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Why don't SVG filters take into account the position of the SVG's viewBox, since they do take into account its size?

<svg viewBox="60 0 200 40"> <filter id="blur" filterUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <feGaussianBlur stdDeviation="1" /> </filter> <path d="M 70 5 l 0 10" style="filter: ...
Joseph Sible-Reinstate Monica's user avatar
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Using dropshadow filter on svg path causes it to disappear [duplicate]

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <svg width="400" height="200" xmlns=""> <defs> <filter id="drop-shadow" color-interpolation-filters="sRGB"&...
ANimator120's user avatar
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Issue with getting "gooey" CSS SVG filter for rounded text background to work in Firefox

I was attempting to recreate the following rounded background effect found in this Dribble design: Through some research, I found out that it was called the gooey effect. I tried to implement these [...
Candide x Media's user avatar
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HTML SVG texts with different background colors

I have an image and I want to render multiple labels with different background colors: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Page Title</title> </...
Nexussim Lements's user avatar
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How do I apply shader to SVG Filter?

I tried some WebGL technology before such as three js and pixi js. When I learned WebGL technology, I found shader which made me really fascinated. But WebGL can only be rendered on the canvas not the ...
Reynald Lamury's user avatar
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Some SVG elements disappear when hiding adjacent divs

I have a project where I've created a number of divs which each contain an svg gauge. Each gauge is multi-layered and when displayed, it looks great. Its a complex gauge, so I wont include the code, ...
Brian Tremelling's user avatar
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Svg gradient, override other svg too

basically I have two SVG and If I try to change the color of the second one it doesn't change, If I do to the first one, it change the color of both the SVG. In the example below, if you duplicate the ...
Gianmarco's user avatar
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Why does converting my greyscale SVG to alpha cause a reduction in brightness?

I'm trying to create a transparent "starry night" effect with an SVG. I have my SVG inlined on a webpage, inside an element with a black background. I start out with a turbulence filter, ...
Jez's user avatar
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SVG Filter animation won't work in Safari

I ran into an issue where safari doesn't want to apply svg filters to a child element that is animated. It seems like an you can animated the parent of an element with a filter applied (second example)...
julipode's user avatar
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Remove filter from child element HTML CSS

I am working on a project and and am having an issue trying to remove a filter from a child element. I created a small code snippet of the issue I am running into. Does anyone have any recommendations ...
Mckcheesy's user avatar
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SVG Shape Lighting

Summary: I'm trying to create a canvas of randomized rock climbing holds using vector graphics generated with properties such as color, rotation, size and path values. To add depth to these I'm trying ...
Mit's user avatar
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Improve neon sharped cut text effect

I am trying to add sharped cut effect on text. I have achieved this thing: But I want to achieve this backplate/background sharped cut text effect: My Code: .wrapper { background-color: #000; }...
Zain Shabir's user avatar
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SVG filter "Turbulence" not rendering well on safari

I'm trying to apply a svg "Turbulence" filter on an image on my website. The thing is that it looks well on FireFox and Chrome : But looks horrible on safari : It seems that Safari is &...
Louis Lecouturier's user avatar
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How to add spread in inner shadow in svg?

I have svg rectangle, and I need to add an inset-shadow with spread, how it works in figma. rectangle with inner-shadow with spread Currently, I make a rectangle with blur and x, y position, but I ...
Yevhenii's user avatar
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Why isn't this feDisplacementMap filter working?

I'm trying to build an image within an SVG <defs> element for use in the in2 attribute of a displacement map filter. However, the displacement map filter isn't warping the element it's applied ...
Sean's user avatar
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Why is this SVG image not appearing in my website?

Below is the icon that I am using, it appears as an empty space: const giftIcon = `<svg width="25" height="24" viewBox="0 0 25 24"> <defs> ...
Ozge Cokyasar's user avatar
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SVG Filter using feImage as input to feDisplacementMap [closed]

I am trying to use svg filters to add a displacement map to an image. This is my code: <svg width="300" height="300"> <filter id="a" filterUnits="...
Alibasher's user avatar
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CSS filter:url(#inlinesvg), How to change filter property value per instance?

