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Questions tagged [tee]

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GNU "parallel" how to achieve tee behaviour

Is it possible to use gnu-parallel to run multiple commands which all read from stdin? For example: echo 'hello world' | parallel --keep-order --tagstring 'Part {=$_=uc($_)=}:' --pipe "cat" :...
smac89's user avatar
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How to print and pipe log file at the same time?

I use this to check the log lines of a log file until the occurrence of a specific event (taken from this answer to Monitoring a file until a string is found): (tail -f -n 0 test.log &) | grep -q '...
not2savvy's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How to make #tee take in -append instead of -a option (bionicpup32-8.0)

I'm trying to run team viewer on my bionicpup32-8.0 Running the command teamviewer returns: Init... tee: unrecognized option: append BusyBox v1.30.1 (2019-04-24 21:49:26 +08) multi-call binary. ...
Fixel's user avatar
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Write the list of content of a .rar or zip archive into a txt log file with 7z

I have a huge archive.rar and I would like to know its content without extracting it. Using 7z on a Raspbian Here are the commands i tried that did just write an empty output.txt file : sudo 7z l ...
user1719210's user avatar
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Bash split stream (tee) and join them together

I need to do something similar to this question, except that in that question the OP just concat the outputs of command2 and command3, and I need them be handed over separately, like this: ...
rslemos's user avatar
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How to netcat to multiple ports

I'am using a raspberry and i need 2 local streams. This is what i've tried: Attempt raspivid <some options> -o - | tee nc localhost 5100 | nc localhost 5000 Question I can receive the output on ...
SirPilan's user avatar
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ffmpeg tee mux option for restreaming a single input to multiple destinations without transcoding using Copy

Wanted to stream or "restream"" to multiple outputs using the tee mux but it appears that the copy flags don't seem to work. Wanted to try something like this: ffmpeg -re -i /home/video/test.mp4 -...
Biilly B's user avatar
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Ffmpeg Tee muxer not displaying video stream

I'm trying to send an rtmp stream to wowza with the tee muxer. Then I'm reading the stream from wowza in HLS. When running this command it works: ffmpeg -re -i myVideo.mp4 -c copy -f flv 'rtmp://...
Pat-rice's user avatar
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How to pass a pipe command to terminal -e?

I want to create a shortcut which shows in a new terminal the output of my command and simultaneously writes it into a log file. I use terminal -e (or urxvt -e) to run the follwing command: terminal -...
user2741831's user avatar
1 vote
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How to suppress output from tee based on variable in Bash

So, in the following example: echo "text to write to file but also not send to stdout" | tee -a $logfile 1> /dev/null The output does not get printed on the terminal. But when I try doing the ...
anonymite's user avatar
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2 answers

tee command, show both stdout outputs

I would like to show the content of a file and also the calculated cksum of the file at once, why does the following command only output the file - but not the cksum? sudo cat filename | tee cksum I ...
tollo's user avatar
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Pipe output of command line by line in Windows

I'm running a server from a batch file and I want the server output to be displayed both on the screen and also written to a log file. I found a way to do this from this answer: powershell "...
Kidburla's user avatar
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Pipe stderr to file and screen without redirecting stderr to stdout

In a bash script I'd like to execute a command while piping the stderr to both a file and to the terminal. However, I want stderr to stay on the '2' file descriptor so that I can parse it from an ...
Eddy's user avatar
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10 answers

What is the purpose of 'tee'?

All the usages of tee I ever saw were such: do_something | tee -a logfile Or: do_something_else | tee logfile Is tee invented for those that don't know you can do the same with shell pipe ...
R Moog's user avatar
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Using "tee" to selectively log Ubuntu terminal output?

I need to log terminal output. But I only need some outputs which starts with a keyword (say starts with "error"). I use something similar to: ls | tee "log.txt" In this example command I do not ...
None's user avatar
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