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Questions tagged [hal]

Hardware abstraction layer. Use tag [cmsis] for STM and other Cortex-M hardware. Also tag [hal-json] for hypertext application language.

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How to turn off LED in stm32 onn board f103c6t6?

I have started studying stm32. I'm trying to blink LED PC13 on board stm32f103c6t6. I could turn on led, but when i tried to turn it off, it didn't work. The fragment of code is below. /* USER CODE ...
Арсений Наделяев's user avatar
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How to create vendor hal in Android

I have my custom AIDL HAL and my custom client which connects to this HAL in this way: binder = ServiceManager.getService("my.custom.hal.ICustomThing/default"); This worked well when this ...
LLL's user avatar
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Interupting CAN communication with STM32

I am working on CAN communication with STM32F429I-Disc1 with TJA1050 transceiver. Standard communication works more than fine. What I would like to do next is to interrupt communication while CAN ...
Bartosz Pieniazek's user avatar
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USB in STM32 microcontroller - HAL_PCD_EP_Receive does not write the data into buffer

I'm developing an STM32-based USB device. It has to receive some data via bulk endpoint 2. So I'm calling HAL_PCD_EP_Receive function, giving it pointer to a buffer (audio_data), then sending the data ...
larts's user avatar
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Can I mix HAL USART2 initialization with Baremetal USART6 manipulation?

I am writing a code to read ADC data from an AC voltage sensor. I used HAL to initialize ADC 1 and USART2 for checking the values in Putty. However, I would like to use direct register manipulation to ...
Minatozaki Sana's user avatar
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Flash memory code migration from STM32F4 to STM32L4+ series

I have a function that was implemented for STM32F4 discovery board and needs to be migrated to STM32L4R9I. static void hal_flash_bank_stm32_write(void * context, int bank, uint32_t offset, const ...
atta's user avatar
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Get pin number in rust arduino_hal

I'm trying to port the firmata firmware in rust, more as an exercise to learn arduino coding than anything else. However, I required to know the pin number, indeed part of the protocol requires doing ...
will.mendil's user avatar
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Need to decouple library and build a cohesive application

I have my application which has a hal function to invalidate cache memory. This application uses a library which needs the invalidate function. A straight solution is to couple the application and ...
basangouda46's user avatar
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STM32 HAL UART Interrupt unable to receive data

I am trying to use the uart interrupt function on STM32F030xx series MCU. The initialization for uart is done using STM32cubeide, global interrupt enabled. Have already tested using HAL_UART_Transmit ...
Raymond Low's user avatar
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STM32 Uart HalfDuplex keeps looping on USART2_IRQHandler never breaks

I cant seem to figure out why but when the Interrupt is enabled it just keeps calling USART2_IRQHandler I've checked the ISR register and nothing is changing it all stays the same. I've tried ...
Rocky's user avatar
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Why is HAL_UART_Transmit_DMA not transmitting my adc_buf array properly?

Using: STM32CubeMX Version: 6.10.0 STM32CubeIDE Version: 1.13.1 Nucleo-F767ZI I am working on a DIY oscilloscope project where I want to try and push the speed and accuracy of the STM32F7 series' ...
Mark's user avatar
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Using CMSIS with baremetal ARM cortex-M0 on Texas Instruments

I'm trying to integrate CMSIS-Core into a project that uses the MSPMOL-1306-Q1 MCU from Texas Instruments. Most examples seem to be for STM32 Cube MCUs. For instance, this and this. I am facing an ...
Skegg's user avatar
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STM32F407VG with LAN8742A through RMII protocol doesn't run

I am looking for help with my own PCB design first running process. I have PCB with STM32F407VG and LAN8742A PHY. After powering on, the orange LED is on constantly, and nothing else. I tried it with ...
gryzon's user avatar
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Calculate CRC for modbus RTU using STM32 HAL [closed]

I have the implementation for calculating CRC16 with function and I want to do it using HAL_CRC_Calculate but cant get the same results. My function is: uint16_t CalcCRC(const uint8_t* const buffer, ...
jacob_s's user avatar
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STM32H7 SDMMC1 stuck at Initializing phase

I'm trying to make HAL's SDMMC1 work and didnt get any response in registers ( looking at it in KEIL's debug mode, registers just dont even toggle any bits) , also cant see any tries of Initialize MMC ...
KlimDuda's user avatar

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