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Questions tagged [ios17]

Use for questions specific to Apple's iOS 17 mobile operating system for iPhone and iPad, released in 2023. General iOS questions should use the [ios] tag.

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Piechart angle selection on tapping a sector instead of touch and hold gesture using SwiftUI Chart framework

I have created piechart using swiftUI Chart framework. Also made the chart interactive by using chartAngleSelection modifier. But, this will work only when we touch and hold the sector of Pie chart. ...
RP89's user avatar
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-5 votes
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Iphone home screen - Lock second menu on long press [closed]

I’ve set up a shortcut on the home screen for my 90-year-old mother on her Iphone 11 (ios 17) so that she can call me directly. Problem: if she presses for too long, a second menu appears and if I ...
Esther Küng's user avatar
-5 votes
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'onChange(of:perform:) was deprecated in iOS 17.0: Use onChange with a two or zero parameter action closure instead? [closed]

struct SudokuCellView: View { @Binding var value: Int? var onCommit: (Int?) -> Void var body: some View { TextField("", value: $value, formatter: NumberFormatter()) ...
user19193418's user avatar
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File size on iOS: does the usual technique `... .fileSize` give the bytes of the content, or, the "rounded" size in re drive formatting?

In iOS to grab the size of a file, file.resourceValues(forKeys: [.fileSizeKey]).fileSize (Example, size of a whole directory ) In short how does the chunk size of affect this result? Is the result ...
Fattie's user avatar
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WKWebView OAuth popup misses window.opener in iOS 17.5+

In my project, I'm using the WKWebView to display the Google OAuth popup. After it appears, the JS window.opener is null, and because of that, the original window cannot receive an auth token in a ...
Vlady's user avatar
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Is it possible to actually eliminate the small padding-border areas on Dynamic Island? Essentially change the BG color of Dynamic Island?

The actual black curved border (at "A") is great. But if you try to use color fill up to that border, there is padding at the edges and indeed between the four areas - pointers "B" ...
Fattie's user avatar
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1 answer

How to get and display country name as 2 letters rather than full country name

I am trying to implement the Country Codes in my app for Phone Auth Login. This is a SwiftUI app using iOS 17 and below is the code i am using to implement this but it is printing out the full ...
LizG's user avatar
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unarchiveObject(with:) deprecated, is there a replacement when you are unwinding NOT a class but a vanilla [String: Any?]

req = ["a":nil, "b":3, "c":["d":3.3, "e":"e", "f":[]], "g":[]] Traditionally ("if js can do it we can do it too!&...
Fattie's user avatar
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Observable Toggle Communication Failure

I have an app that will play a confirmation tone if a toggle switch is set. Because the tone may be played for different actions throughout the app, I store the toggle status in the SoundManager class....
Galen Smith's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to fix map annotation selection issues in iOS 17?

I'm working on MapKit for SwiftUI using iOS 17, where I have a custom annotation. When an annotation is selected, a DetailsView should be shown, but it does not work as expected. Selecting an ...
Roland Lariotte's user avatar
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Core Bluetooth cancelPeripheralConnection not disconnecting peripheral in iOS 17

In iOS 17, I'm encountering an issue where cancelPeripheralConnection from Core Bluetooth does not disconnect the peripheral device, and no error is returned. This is specifically occurring on iOS 17, ...
Meet Patel's user avatar
-1 votes
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XCode15.3 throwing an error when trying to install iOS 17.4 simulator

`When trying to download the IOS 17.4 xcode simulator i keep getting error. Xcode randomly updated to 15.3 and all my downloaded simulators are gone. before this issue, i have installed 17.2 ...
charan juluru's user avatar
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2 answers

in iOS17 UIKit is there a way to change/affect the border color of an iOS17 UITextField (other than the mangle shown here)?

This is about iOS 17 only. The only way I could hack around and achieve something like this was find the actual, real, border, get its real values sadly just add a fake on top of that layer once ...
Fattie's user avatar
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Xcode 15+ iOS 17+ error: Failed to install the app on the device

Not able to debug Apps from XCode 15+ on iOS 17+ devices. Tried disconnecting the VPN Tried updating path name from /Developer to /Developers Still nothing working on debugging iOS Device not ...
AshRai's user avatar
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Wrong SceneKit hit testing results in iOS 17.2 compared with iOS 16.1 when using either OpenGLES2 or Metal

We’re experiencing an issue with wrong SceneKit hit testing results in iOS 17.2 compared with iOS 16.1 when using the two mentioned engines. Not sure is anyone has experienced the same issue and is ...
truongtho1603's user avatar

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