I want to apply a svg filter to different elements, but for the different elements I want to adjust the value of a certain property. Is there a way to pass a variable for each instance? I know I can ...
Mark Boots's user avatar
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does the filter in image tag under svg reduce the quality of the image?

I have an <image /> under <svg> componenent. If I add the filter property to the image which increases/reduces contrast and brightness, does this effect the quality (pixel density) of the ...
karankumar89's user avatar
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Hi guys, I need to deal with shadows in svg

This is a map of one area from Kazakhstan I need that when hovering, shadows appear at each city/element as in this picture: enter image description here Here is actually the SVG code itself: CodePen ...
Sanzhar Abdurahmanov's user avatar
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Filter URL specified in CSS (but SVG is in HTML doc) not working in Safari

The effect uses an SVG/Filter which is in the HTML document. It is then specified in an external CSS document using filter:url('#noise') contrast(110%);. The effect works in Chrome/Firefox (all I've ...
user1406440's user avatar
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Inset shadows on svg are just acting as an outline

I'm trying to add some inset shadows to my svg, to make it look more like this Instead of like this I tried adding an inset shadow to every path (filter="url(#inset-shadow)"), using the ...
Sam's user avatar
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SVG: Showing average color for overlapping shapes

This is different from Using SVG for additive color mixing (additive blending), which is talking specifically about additive blending. For that it's as easy as setting mix-blend-mode: screen. As far ...
user3044553's user avatar
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Using a filter to add highlight-color glow to SVG?

I'm developing a SVG sketchpad and I would very much like to show an outline around the selected SVG object. I have the following already: <svg width="0" height="0"> <...
Dan Gelder's user avatar
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Using SVG *and* CSS Filters to Edit and Download an Image [duplicate]

This question was closed inappropriately. I stated in my question that I know how to download an image edited with CSS. Yet I was referred to 4 pages that explain how to download an image with CSS. ...
AARRGGHHH's user avatar
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Why svg blur dosen't work in html or browser?

I'm using Figma editor and I tried to blur element, in the editor everything looks fine, then I export it into SVG. I see that there are tags that should make my element blur <feGaussianBlur in=&...
Adriano's user avatar
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How to improve svg blur performance (in safari)?

I'm using feGaussianBlur on multiple spinning slotmachine reels to blur images. As the weels speed up, the stdDeviation is increased accordingly. This results in a very high CPU usage and laggs in the ...
Marc's user avatar
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Change a part of a SVG color on hover loaded using image tag

I have a SVG image which has a background circle and an arrow and I use it in my application like this: <def> //few other svgs with image tag will be loaded here <image id="...
Dark shadow's user avatar
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Blink-engine SVG rendering Bug in feGaussianBlur filter by stdDeviation small value (under 0.8). Seeking Workaround

All browsers (Chrome, Opera, MS Edge, ...) based on Blink-engine have SVG rendering bug in feGaussianBlur filter by stdDeviation small values – less then 0.8 The blurring effect works in this browsers ...
Bharata's user avatar
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SVG Filter: width 100% height 100% does not cover image

I have a simple SVG Filter. If you click the example below, that filter will appear/disappear: var image = document.querySelector('image'); var url = '
duhaime's user avatar
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Apply Glow Effect Filter to Anchor Tag with Transparent Path Child SVG

I would like to create an image map by using an SVG to create the clickpoints. I have been asked to add a glow to the anchor on hover, which I'm currently doing by applying a filter to the anchor tag ...
Amadeus Sanchez's user avatar
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Why is <feDropShadow> not displaying?

Edit: trying to create a mcve I wasn't able to repro the issue. Now I'm completely baffled. Works on codesandbox, not in my project. Initial question I want to create a dynamic inline SVG element and ...
tao's user avatar
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Zoom blur effect in CSS or Javascript on text

I am wondering, if I can make something like a zoom blur effect in CSS thru custom filter. I want something like this: But I would ...
Tomáš Geržičák's user avatar
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How can I performance optimise this SVG animation?

