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IS4's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 1 month
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68 votes

Memory address of an object in C#

60 votes

Creating application shortcut in a directory

47 votes

Get value of c# dynamic property via string

28 votes

Get property value from C# dynamic object by string (reflection?)

23 votes

How big is an object reference in .NET?

21 votes

How can I retrieve the namespace to a string C#

13 votes

Unload a DLL loaded using DllImport

12 votes

Why no ICloneable<T>?

12 votes

Int32.Parse vs Single.Parse - ("1,234") and ("1,2,3,4"). Why do int and floating point types parse separator chars differently?

12 votes

Why does C# Math.Ceiling round down?

10 votes

The fastest way to check if a type is blittable?

10 votes

Retrieve Filename of a font

9 votes

How to instance a C# class in UNmanaged memory? (Possible?)

9 votes

How to include Javascript in xml-document?

9 votes

RDFS vs SKOS, when to use what?

8 votes

C# GetDelegateForFunctionPointer with generic delegate

8 votes

Method Names for Operator Methods in C#

8 votes

Call Back Method for Task.Run()

8 votes

Obtain non-explicit field offset

8 votes

How can I define a class member as a pointer to another member function?

7 votes

Ternary Operator Inside PHP String

7 votes

why passing an argument to lua class method get nill

7 votes

Understanding GCHandle.Alloc pinning in C#

7 votes

Lua: Storing a logical operator in a variable?

6 votes

Slicing a Span<T> row from a 2D matrix - not sure why this works

6 votes

Force exceptions language in English

6 votes

C# Char from Int used as String - the real equivalent of VB Chr()

6 votes

Not enough )'s when parsing an user's input that contains one parenthesis

6 votes

string.contains - no overload for contains takes 2 arguments

5 votes

Why are pointers to data members callable in C++?

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