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Larest's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
15 votes

How to change color property of mat-slide-toggle/ overwrite CSS of component?

4 votes

Angular UI not updating after Observable subscription triggers

3 votes

"ERROR in Couldn't resolve resource from" for extensible angular component

3 votes

Angular Electron & AudioWorklet.addModule() error DOMException: The user aborted a request

2 votes

NullInjectorError: No provider for ChangeDetectorRef

1 vote

configure gearman php extension fail on MacOS - error: unknown type name 'zend_object_value'

1 vote

Extending Facebook auth_token

0 votes

Npm install cannot find module 'semver'

0 votes

how ask browser if audio device allowed and then if video allowed?

0 votes

How to add third-party services in lazy-load module in Angular? On example of TranslateService(@ngx-translate) and OverlayModule

0 votes

Angular CDK Drag and drop with placeholders in one of the drop lists

0 votes

Copy transformation from an SVG element to a SVG group

0 votes

How to check if a key value pair (in an array) exists in another array?

0 votes

triggering browser Zoom-in and Zoom-out functions

0 votes

Adding a Component to a TemplateRef using a structural Directive

0 votes

Is there a wasy to emulate super with mixins in typescript?

0 votes

Angular 15 sourceMap webpack-dev-middleware: unexpected token | in JSON at position 3

-1 votes

How to set sql_mode in my.cnf in MySQL 8?