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Processing exported application canvas size differs from ide launched application

I have a simple Processing 3 application I just migrated to Processing 4. The old version had some global variables fine tuned for 1920x1080 displays, so while porting I decided to make it more ...
CrystalSpider's user avatar
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Cursors changes

I have a question about treating cursor manipulation. In the JFrame in which I work there are different types of Jpanel, JComboBox, SVGcanvas, etc... In each of them the cursor is different but its ...
Charles Mosndup's user avatar
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2D points to SVG or PDF file in Java

Want to convert 2D points of canvas to svg or pdf file. { "points":[{"x":158,"y":786},{"x":158,"y":781},{"x":158,"y":764},{"x":158,"y":754},{"x":158,"y":743},{"x":158,"y":717},{"x":158,"y":699},{"x":...
Aditya_G's user avatar
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Android: how to draw .svg file's elements separetly?

I have .svg a file with some elements in it. Is there any way to draw them step by step on the canvas? I'm using com.caverock:androidsvg library, but it seems like there is no way to extract ...
Vlad Dogadaev's user avatar
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Draw absolute arcTo path with canvas android

I have a path data: M50,0A50,50,0,0 1 100,50 L100,85 A15,15,0,0 1 85,100 L50,100 A50,50,0,0 1 50,0z I would to reproduce this path with canvas, so I've made this: Path p = new Path(); ...
Michele Lacorte's user avatar
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JSVGCanvas.setCursor does not change cursor over SVGDocument

Why: setCursor(cursor) over a JSVGCanvas; the cursor changes correctly unless there is a SVG document displayed in the JSVGCanvas, in that case the default cursor comes back ? icon =
Charles Mosndup's user avatar
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<eval>:32 ReferenceError: "document" is not defined javax.script.ScriptException

I need to generate a symbol (in canvas or SVG format) using Spatial illusions javascript library and use that symbol in my java (Proprietary Framework) project. the java script code is available here. ...
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Batik does not preview svg files locating inside a folder

I use apache batik to display some svg files on my program. Below is an example code which just shows an svg file in a frame. public class SVGViewer { public SVGViewer() { JFrame frame = ...
Giannis Tzagarakis's user avatar
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canvas.toDataUrl returns "data:;" when canvas.width/height is too large

I need to do a svg export png image function. First I generate svg to base64, with the base64 header type too svg+xml, then var image=new Image(); image.src=base64Code; image.onload = function() { ...
流年灬异彩's user avatar
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How to clear Path in JavaFX GraphicsContext?

I am drawing a complex path to render a 3D image from scratch. It is the task and use of 3D engines is not allowed. I am using: GraphicsContext gc = getGraphicsContext2D(); gc.clearRect(x, y, w, h);...
Bato-Bair Tsyrenov's user avatar
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Display image Batik JSVGCanvas

I am trying to display an SVG file in a JSVGCanvas using Batik. IN this SVG file there are an image. The thing is that the image is not shown. Instead of that I get an error image. This is my code: ...
IrApp's user avatar
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Dynamically manage sub image dnd in a canvas

I work with java,svg canvas, svg files and with eclipse. My canvas manage the dnd of files. The dnd of a basic svg file in the current document is ok. We need to copy the contents of the dropped ...
Beginner's user avatar
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Strange appearance of JSVGCanvas

I use some svg files to create three buttons, but sometimes I get the following result instead of the correct one which is this This is happening randomly to some JSVGCanvas I have on my program. (...
Giannis Tzagarakis's user avatar
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Drag and Drop svg file in a canvas

I have created an editor, in which I display a canvas. I would like to allow DnD for svg files. The fact is that I allow to drop files with this part of code : int operations = DND.DROP_COPY | DND....
Beginner's user avatar
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Convert Image to SVG

I use Apache Batik to preview svg documents in a jframe. What I want to do is the user to give some Images (e.g. png or jpeg) and then my program to turn them into svg documents. Is this SVGCreator ...
Giannis Tzagarakis's user avatar

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