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andras's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 6 months
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1 vote

Render FBO to screen taking into account Depth

1 vote

Strange IllegalArgumentException related to delay parameter in TimerTask, Android

1 vote

Handling multiple queueEvent / Runnable button presses on Android?

1 vote

GLSurfaceView is too slow when rendering effects

1 vote

Getting the JSON from google spreadsheets

1 vote

Using GLES31ext on Android to compile geometry shader?

1 vote

How to pass parameters to SurfaceView from main activity in Android

1 vote

Speeding the Random process

1 vote

Can we share or transfer data from one Activity to another Activity using SharedPreference?

1 vote

React+Redux - Uncaught Error: Expected the reducer to be a function

1 vote

How to draw a new bitmap every time the screen is pressed

1 vote

I have an activity on which i have placed a spinner

1 vote

GLES20.glUniform1f doesn't work, but const do

1 vote

RxJava2 throttleFirst()

1 vote

Convert Array<Int> to Int kotlin 2D Array

1 vote

Unable to create a broadcast stream in flutter

1 vote

Is Proguard mapping file overwritten each time on Firebase Crashlytics a new release build is created?

1 vote

React datepicker disable entering date manually

0 votes

Error: Not found: 'dart:ui' import 'dart:ui' - Flutter

0 votes

Spring @PreAuthorize throws LazyInitializationException accesing lazy data from Hibernate

0 votes

Android Emulator gives an Error SO_REUSEPORT and debugging not working

0 votes

Python numpy convert dtype object to dtype float32 in case of a 2d array

0 votes

How to use named parameter in plain sql with jooq

0 votes

How to cache Single with expiration time

0 votes

How to add objects to draw in runtime using GLES20?

0 votes

TFS 2012 Build "Access to Path Denied"

0 votes

Android openGl ES 2.0 quick uniform changes

0 votes

How to use Processing 3 on IntelliJ IDEA?

0 votes

Rotating camera around a object positioned at center in openGL ES

0 votes

OpenGL app crashes when using setEGLConfigChooser on Zenfone Deluxe 2