same Google Ads account will only be counted once). If the total exceeds 400, then Analytics deactivates the most recently created links until it reaches the limit of 400. (The deactivated links are listed on the Inactive tab of the Unique links table.)

For a roll-up property to export data to a product, the roll-up property needs to have its own link to that product. For example, to export audiences you create in a roll-up property to Google Ads, you need to create a link between the roll-up property and your Google Ads account.

For reporting, each property link (roll-up or source) imports data from the linked product (where applicable) to widen existing event data; for example, when you link to Google Ads and enable auto-tagging, properties import Google Ads dimensions like Google Ads ad network type and Google Ads ad group name so you can evaluate user-acquistion metrics in the context of those dimensions.

If the roll-up property is not linked to a product but multiple source properties are linked to the same product/account but with different configurations, then Analytics uses the most permissive configuration of those multiple links. For example, if two source properties are linked to the same Google Ads account and one link enables auto-tagging and one link does not, then auto-tagging is enabled for both Google Ads links in the roll-up property and Google Ads cost and campaign data is imported from both Google Ads integrations.

A roll-up property and its source properties can all have independent links to the same product, for example to the same Google Ads account, however, some products can be linked to only a single Analytics property:

  • In some cases, Analytics restricts the integration to an Analytics source property. For example when you link Firebase and Analytics, you have to link the Firebase project to one Analytics ordinary property (which can also be a source property).
  • In other cases, it's possible to link to a roll-up property or a source property, but Analytics recommends linking to the source property. For example, when you link Search Console and Analytics, you link a Search Console property to one Analytics web data stream. While you can link to the inherited data stream in the roll-up property, we recommend linking to the data stream in the source property.

In both cases described above, linking to the source property ensures linking and data integrity.

Create links to other products

To create a link between a roll-up property and another product, see the linking instructions for that product.

All data from source-property product integrations is available in the roll-up property.

Currently, you can link a roll-up property to the following products:

Reporting in a roll-up property

Report collections

Report collections from source properties are not imported to roll-up properties.

Custom dimensions and metrics

You can create custom dimensions and metrics in a roll-up property.


You can create audiences in roll-up properties. Those audiences are exported via product links when linking supports audience export.

Key events

You can mark events as key events in a roll-up property. This does not mark those same events as key events in the source properties.

When a roll-up property is integrated with another product (e.g., Google Ads), key events are exported from the roll-up property to the other product when that integration supports key event export (as in the case of Google Ads).

User / identity processing

A roll-up property deduplicates users from source properties when users appear with the same reporting identity across multiple properties, for example, when a user has the same user ID or is signed in to the same Google account. When users are deduplicated, they are counted only once for user metrics (e.g., Users, Active users) and for calculated metrics based on user counts (e.g., Average engagement time, Engaged sessions per user). Deduplicated users are also included only once in operations like prepopulating or backfilling audiences.

Google signals

To process Google-signals data in a roll-up property, you activate Google signals for that roll-up the same way you activate it for any other property. With that activation in place, if a source property is collecting Google-signals data, then that data is also processed by the roll-up property.

If you do not activate Google signals in a roll-up property, then Google-signals data from source properties is not processed by the roll-up.

Data discrepancies between source properties and roll-up properties

Customer expectation

Roll-ups deduplicate users from different domains when those domains are measured with different data streams

Reasons why expectations aren't met

  • Incorrect implementation of cross-domain tracking in source properties so users are not deduplicated correctly in source properties
  • Data from users in different domains is collected in different data streams. Cross-domain measurement is configured within a single data stream, so a single user whose data is collected in multiple data streams is counted as a separate user in each data stream.

Learn more about cross-domain measurement

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