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Added content to fixed height make it not viewable, and using null height break animation

Everytime content is added you need to recalculate the new height. addContent(e) has been changed: function addContent(e) { this.parentElement.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", "<p&...
zer00ne's user avatar
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Text fill effect but controlled by percentage

From the information provided in your comment, it seems that you want to make POS synchronize with PERFORMANCE for a left-to-right gradient animation. If so, try this: <div class="flex h-dvh ...
Karson Jo's user avatar
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Animate on removal from dom

I don't know what exactly you want to do with fading out, but definitely, your solution is animation, I think the following codes can help you reach your goal: import React from 'react'; import type {...
AmerllicA's user avatar
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