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  • Member for 9 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
46 votes

What is the return type for a function that returns another function

45 votes

How to animate a path in flutter?

14 votes

Android textview text get cut off on the sides with custom font

10 votes

What is the best practice of pass states between tests in Cypress

10 votes

Get previous value of state in Composable - Jetpack Compose

9 votes

Intellij issue resolving dependency for spring kotlin

8 votes

How to get parameter value from query string?

8 votes

OpenGL on Android - Convert a Bitmap to a Texture, and save a Texture

7 votes

How to link to GLES2 in an Android Studio project using C++ native code

7 votes

Laravel Mix my javascript code is not running

6 votes

Get the current test/spec name in Jest

6 votes

How to debug a maven goal with intellij idea?

5 votes

Get keys of a Typescript interface as array of strings

4 votes

How can I tell if DateTime.Now() is on a day AFTER a different DateTime

4 votes

Kotlin iterator to list?

3 votes

Kotlin type mismatch !! and?

3 votes

Flutter Row widget solve RenderFlex overflow by cutting off remaining area

3 votes

TypeScript error TS5023: Unknown compiler option 'strict'

3 votes

Convert PDFBoxs PDFont into java.awt.Font

2 votes

Flutter/Dart autocomplete works in VS Code, but not in Android Studio

2 votes

Use RxJava to emit a Single<List<Item>> from firestore given multiple ids

2 votes

From RxJava2, How can I compare and filter two observables if the values are equal?

2 votes

Extension methods with generics in Dart: Value of type dynamic can't be returned from method

2 votes

SO_REUSEPORT unavailable on compiling system to run emulator for android on Ubuntu

2 votes

Android: How to implement Interface Class in ActivityClass and Class

2 votes

Rate limiting observables

2 votes

How to achieve a motion blur effect like this?

2 votes

Opengl Transform feedback made correctly on Android

1 vote

Android string resource storage outside of ...\res\values\strings.xml

1 vote

OpenGL - Compute Shader - iOS - Options?