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Questions tagged [pipe]

Pipes or named pipes are a feature of the POSIX standard that allow separate processes to communicate with each other without having been designed explicitly to work together.

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GNU parallel: use `--pipe` to process one line at a time

(This is a follow-up to GNU "parallel --pipe" doesn't process stdin by lines as I cannot get the behavior I want even after reading that question and applying the answer that was given.) ...
intelfx's user avatar
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How to use grep with a pipe symbol from the command line

Maybe I'm missing something very simple, but I don't seem to be able to use grep from the command line (in bash) where the search argument contains a vertical bar |. For example, grep a|b results in ...
Mr Lister's user avatar
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2 answers

Pipe .exe output to text file

I have a utility exe which opens a new window when I run the exe directly or through powershell. How do I pipe its output to a text file? I have used utility.exe > textino.txt But it creates a ...
srt243's user avatar
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3 answers

Why doesn't `bash` work with piped output, when the output is as expected?

I'm running the following command to alias an entire folder of scripts: ls | grep '\.sh$' | sed 's/\.sh$//' | awk '{print "alias "$1"=\"./"$0".sh\""}' | xargs -...
Maxime Franchot's user avatar
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Broken pipe, write error: An epidemic of unnecessary output

In the last few months, a problem has been spreading across my systems. That of broken pipe errors: # Solution: # silenced by replacing /bin/bzip2 -> bzip2-reference # to /bin/...
Hincor's user avatar
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How to get the return value of pipe and executable on Windows

I am running some unit tests which involve piping into my executable, like this. cat text.txt | my_exe --options Running these commands, how do I get the return value of my_exe? Even when my_exe ...
scx's user avatar
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rstrip On Lines of text being piped through sed s

So I am trying to implement the rstrip function on lines of text being piped into sed s and am having troubles. This is what I have that I think should work: cat file1.txt | sed 's/[[:blank:]]+$//g;' &...
Alan Sanchez's user avatar
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Unable to discard output from redirection followed by &

In the instruction containing a redirection, neither of 1 or 2 or nothing, on the lhs of >/dev/null discards the output, in this case [24] 1073640. This is contrary to my expectation, What could I ...
Erwann's user avatar
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FFmpeg Pipe behavior occurs depending on the version for the same audio file

Pipe behavior occurs depending on the version for the same audio file. $ ./ffprobe.exe -i - < input.mp3 I am a newbie ... if you tell me any tip how to debug ffmpeg, I want try.. If you wnat get ...
이아름's user avatar
3 votes
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How do you pipe the output of vboxmanage clonemedium into dd

I want to pipe my converted .vdi file into /dev/sda. My box.vdi is 2TB and my HDD is also 2TB, but the system I am doing the conversion from is only 128GB. All the resources (ref1 and ref2) I can find ...
Brandon's user avatar
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Linux redirection and piping [duplicate]

I am working on Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS. I a directory, I have only 2 files a1.txt a2.txt when I run the ls a* z* 2> /dev/null | cat I got the result , that is OK. I mean that error was not shown. But ...
tahzibi.jafar's user avatar
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CJK unicode characters output from `wine reg query` displayed on terminal are fine. But they become question marks after pipe

When I run wine reg query 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Akelsoft\AkelPad\Recent' on my machine, the output is fine and contains something like file0 REG_MULTI_SZ Z:\home\x\怎.txt on my terminal. ...
cshu's user avatar
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Get `pv` work in `ssh` session

How do I get pv to work when called remotely via ssh? E.g. a@a-virtual-machine:~$ ssh [email protected] "pv < ~/Documents/Local/staging.sql.gz" | gunzip > /dev/null This prints no ...
Anton Duzenko's user avatar
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Grepping an specific command give me an old grep output

I need some help, wasn't able to find a solution... I've made a script to run xfs_growfs and pipe its output to know only if the it found no difference is disk size and gave me an "data size ...
Erick Jorge Louis Mendes Nolet's user avatar
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Piping commands to smtp server doesn't work

So I was trying to write a bash script to send a mail to someone using server by using openssl. Everything upto this is working fine: printf "helo\nauth plain $auth\n&...
Cardinal's user avatar

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