784 Free Fruit pictures

Browse through beautiful high-resolution Free Fruit pictures. These free photos are CC0 licensed, so you can use them in both your personal or commercial projects without attribution.

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background berry
background berry cherry
  • 3.2k
  • 20
  • 195
strawberry fruit
strawberry fruit pink
  • 3.1k
  • 15
  • 435
monk fruit
monk fruit monkfruit
  • 3.5k
  • 8
  • 180
healthy fruit
healthy fruit drink
  • 470
  • 2
  • 65
hand apple
hand apple fruit
  • 585
  • 0
  • 30
mother family
mother family kitchen
  • 1.1k
  • 1
  • 110
oranges bowl
oranges bowl table
  • 655
  • 4
  • 50
flatlay sliced
flatlay sliced oranges
  • 1.2k
  • 5
  • 140
flatlay sliced
flatlay sliced kiwi
  • 1.1k
  • 3
  • 140
fruit table
fruit table fresh
  • 580
  • 0
  • 20
sliced citrus
sliced citrus fruit
  • 1.9k
  • 5
  • 270
fresh apple
fresh apple fruit
  • 1.2k
  • 1
  • 120
glazed donut
glazed donut food
  • 985
  • 1
  • 60
fresh apples
fresh apples market
  • 725
  • 2
  • 40
yogurt berry
yogurt berry spoon
  • 790
  • 3
  • 15
son together
son together family
  • 830
  • 3
  • 35
son together
son together family
  • 850
  • 0
  • 30
banana fruit
banana fruit tree
  • 720
  • 1
  • 35
orange fruit
orange fruit food
  • 795
  • 1
  • 55
red apple
red apple fruit
  • 1.1k
  • 2
  • 55