I am working on a SVG animation, here is a Code Pen to check it out. It is using a combination of SVG Filters, SVG Masks and Path Animations. The issue I am having is that I am struggling to get it ...
Chase Manning's user avatar
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SVG images not rendering in Safari

<svg id="button-svg" xmlns="" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 40 40" xml:space="preserve"> <defs> <pattern id="pattern1" height="100%" width="...
mikasa's user avatar
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Problem with SVG Filters to make a specific color transparent in an image

I found a svg filter with multiple filter-effects to make a specific color in an image transparent. I created an image with two colors Red and Black and I am making the black color transparent. The ...
manjuv's user avatar
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Animate feDropShadow inside filter

I have the following code and I want to animate feDropShadow inside defs @import url(""); *, *::before, *::after { ...
Amaan Kulshreshtha's user avatar
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is there any way to give multiple value in duration svg animation tag?

i am trying to perform some animation operation on svg but i am not able to get the outcome i want is there any way to add morethen one value on <animate attributeType="CSS" attributeName="...
conol's user avatar
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SVG light and shadow a 3D feelling

I want to make an svg looks like it's on 3D by adding a small light in the top and left BORDER and a shadow in the bottom and right BORDER something like this #div1 { background: #ddd; } #...
evgeni fotia's user avatar
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Add filter only to <image/> inside SVG, but not to the entire SVG

I have small problem with styling SVG and image inside. In SVG I have two filters. First effect (#innershadow) is to whole SVG object, second I want to apply only to image inside, because wave (#...
mrKorny's user avatar
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SVG filter is not changing the fill color

I have a svg image which shows a little logo I`m using on a website. This svg has three paths and in two of them i want to change the fill color to a little darker one. :root { --websiteColor: ...
RoyBlunk's user avatar
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SVG Filter Displacement as Overlay on Entire Website

I have a project where I want to achieve a glass effect through a lens, running over the entire site. I tried with PixiJS, but it only works on the canvas. It's important that the filter is on every ...
hidsig's user avatar
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how do I prevent the feComposite arithmetic svgfilters changing output channel values despite having 0 in the corresponding input channel

When adding an svg box of color value #800000 to an svg box with color value #008000 I find the result is not #808000. The result turns out to be color #898500. <feComposite in="b1" in2="b2" ...
cognify's user avatar
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Masking SVG-filter, not simply combining mask and filter

I am attempting to apply fractalNoise filter to HTML element. However, I dont want the whole element to be affected but to have the filter gradually increase from bottom to top. In order to achieve ...
kaktus's user avatar
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SVG is fully invisible in Firefox

Before this gets marked as a duplicate: we've already ensured the width and height are properly set. I'm phrasing it as invisible because although it takes up the correct space and is even loaded in ...
cuuupid's user avatar
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SVG filter loses colour when the SVG is hidden or external

<svg style="display:none"> <defs> <filter id="blue-glow-display-none"> <feMorphology in="SourceAlpha" operator="dilate" radius="2" /> <feGaussianBlur ...
Niet the Dark Absol's user avatar
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Reveal image on hovered SVG element

Here I've received an answer how to rewrite the skewed div fully with svg. Works perfectly. But I need a special effect, once the skewed div is hovered - reveal the image. Here is a demonstration ...
Kuzma's user avatar
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SVG - Center image in circle without image fill

I have created a circle in SVG and trying to display image in circle and when the circle size is increased the image is also increasing but I wanted to have image same as it is, changing the circle ...
Sanjeev Kumar's user avatar
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SVG filter with variable?

I have an SVG glow filter implemented like so: <filter id="outline"> <feMorphology in="SourceAlpha" operator="dilate" radius="2"></feMorphology> <feGaussianBlur ...
Niet the Dark Absol's user avatar
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Composite of two filtered SVG files

I am trying to implement a visual 'diff' strategy for printed circuit boards. The intent is to highlight 'new' additions in blue and old parts of the design (removed) in red. I have two b&w svg ...
Gasman's user avatar
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